Yes, I believe. He manipulate energy itself which means he can uses all sort of magics. And the facts that it already introduced to us that he can absorbs mana from outwardly, from air itself, means his actual mana pool=the world 🌎. And like he's also basically anti-magic in a world of magic. Once he reaches his full potential, he won't be needing the medallion to do it. But ehhh...if author don't wanted him to then he'll never be able to reach that level XD.
So theoretically he's one of the strongest. Not sure how fare he'll against something like time/space and reality manipulation though.
And maybe something like Cody just meant for support role you know? With his almost infinite many he can buffs Tate to be able to teleport simultaneously, Aiden able to clone more than 2 version of himself(Big Five Tiger), and Dallan Domain Expansion.
But then again, raw potential without the skill/experience/wit to wield it? Cody's nothing more than a battery for others to uses. Literally someone can kept him hostage and makes him ageless them uses him to power and charge stuffs.
Yeah, nobody sure what Cody nightfallen type are. It's never resonate with anyone else before even when demon nightfallen are **somewhat** common to the academy summoners.
Then the hints with Therium that he thought Cody favourite nightfallen are Dragon (same as him).
Deadset on when the "Love by Nightfallen child" like Alvy still cannot resonates with Cody's gem and Cody gem merged and evolved.
Is Scribble bleeding related to Cody beings weak and overly exercise himself? That Cody body/soul are crumbling without him knowing because he's such a dumbass? Or is the bleeding is specifically Scribble only?
And if that's truely the reason the crack happened? Or there's something else? Like bonding maybe?
Edit: Actually never mind. Scribble cracking/bleeding are the cause of his lies. Demon can't lies but manipulate the truth, if they lies bad things happens. The crack get bigger because Scribble said "He's fine/not upset with Cody" almost cracked again in the next sentence before he stopped himself by redirect the conversation.
Spoiler maybe? Bunches of questions for author though.
Alright first, Scribble love us? Since when? But also just a thought, that out of all the Demon of sins, Lust demon are already prostrate as the most morale and kind(to some extent maybe) out of all the others. Re: Zero witch of Lust are shy and her authority makes her the person you wanted to see most all in the name of love/affection rather than lewd stuffs. Helluva Boss and now this game.
Scribble also might be one of the weakest when compared to others demon, alone that it. Might boost if with significant others and yadayada, you know the stuffs.
Also, Aha! Therium is Envy, just like I thought. And that bitch used Cody for his plan with Alvy. Still have doubt on the comments Therium said though, not sure what I truely understand what he mean. ("It's not just your body after all.") So is like Therium affection for Alvy merely because of the demon possessed him? And was this also the case for Alvy demon too? That they approvals of Cody and that's why Therium is jealous? ("Why that stupid leopard and not me").
The only night fallen resonates with Cody is dragon, typical protagonist plot armor.
A certain Tiger drooling over Cody in maid dress, ey? Shapeshifting, ey? Aiden, you dog~~(or cat in this sense). Don't know why that kinda makes me like him more.
I don't think there's any complications to it. Just another generals shounen who are useless, who made a friend with his inner demon to becoming powerful enough to fight against others demon or made alliances to some.
Seven deadly sins are a concept that are familiar and doesn't makes much of a difference to the plots. It's just add a touch to it, sound cool and think who as who yada yada.
Well, the game introduce us to Scribbles which is a demon of Lust. Then we sees Therium also in contact with a demon and gains his power, Therium clearly have tendency towards jealousy. Which can be theories that his demon is Envy. Then Alvy dialogue with his ring where the said "Greed is ntc" and SCRIBBLES felt that the sentence was familiar.
Not sure if principal Lion is possessed by Pride or not but he sure is prideful.
What happened at the end of flashback? Can anyone explains? Things just go boom.
And I believe after the get a glimpse of clarity dues to it nature. I assume the cat would, still forget. But now he have some sense, a nack feeling that told him what he need to know that his country lied to him and all that.
Or possibly the remaining of Luke crystals are used for the cat to keep them remember?
So at end of Max route they still leave Shelter to avoid war alongs with others dog?
What's with blueballed counts? Cooper kiss is a tease in further updates isn't it :))?
Is Gabriel Sam's reincarnation?
I think that Sam's soul reincarnated as Gabriel in his new life while also parts of his soul are owned by Virgil, this could be why Gabriel is a bit dumb dumb in the head.
Cause in my religious beliefs that the soul have three parts and six something, that if you loses even 1 parts of it you're mentality undeveloped something.
But anyway, Gabriel is very similar to Sam, his behaviours and stuffs. Also often times how Sam took over Gabriel identity for moment. And dues to what he said we knew Gabriel is possessed by Sam. But I just had a feeling it's more than just possession by different soul but it's the reincarnation of said soul itself.
What's the logic behind Grey unable to do push up?
Like dude looks well-defined with clear muscles but he struggles so much to do push up while have no trouble with curls?
Even I can do twenty despite being skinny arms with not a single muscle at the age of 15!!! Wtf Grey?! How'd you look mighty fine yet struggle with this!?!
The new Lust Rush ideal was interesting but...kinda a boomer how they makes it sound like they're in extreme heat. But can easily brushed it off or need only to came once. Was expecting Coby to go nut power-bottom and gone for more than one rounds XD. Since you know? He's having *** for two people, a horny teenager and a lust demon.
Also, is this story gonna be one of the deadly sins concept? Cause from what I can see now, Therium is possessed by demon of envy, and Cody is possessed by demon of lust, suspect Headmaster possessed by demon of pride, the dog recommend student are possibly sloth.
W-wait wait wait. I just think back of one thing. The turret is projecting the memories of those who lives in it through the mana. But Max's route vision is not through Max's perspective but Atri? Does that mean...Atri and Max are one currently? We never see the memories through Max's mind but Atri's. So it could also mean that the current Max is actually Atri.
So um...I was trying all the possible choices in Ken's route.
So I choose to go to diner to opened up Tokoda route and then spend 1 night with him. But after that, I attempt to stay with Ken and well he angrily refused of course. But what's off is the facts that immediately right after that choice and you choose to work at Tokoda bar, Ken would comes out and asked where Grey's going like normal and be all sad. Which is pretty much a whiplash in demeanor. It's confusing is all.