


Bug Reports

Before reporting a bug, please consider the following:

FFmpeg is in a state of perpetual development.
As such, if you wish to query or report a bug, you must try with thelatest development branch revision of FFmpeg to confirm the issue still exists.

When writing your bug report, please include (uncompressed):
  • What you were trying to accomplish (e.g., "I am trying to transcode from this format to that format...")
  • The problem you encountered (e.g., "ffmpeg crashed, see the gdb and valgrind output below" or "The output video was all green")
  • The exact command line you were using (e.g., "ffmpeg -i -an -vcodec foo output.avi")
  • The full, uncut console output provided byffmpeg -v 9 -loglevel 99 -i followed by the name of your input file (copy/pasted from the console, including the banner that indicates version and configuration options), paste ffplay or ffprobe output only if your problem is not reproducible with ffmpeg.
  • Sufficient information, including any required input files, to reproduce the bug and confirm a potential fix.

You can use the-report option or define theFFREPORT environment variable (to any value) to get the exact command line and the full verbose console output in a file namedffmpeg-*.log in the current directory.

If you encounter a crash bug, please provide thegdb output, backtrace and disassembly, and if possible thevalgrind output, using the theffmpeg_g debug binary.

Forgdb, proceed as follows:

gdb ffmpeg_g

Ingdb, type 'r' for run, along with the rest of theffmpeg command line:

r <rest of command line>
Alternatively, you can rungdb --args ffmpeg_g <rest of command line> and just type 'r' at thegdb prompt.

Whengdb encounters its problem, run the following commands and copy/paste the output into your bug report:

btdisass $pc-32,$pc+32info all-registers

With oldergdb versions, usedisass $pc-32 $pc+32.

Forvalgrind, run the following command and copy/paste the output into your bug report:

valgrind ffmpeg_g <rest of command line>
If you encounter a regression, please usegit bisect to find the revission that caused the regression. Having this information available can greatly speed up correcting the bug.

  Bug Tracker

Once you have gathered this information, you can submit a report to theFFmpeg bug tracker.

Note, you mustregister there first before you can submit a report.

You should provide all information so that anyone can reproduce the bug.
Please do not report your problem on the developer mailing list:
Only send bug reports there if you also intend to provide a fix.

  Submitting Sample Media

The developers may ask you to provide a sample media file illustrating your problem. In this case, please follow these steps:

  1. If the sample file is too large ( > 10 megabytes), cut it down to size with the Unix 'dd' command:

    dd if=sample-file of=small-sample-file bs=1024 count=10000
    and then upload small-sample-file rather than sample-file

  2. Please choose descriptive names orblock_artifacts_after_seeking.mkv. We already have plenty ofbug.rm andsample.avi.

  3. Upload the sample with the VideoLAN file uploader.

    • Go
    • Select the FFmpeg Project.
    • Fill in the FFmpeg version in the VLC version field.
    • Put the corresponding Trac ticket number in the GitLab ticket field, if a ticket exists.
    • Write a brief describing of the sample and what is wrong.
    • Upload the sample. Note that the file size limit is 1024M, file exceeding that are discarded.

  4. Email the ffmpeg mailing list and indicate the filename of the sample.

Movie files which have been compressed (rar,7z,gzip,...) will be deleted without being examined unless they are raw RGB/YUV/PCM.
Furthermore movie files uploaded to services like rapidshare or any other similar service will be ignored. We are not willing to spend our time fighting with this ridiculous, bloated and spam-filled crap.

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