


Projects >

Fixed handrail

To assist in bathing and toileting

CAD Files

Engineering Drawings

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"Email": "",  "CAD Image": [    {      "id": "atta2oDGNcicJFDgX",      "width": 837,      "height": 574,      "url": "",      "filename": "DS012_Image_CAD.JPG",      "size": 28159,      "type": "image/jpeg",      "thumbnails": {        "small": {          "url": "",          "width": 52,          "height": 36        },        "large": {          "url": "",          "width": 747,          "height": 512        },        "full": {          "url": "",          "width": 3000,          "height": 3000        }      }    }  ],  "Risk Readiness": "2",  "Description": "To assist in bathing and toileting",  "Designer": "Aziz Wadi",  "Maker Readiness": "4",  "FAI": [    "recBcZ5MoMMb0mD1g"  ],  "images": [    {      "original": "/images/DS012-attuMIizpAxsn5sWr-400x300.jpg",      "thumbnail": "/images/DS012-attuMIizpAxsn5sWr-400x300.jpg",      "projectCard": "/images/DS012-attuMIizpAxsn5sWr-290x200.jpg",      "fullscreen": ""    },    {      "original": 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