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CodingCatDev logo


CodingCatDev is a community of developers creating resources for all to use!

Location Grand Rapids, MIJoined Joined on Twitter logoGitHub logoExternal link icon

Meet the team

brittneypostma profile image
codercatdev profile image

Our story

Learn by Doing
If you have a hard time learning from a book, we get it! That is why we provide a GitHub repo for every lesson, so that you can have a starting point to build from.

Join the Conversation
Have content that you think others should be learning? Have an issue? Great lets talk about it together, build some content and make a video.

Learn On Your Time
Tired of having limits on class time, books too expensive? We totally get it! Everyone should have access to make the Web a better place.

Our stack

Mainly Front End.

Post 307 posts published
Member 2 members
DEV Community

We're a blogging-forward open source social network where we learn from one another

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