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NoSQL Data Platfom

Aerospike is a next-generation real-time NoSQL data solution. Unlike legacy NoSQL databases, Aerospike’s unique patented Hybrid Memory Architecture unlocks the potential of modern hardware, delivering value from vast amounts of data.

Location Mountain View, CAJoined Joined on Twitter logoGitHub logoExternal link icon


Meet the team

pisush profile image
kentune profile image
rbotzer profile image
helipilot50 profile image
rekusa profile image
aerospikedb profile image
pbanavara profile image
reugn profile image
nphadnis profile image
micahcarrick profile image
volmarl profile image
jdogmcsteezy profile image
aloren profile image
arrowplum profile image
roimenashe profile image
mtendjou profile image
zghurskyi profile image
markprincely profile image
naresh_maharaj_c4b8fbd4aa profile image
robertglonek profile image
artanderson profile image
claytonknittel profile image
ishaanb profile image
thecloudslayer profile image
ainfanzon profile image
dwelchspike profile image
randersenyb profile image
tim-aero profile image
gupta4453 profile image
andyg_ profile image
alexpatino profile image

Our story

When we founded the company in 2009, Aerospike was designed to address problems on the edge, and in many cases to handle the most extreme requirements for speed, scale and stability. Looking back, this was a risky bet on our part well before “edge” computing was the hot buzzword that it is today.

At the time, many of these applications were innovative, cutting edge, and practically impossible without the unique hardware-optimization of the Aerospike NoSQL data platform. These types of edge applications have become mainstream components of any data-driven business on the internet.

Post 72 posts published
Member 31 members

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