


Foolish Sprite

French game dev usingUnity. I write code inC# anddraw my own assets.

Feed dragons and think on your feet!

Dragon Meal Expressis thefully fleshed version of my jam entryThe Dragon Keeper is Late. You can play it now onGoogle Play:

What's new?
Better animations, overhauled score system and tutorial, difficulty curve adjustments, revamped UI and addition of 7 game modes (+ it's on mobile).

Game jam journey

I went from apointlessly complicated game which ranked badly,InDice, to a veryshort but focused narrative top-down action game,Too many souls in this cavern, whichranked 74th out of 1059 contestants.

Takeaways?Think firstabout theplayerand in whichcontextthey're going to play your game. It'll bring out core featuresandpriorities. You can then adjustscopeas needed. The shorter the project, the easiest it is to identify priorities!
(+ design by subtraction but that's a whole other topic)

A micro guide to not adventuring alone
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Feeding dragons while late!
Play in browser
A chaotic little game about moving inside a dice!
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