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put in

Katso myös:puțin






  1. panna,laittaa,asettaa (sisään); panna rahaa tilille
    When you pour hot water into a glass,put a spoonin first.
    Heput two lumps of sugarin his tea.
    Sheput in the coins and dialed his number.
    He wasput in prison.
    You shouldput the moneyin the bank.
    His fatherput a large amountin for him.
  2. istuttaa
    Iput in some perennials under the window.
  3. asentaa
    I had a new lockput in.
    Iput that windowin myself.
  4. sijoittaa (yritykseen, projektiin tms.)
    Angel investorsput moneyin start-ups.
    The Manhattan socialite hadput moneyin several Broadway and Off-Broadway shows.
  5. uhrata aikaa t. vaivaa johonkin;panna toivonsa, luottamuksensa jms. jhkn
    Iput in forty-five hours a week or more all winter.
    Everyone seemed to beputting in an effort today. Good job!
    Iput faithin you.
  6. huomauttaa (väliin)
    "But not you?" sheput in cheekily.
  7. lisätä;merkitä; kirjoittaa
    He read my story and suggested Iput in better descriptions of the characters.
    Do I have toput it in writing before you understand!
    The painterput in a fisherman in his seascape.
  8. jättää (ehdotus, vaatimus, pyyntö, tilaus)
    The employers' organisation cannot possibly accept the hefty wage claim the unionsput in.
    Heput in a request for transfer to another garrison.
    Iput in an order for a new car.
  9. soittaa, ottaa yhteyttä puhelimitse
    Heput in the important phone call, then made himself a stiff drink.
  10. valita (tehtävään)
    He wasput in as senior editor.
  11. (merenkulku) piipahtaa satamassa, pysähtyä johonkin
    Sooner or later a ship willput in this island.
    We didn'tput in at that harbour.

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