
Election 2020: America Votes
The Biden transition team gets to work, but Trump still refuses to concede.

The Most Important Election. Ever.
Why the fate of the American republic—and the world—could depend on what happens Nov. 3.

Election 2020: What We’re Missing
Daily takes by leading global thinkers on the most important foreign-policy issues not being talked about during the campaign.

Postcards From the Wedge
Niche foreign-policy issues could become make-or-break affairs for battleground races, from Cuba for Florida Latinos to the treatment of Somali refugees in Minnesota.

What Joe Biden Wants
Columnist James Traub offers an inside preview of the foreign-policy vision, and instincts, of the 46th president of the United States.

The Real Hacking Threat
It doesn’t matter if Russia actually sways the vote. What matters is whether Americans think it did.

The World’s Election
Trump versus Biden is not just about the United States. The whole world is watching the Nov. 3 election to see how U.S. foreign policy may change in the coming months.

Trump’s Foreign-Policy Adventures Haven’t All Flopped
For all the chaos, the Trump administration has notched some notable victories abroad. The question is whether they outweigh everything else Trump brought to Washington—and the world.

It’s Debatable
Intervention or restraint?

The United States Isn’t Doomed to Lose the Information Wars
China and Russia are ramping up their disinformation campaigns in the lead-up to the November vote. It’s time for Washington to fight back.
latest election stories

Why Everyone’s Suddenly Talking About Iranian Election Hacking
America’s Middle Eastern adversary is occupying an arena typically dominated by Russia and China.

The Jan. 6 Insurrectionists Aren’t Who You Think They Are
The people who stormed the U.S. Capitol weren’t poor, unemployed red-staters. Many were middle-class professionals motivated by the “great replacement” conspiracy theory.

The Military Revolt Against Joe Biden
An open letter by former officers calling the president a “Marxist” dictator is a greater threat to U.S. democracy than the ouster of Liz Cheney.

The Death of the Carbon Coalition
Existing models of U.S. politics are wrong. Here’s how the system really works.

Our Top Weekend Reads
A broken U.S. public sphere, QAnon’s resilience amid disappointment, and how to eavesdrop on policymaking conversations.

No Amount of Swagger Can Dress Up Pompeo’s Legacy
The outgoing secretary of state prioritized his political ambitions over America’s interests.

Bolsonaro Is Following Trump’s Anti-Democracy Playbook
Brazil’s “Tropical Trump” is laying the groundwork to discredit his country’s electoral process.

The Enduring Damage of This Insurrection to U.S. Diplomacy
Adversaries are already leveraging Wednesday’s indelible images of chaos for propaganda purposes.

Invoke the 25th Amendment—Now
Trump’s actions on Wednesday have led to an unavoidable national reckoning.

America, Welcome to the Ranks of Struggling Democracies
What needs to happen next if U.S. democracy is to survive.

Why Ghana Does Disputed Elections Better Than the United States
Lessons from democracy-building efforts abroad for use at home.

The Military Stayed Out of the Insurrection, but It Isn’t Over Yet
Trump failed because key Republicans backed down and the military stayed out—yet critical questions remain.

What Georgia’s Senate Results Mean for Biden’s Foreign Policy
As Congress hangs in the balance, Obama’s national security advisor explains how a president can deal with a less than cooperative legislature.

The Coming Republican Reckoning With Trump’s Legacy
Rebuilding Republican credibility in national security will require an honest look at Trumpism—and a return to our party’s foreign-policy principles.

Europe May Cheer Biden’s Win—But It Threatens Macron’s Grand Project
France is going to have a harder time selling “strategic autonomy” without the foil of the Trump administration to drive it.

In Break From Trump, Biden Opts for Experience, Expertise for Top National Security Jobs
The U.S. president-elect laid out most of his national security team even as more Republicans abandoned Trump and his legal battles over the election results.

Biden’s Irish Roots Promise a New Kind of Special Relationship
But it won’t be a “great bonanza.”

Trump Ousts Cybersecurity Chief Over Election Claims
The outgoing president continues to spread falsehoods about fraud, even as the recently fired Chris Krebs calls the elections ‘the most secure’ in history.

Trump’s Defeat Was World Historic
Populist authoritarians don’t usually leave through the ballot box. The Democrats’ success offers lessons for others.

The National Security Risks of Trump’s Temper Tantrum
Refusing to concede and start the transition creates mostly hindrances, not disasters. But on key issues, obstructing Biden puts America in danger.

Democrats Urge Outgoing Trump to Be Flexible on Sanctions
Lawmakers are redoubling efforts to ensure all countries can get essential medical equipment during the pandemic despite ramped-up U.S. sanctions.

For the West, There Is No Road Back to a Time Before Trump
Europeans are relieved by Biden’s victory but will be very disappointed if they don’t heed the lessons of the past four years.

Our Top Weekend Reads
America’s democracy demotion, U.N. peacemaking in the age of plague, and Biden’s Putin challenge.

Watch Out Wall Street: Biden May Be Coming for You
His new financial advisors include some of the toughest proponents of banking regulation from the 2008 financial crisis.

America Is Drifting Toward an Iraqi Future
Once a country loses its sense of national identity, a national unraveling is often not far behind.

America’s Democracy Demotion
Pro-democracy groups and foreign governments should be calling out Donald Trump’s attack on the country’s core democratic institutions. They aren’t.

Why China Isn’t Congratulating Biden
A dive into Chinese-language media offers some clues.

And the Top Contenders for Biden’s Cabinet Are…
Biden’s final picks could ultimately hinge on two runoff Senate races in Georgia, which will determine who controls the upper chamber.

Here’s How a Transition Is Supposed to Work
And why this year’s dumpster fire is so dangerous.

Here Are the Experts Leading Biden’s Transition at Federal Agencies
Normally, they’d already be landing inside government agencies, preparing for a smooth transfer of power—but can’t yet as Trump levels unfounded claims about election fraud.

Putin Expects a Long Confrontation With America Under Biden
As Putin refuses to congratulate Biden, all eyes in the Kremlin are on the president-elect’s new team.

How Brazil and Mexico Will Come to Terms With the Biden Presidency
The costs of being orphaned in the Americas is too great to snub him forever.

The World Calls Biden, While Trump and Company Double Down
Major world leaders are reaching out to the U.S. president-elect as Pompeo claims there will be a “smooth transition to a second Trump administration.”

How Trump’s Defeat Could Mean More Policy Favors for Israel
Netanyahu has a wish list for the lame-duck president while Trump has a score to settle with Biden.

How to Refute Vote Fraud Claims Like Trump’s
International election monitors have proven ways to verify a disputed vote. Could they work in the United States?

Trump’s Still Got Some Believers—Strongmen, Populists, and Authoritarians Refuse to Recognize Biden’s Win
Some leaders are breaking ranks with the majority of world leaders in the hopes that Trump will somehow cling to power.

For South Korea’s President, Biden’s Win Is Both Good News and Bad News
A new administration points to a resolution of some thorny bilateral disputes—but could threaten Moon Jae-in’s cherished rapprochement with the North.

Biden’s Election Will Bring Continuity for India’s Military
U.S. defense cooperation with India is one thing Democratic and Republican administrations agree on.

The Trump of the Tropics After Trump
Bolsonaro needs Trumpism to rally his base, but he might need Biden’s America even more.

Trump Fires His Embattled Pentagon Chief by Tweet
The abrupt news after Trump’s electoral defeat follows months of tensions between the U.S. president and his secretary of defense.

Representation, Now Taxation
Biden will inherit a tax system rigged to deepen inequality. He’ll need corporate America’s help to fix it.

Biden’s Victory Is No Balm for American Exceptionalism
Trump was a much weaker potential autocrat than others have faced.

America’s Economy Is Fragile. So Is Biden’s Economic Team.
In today’s Democratic Party, inheriting Obama’s economic legacy may be a burden, not a benefit.

Iran Is Laughing at Trump and Placing Hope in Biden
The country is treating the outcome of the U.S. election as an opportunity—and a potential threat.

UAE, Bahrain Brace for a Chillier Biden Approach
Biden will shift focus in the Middle East, but Israeli-Arab normalization will continue.

Canadians, Whether Left or Right, Are Glad to See Trump Go
Trump’s brand of populist conservatism had little appeal north of the border, but leaves a legacy of U.S.-style race politics.

Biden and Harris’s Reset for Africa
Democrats on the continent are eager to have a U.S. ally again, but the new administration will have to deliver at home as well.

Trump Was a Warning
It’s time the United States and Europe start taking their democracies more seriously.

Slovenia PM Frantically Tries to Justify Congratulatory Trump Call
Right-wing leader Janez Jansa called the election early—for the wrong side.

Relief Across Latin America at Trump’s Loss
The damage done to the U.S. reputation may take years to repair.

World Leaders Congratulate Biden on Election Despite Trump Refusal to Concede
European allies who regularly clashed with Trump were among the first to applaud the U.S. president-elect on his victory. Now even the president's closest friends abroad are joining in.

How President-Elect Biden Could—Believe It or Not—Help Heal America
For all his flaws, there has never been a better deal-maker on Capitol Hill, colleagues say.

The Election Is Over. The Ideological Fight Is About to Start.
A preview of the foreign-policy battle that’s looming over Joe Biden’s presidency.

Scottish Nationalists Hope Biden Win Means a Washington Friendlier to Independence
The U.S. stance toward any future Scottish independence referendum could be crucial.

Biden Wins: Pennsylvania Called After Four Days of Suspense
President Trump’s legal team is challenging the results in several states.

Our Top Weekend Reads
Election chaos could be a boon for U.S. adversaries, what Europe’s anti-lockdown protesters really want, and musings on the state of the nation.

Executive Power After Trump
A split government could present the Biden administration with some hard choices about the scope of its own authority.

Why Trump’s Elections Challenges Are Nothing Like Bush v. Gore
Bush assembled a high-powered legal team. Trump is relying mostly on cronies.

With Lead in Pennsylvania and Georgia, Biden Edges Closer to Victory
The Democratic nominee could win as many electoral votes as Trump did four years ago.

Biden May Win, but the Left Is Still Fighting for Influence
Continued Republican control of the Senate threatens to forestall both progressive cabinet picks and progressive policies.

Don’t Expect a Biden Win to Boost U.S. Favorability
Obama won hearts all over the world, but people have been burned twice now.

Why Trump Will Blame Beijing for a Biden Victory
Right-wing Chinese American groups have already conjured up conspiracies.

After This U.S. Election, the Case for Online Voting Is Stronger Than Ever
Going digital would ensure faster results, easing concerns about legitimacy and providing a productive role for big tech.

As QAnon Copes With Trump’s Likely Loss, They Wonder Where Q Is
The pseudonymous leader of the conspiracy theory hasn’t posted for days.

Saudi Arabia’s Worst Nightmare
No one is more anxious about a potential Biden presidency than Mohammed bin Salman.

America Under Biden Won’t Go Soft on China
Beijing may appreciate a less erratic U.S. administration. But it shouldn’t expect Biden to be more pliable.

What Are Biden’s Climate Options if the Senate Stays Republican?
A split government would make it harder, but there are many things a president can do.

Trump’s Anti-Communist Foreign Policy Won Florida Hispanics
Outreach programs and a hard-line attitude persuaded communities with long Republican ties.

China and Europe Won’t Get Any Relief on Trade From Biden
Washington will not return as the champion of the global trading system. But it may stop being its biggest foe.

Biden and Harris Could Be Bad News for India’s Modi
With Kamala Harris in the West Wing, Modi’s opponents in India may suddenly gain leverage.

Trump Promised to End America’s Wars. Biden Might Actually Do It.
The former vice president contributed to a legacy of failed wars in the Middle East. Can he fix it?

Trump’s ‘Most Dishonest’ Speech Lays Out Assault on the U.S. Election
The president railed against “illegal votes” and “suppression polls” he thinks helped steal the election from him.

As Count Continues, Trump Makes Baseless Claims of Voter Fraud While Biden Appeals for Calm
Trump claimed victory yet again and said he was being cheated—with no evidence. Biden, with a likelier path to victory, says, “Every vote must be counted.”

Is an Undecided U.S. Presidential Election a National Security Threat?
As U.S. states count votes, are foreign states seeking to undermine American interests from East Asia to East Africa?

Free Trade Is Over
Under a potential Biden administration, protectionism may be more targeted and subtle—but it isn’t going anywhere.

This Time, the Meddling Is Coming From Inside the House
The U.S. presidential election came off with little evidence of outside interference—but plenty of internal confusion.

Trump Legal Challenges More Bluster Than Substance
Experts say there’s little chance they could actually affect the results—but they could affect the nation.

Trump’s Language of Hate Has Deep Roots in American Religious Bigotry
Catholics were the first scapegoats of the new republic, but others followed.

What Economic Stimulus Could Look Like Under a Divided Government
Biden or Trump, Massive Immediate Spending Is Probably Off the Table

America’s Unique Kind of Disenfranchisement
America, unlike most democracies, maintains barriers to ex-felons voting, which affects millions.

For Afghans, the U.S. Election Feels Very Familiar
Claims of fraud, premature declarations of victory, and battles over Sharpies are par for the course—in Kabul.

What Trump’s Near-Victory Means for Republican Foreign Policy
This was no repudiation of Trumpism, making it harder for the party to heal and return to its strengths.

Some in Japan Are Already Missing Trump
Conservative commentators dislike Biden, but they’re a minority.

Xi Doesn’t Need to Invade Taiwan Right Now
An uncertain U.S. presidency creates the risk of opportunism, but the dangers are too high for Beijing.

Why a Biden Win Is Bad News for Boris Johnson
By casting his lot with Trump, the U.K. prime minister now looks like yesterday’s man. He is in for a rude awakening.

What South Africa Can Teach the United States About Repairing a Divided Society
Mature democracies don’t treat political opponents as wartime enemies.

Mohammed bin Salman Should Be Very Worried About Biden
Saudi Arabia went all-in for Trump—and might be about to reap the consequences.

Europe’s Far-Right Is Still Hoping for a Trump Miracle
The continent’s populists have run out of momentum—and are looking for an unlikely boost from across the Atlantic.

America Has Elected Either Death or More Death
The options are either an ineffective pandemic response—or an utterly catastrophic one.

Asia’s Realists Shouldn’t Fear a Biden Presidency
They may admire Trump’s pugilism toward China, but the former vice president may have more to offer.

Seoul Breathes a Sigh of Relief as Trump Loss in Sight
Trump put unprecedented strain on the U.S.-South Korean alliance.

As Biden Inches Ahead, Trump Lays the Groundwork for a Challenge
Lawsuits by the Republican Party are criticized as specious.

Yes, Biden Won—but It’s Still Trump’s America
Many thought 2016 was a fluke. That’s impossible to argue now.

Biden Edges Toward Narrow Victory in a Deeply Polarized America
If he wins the White House, the Democrat will need all his skills to reach across the aisle and avoid political paralysis.

Why the Pandemic Didn’t Hurt Trump
Americans have no point of comparison for the coronavirus.

In Likely Lost Election, QAnon Sees Even More Conspiracies
Trump’s most dedicated supporters are going into a spiral online.

India Would Have Counted the Votes Already
The world’s largest democracy might have some lessons to offer the oldest democracy on how to conduct an election.

Contested Elections Put the United States in Dubious Company
In younger democracies, disputes about the results may be more common, but in mature democracies like the United States, the loser should have reason to step aside.

Note to U.S. Allies: America Will Remain Divided and Frustrating
Biden’s ambitious domestic and international agenda will be stymied by a Senate the Democrats failed to win.

Both Parties Are Heading Toward a Reckoning
The 2020s will be a decade of political evolution and realignment, no matter who wins this election.

How the World Is Covering Trump’s Premature Victory Lap
The election has been called an “attack on the nerves”—and Trump’s statements have been dubbed an “attempted coup.”

Don’t Blame the Polls
Try as they might, pollsters can never account for one thing: human psychology.

Scotland’s Pro-Independence Leaders Fret for U.S. Democracy
For the Scottish National Party, Trump is an easy target—and a way to bash Brexiteers at home.

Allies Look to ‘Strategic Autonomy’ as Support for Trump Proves Resilient
The world, like the United States, is in limbo. But one thing is clear: 2016 was not an aberration.

Middle East Rivals Take Jabs at the State of U.S. Democracy
Regional media is covering the U.S. elections much like we covered theirs.

China Media Told to Stay Low-Key on U.S. Election
Papers don’t want to give the impression Beijing is taking a side.

As Nation Holds Breath, the War on Drugs Is Quietly Abandoned
Decriminalization measures have won across the United States.

The Last Throes of Trump’s Wounded Alpha-Male Ego
What Angela Merkel’s approach to a blustering incumbent can teach us about America’s political crisis today.

Democrats Projected to Win House, But Lose Some Key Foreign-Policy Races
There wasn’t any blue wave for House Democrats looking to pad their majority.

Welcome to the Worst Election Outcome for the Global Economy
Divided government could mean four years of financial instability and stagnation.

Putin Never Would Have Given Trump’s Election Night Speech
The president is drawing from an authoritarian playbook—but it’s important to consider which kind.

Biden and Trump Fight Out Surprisingly Close Election
Despite polls suggesting he would beat the president, the Democratic candidate finds himself in a tight contest.

Florida Called for Trump
The state was a must-win for the president, and he prevailed thanks in part to broad support from Cuban Americans and other Latino voters.

Republican Lindsey Graham Keeps His Seat, but Control of the Senate Remains Uncertain
The South Carolina senator is a key defender on the right of U.S. foreign aid.

Japan Worries About Four More Years of Trump—and About a Biden Presidency
Neither U.S. presidential option is great for Tokyo.

Latin America Silently Hopes for Biden Win
Burned by 2016, leaders are cautious about vocally favoring Democrats.

No Sign of Large-Scale Voter Disruption in U.S. Election
Officials and observers say widely anticipated interference has not materialized.

Historic U.S. Turnout Still Lags Behind Major Democracies
Record voter turnout is expected in the United States. How does it stack up?

10 Problematic Ways in Which U.S. Voting Differs From the World’s
Few Americans have any idea how exotic their election process is.

The Chinese Public Is Convinced Trump Will Win
The U.S. president is seen as a failure—but that helps China.

China Probably Doesn’t Care Who Wins
Beijing often places more importance on structural trends than presidential personalities.

QAnon Followers Trust ‘the Plan,’ Not the Polls
Many adherents of the conspiracy theory believe Trump’s victory is preordained.

These Foreign-Policy Moments Defined 2020
U.S. foreign policy has been thrown for a loop over the course of the 2020 presidential campaign. Our reporters recount some of the highlights—or lowlights.

Middle Eastern Leaders Are Getting While the Getting’s Good
Sensing Trump is on the way out, Israel, the UAE, and Turkey are trying to squeeze as much out of the United States as they can now.

Latin America Has Given Up on U.S. Democracy
Regional coverage has focused on the prospect of all-too-familiar chaos.

The Known Knowns of Election Day 2020
What to expect from the next four years, regardless of who wins the vote.

Which Candidate Is a Bigger Risk to the Economy?
In the short term, progress on vaccines may matter more than any particular president. In the long term, though, it’s the government’s relationship with the economy that will be key.

Biden Hasn’t Won Europe
Europeans don’t like Trump—but they’re also not sure what they think about the United States at all.

Foreign Actors Haven’t Interfered Like Last Time. But the Disinformation Fight Is Just Beginning.
The main goal of foreign adversaries is to sow distrust in U.S. democracy itself—and they have an ally in the White House.

The Pandemic Really Is Fake News: It’s Deadlier Than Anyone Realized
Good riddance to a superspreading coronavirus election campaign.

What Israeli Politicians Really Think About the U.S. Election
Settler leaders are openly praying for Trump, but Netanyahu is more cagey.

The Markets Want Much More Than Just a Biden Win
The global economy is in bad shape—and Big Capital knows that only a blue wave can start fixing it.

America’s Inequality Election
In 2016, Trump triumphed in places where inequality is lower but economies are more stagnant. But now inequality is rising everywhere.

Why the Kremlin May Be Rooting for Biden
Most Russians are afraid a President Biden would bring a chill in relations, but insiders hold a more nuanced view.

The U.N. Guide to Avoiding America’s Election Mayhem
For the first time, the United Nations is warning staffers of how to deal with disturbances after a U.S. election.

Palestinians Are Hoping for Anyone but Trump
They don’t have great hopes for Biden—but they’re desperate for a change in Washington.

South Korea Has Got a Lot at Stake in Tuesday’s Vote
From talks with Kim Jong Un to the fate of the U.S. troop deployment there, Tuesday’s election could be critical to a key U.S. ally in Asia.

What Would Happen if the Whole World Were Voting Today?
Donald Trump Jr. thinks Trumpism is far more popular globally than it actually is.

Locked Down at Home, Much of France Is Quietly Rooting for Biden
Trump’s insults and ideological closeness to Marine Le Pen have left a bitter taste.

Has Trump Been Good for Israel?
Trump has showered Netanyahu with foreign-policy favors, but a Biden win could be a harsh wake-up call for Israelis.

Don’t Call the Race Too Early
An early declaration of the election result from a partisan network—on the left or right—could trigger violence in the United States.

If Trump Wins, America Could Look a Lot Like Bulgaria
Corruption, oligarchs, and media concentration have weakened Bulgarian democracy.

Get Ready for a November Foreign-Policy Surprise
History suggests that post-election crisis is coming for Americans—both at home and abroad.

How to Track the U.S. Elections Like a Foreign-Policy Pro
Our reporters guide you on what to watch—and what to watch out for.

The View of the Vote From Asia
Whoever wins, the United States’ democratic model is already shattered.

Why the Middle East’s Strongmen Are Rooting for Trump
On substance and style, authoritarians see an ally in the White House—and hope to keep him there.

If Biden Wins, Lebanon Is Afraid of Losing
The country’s entrenched elite could help a new U.S. administration achieve its regional goals—while sacrificing its citizens.

If Trump Wins, Washington’s Brain Trust Is Eyeing the Exit Door
At the State Department, Pentagon, and other agencies, some senior officials can’t take four more years.

If Trump Wins, Washington’s Brain Trust Is Eyeing the Exit Door
At the State Department, Pentagon, and other agencies, some senior officials can’t take four more years.

Some Brazilian Americans Favor Trump as Their Bolsonaro
The community leans toward the Democratic Party, but the ‘American Bolsonaro’ could make inroads.

In Latin America, Democracy Itself Is at Stake
Trump had success focusing on the region’s authoritarians, but the next administration will need to get back to basics.

Forget FiveThirtyEight—Here’s What Israeli Oracles Are Saying About Trump vs. Biden
Israelis are watching the U.S. presidential race almost as closely as Americans.

Fear Gives Way to Pity As Canadians Await U.S. Election Results
There is now a widespread belief that their big neighbor is headed for a sociopolitical meltdown no matter who wins.

The Middle East, Like Everyone Else, Has a Lot Riding on the U.S. Election
Whether Biden wins or Trump pulls off an upset could have big implications for Iran, Israel, and the rest of the Middle East.

Whatever Happens on Tuesday, Afghans Just Want an End to Their Own National Nightmare
Both Biden and Trump have pledged to pull U.S. troops out of Afghanistan. But the Taliban have a vote, too.

Watching the United States From Israel, I Remember How Words Became Bullets
The cloud of fear and foreboding that was hanging over Israel in 1995 is similar to the anxious political climate of America today.

Misinformation Season Is Over
The American public is already confused. China, Iran, and Russia may now get more creative with their election meddling.

Will the Next Administration Take a New Track on Venezuela Policy?
Either Trump or Biden would face a stalled diplomatic situation when it comes to Venezuela.

An Election Everyone Is Too Scared to Call
Only three elected incumbent presidents in the last century have lost reelection. Polls suggest Trump will be the fourth, but the memories of 2016 have made pollsters leery.

What International Election Observers Will Be Looking For on Tuesday
At least three groups will be closely monitoring the voting process for even more signs of trouble.

An Election Everyone Is Too Scared to Call
Only three elected incumbent presidents in the last century have lost reelection. Polls suggest Trump will be the fourth, but the memories of 2016 have made pollsters leery.

If Biden Wins, Progressives Are Getting Their Wish List Ready
Internecine tensions within the Democratic Party have been tamped down to defeat Trump—but that truce could be over Wednesday.

How to Fix Argentina’s Recurrent Debt Crises
Why President Fernandez is hoping for Joe Biden to win the U.S. election.

What Will the U.S. Election Mean for Brazil’s Diplomacy?
China’s growing influence in Latin America and climate change will both continue to shape the future of the bilateral relationship.

On Election Eve, Economists Struggle to Figure Out a World That’s Unraveled
Both Trump and Biden are winging it when it comes to economic theory—but so are economists, who have yet to get their theoretical house in order.

America’s Dysfunctional Russia Policy Is Unlikely to Improve Under Biden
A continued stalemate in Washington makes this a moment of great danger for Europe.

An International Election Observer’s Advice for America: Trust the Process
Used to monitoring elections in fragile states overseas, the Carter Center is turning its attention for the first time to U.S. elections.

In Fight for Florida’s Young Latinos, Social Media Becomes the Battleground
Young Cuban Americans have turned the internet into a political battlefield in this must-win swing state, but the Cuban American vote is even more pro-Trump now than in 2016.

Threats and Border Walls Are Destroying the United States’ Biggest Strategic Advantage
Restoring a common purpose with Canada and Mexico is the lowest-hanging fruit in U.S. foreign policy.

Election Violence in the United States Is a Clear and Present Danger
Americans expect election-related instability in faraway countries. Here’s how it could happen at home.

How Does it Feel for 2020 to Be Your Generation’s Defining Year?
Young Americans will be voting in huge numbers. They are also the most globally minded generation since the 1970s.

Afghans See No Good Choices in the U.S. Election
Regardless of who wins next week, Afghans feel neither Trump nor Biden will do anything for Afghanistan—they just hope the next president completes the U.S. withdrawal.

The U.S. Middle East Strategy’s Missing Piece is Iraq
The backlash against “forever wars” is no reason to abandon Iraq. Just don’t measure U.S. engagement by the number of troops.

Trump’s Trade Wars Have Made Bad Agriculture Policies Worse
From suffering U.S. farmers to the pain inflicted on the developing world, everything about U.S. agriculture policy is dysfunctional. The next administration can do better.

Cybersecurity and U.S. Election Infrastructure
What to Know Before–and After–You Go to the Polls

70 Is the New 50 for World Leaders
It’s neither a coincidence, nor a problem, that both candidates for America’s highest office are so old.

Does the U.S. Nuclear Umbrella Still Protect America’s Allies?
The next president should move swiftly to reassure allies that the U.S. nuclear guarantee remains credible—or risk rapid nuclear proliferation.

In Florida, Many Colombian Americans Fear Biden Is Soft on Socialism
By painting Biden as a far-left sympathizer, Trump is getting a late-election bounce with Florida’s normally Democratic-leaning Colombian community.

Washington’s Foreign Diplomats Frozen Out by Team Biden
Biden’s foreign-policy gatekeepers tell diplomats to hold their calls—until they’re in charge.

The U.S. Foreign Service Isn’t Suited for the 21st Century
Created for another age, Washington’s foreign-policy institutions have atrophied. The next administration should rebuild and reshape them.

Here’s How the 2020 U.S. Elections Resemble Those of Fragile Democracies
A veteran observer of elections in troubled countries describes the undeniable parallels.

Trump and Biden Are Both Touting Foreign-Policy Failures as Achievements
With the world on fire from Thailand to Nigeria, there wasn’t much talk of international affairs in the final debate of the 2020 campaign—and when there was, both candidates defended flawed approaches to North Korea.

How Chinese Americans Could Help Democrats Flip Texas
Many in the community worry that Trump’s anti-China rhetoric is fueling hate crimes.

Beijing’s Human Rights Victims Shouldn’t Support Trump
Tough on China or not, a second term would only spell more misery for Tibetans and other communities victimized by Beijing.

There’s Still Time (Barely) for America to Have a Free and Fair Election
Some hard-won active advice for staging a national vote during a pandemic.

Asian Nationalists Hold the Key to a More Effective U.S. China Strategy
Missing in the current U.S. debate on China is the question of Asian nationalism and how the United States could profitably align with it.

Trump, Biden Fight to Bitter Draw in Final Debate
Faced with accusations that his family is corrupt, the Democratic challenger gives as good as he gets from Trump.

Poll: How Biden and Trump Differ on Foreign Policy
A survey of academics underscores sharp divergences on key issues but expects bipartisan alignment next year on China, cybersecurity, and counterterrorism.

What Would a Less Europhobic Trump Look Like—if He Wins?
Transatlantic relations are at a low point. But there are reasons why even Trump might want to mend them.

The Next Administration Needs a Plan for De-escalation in the Gulf
Confrontation with Iran almost dragged the United States into war. Détente would benefit all sides.

Why Indian Americans Matter in U.S. Politics
America’s second-largest immigrant group mostly supports Democratic candidates, but support for Trump has grown since the 2016 election.

Trump’s Assaults on Immigrants Drive Georgia’s Latino Voters
Once solid red, Georgia has become a battleground state in part due to its growing Latino population—and rampant anger at Trump’s immigration policies.

The Realist Case for the Non-Realist Biden
Trump's foreign-policy instincts might be more sound—but he has forfeited the chance to lead.

America’s Pullback Must Continue No Matter Who Is President
For all the talk of a new administration boldly reengaging with the world after four years of “America first,” Trump’s strategic retrenchment can only be the start.

The Case Against Big Tech’s Election Strategies
Misinformation is hyperlocal. Attempts to counter it should be, too.

Start Preparing for the Coming Debt Crisis
The global financial crisis was just the prelude to what could be coming next. The next administration better be ready.

‘Tired of the Game’: Palestinian Americans Want Trump Out but Have Issues With Biden
In a crucial state like Michigan, Joe Biden will have to convince skeptical Palestinians that he won’t leave them in the lurch—again.

America Needs To Talk About a China Reset
Biden and Trump are debating who is the bigger China hawk. Instead, the next administration should learn from the Cold War to defuse the rivalry.

Team Biden Should Start With an Asia Pivot 2.0
U.S. policy to contain China will require a lot more continuity with Trump than Biden’s backers would like to admit.

Isolated in Rural Nigeria—and Waiting for America to Vote
Across much of the world—including one remote Nigerian village—the availability of family planning will largely depend on the outcome of the U.S. presidential election.