Blue: Weight Red: Body fat percentage I am progressing very well. I like to experiment a lot with my body, so I have tried many different weight loss methods. The weight loss methods, according to Haruki Murakami DietExerciseLove The only …
Since returning from camp, I have an exasperating amount of work to handle that has piled up. Basically, I can work anytime, anywhere, but there are conditions for anytime, anywhere. There is Wi-Fi. There is power There is physical power W…
JouleLife(ジュールライフ) | カラダのこと、いつもココロに留めておこう。アプリと体重体組成計でセルフケア Have you heard of Joule Life? It is a health support service that utilizes the linkage between a body composition analyzer and an app.…
SwitchBot カーテン 自動 開閉 スイッチボット - Alexa Google Home IFTTT イフト Siri LINE Clovaに対応 スマートホーム 遠隔操作 取付簡単 ソーラーパネルで充電可能 U型/角型レールに対応 8Kgまで対応 スイッチボット(SwitchBot) Amazon I had been wanti…
We had an important meeting today. The whole meeting was important. To set a time for the meeting to endTo create a facilitator or someone to take on that roleTo share the agenda with everyone in real time. I believe this is important. It …
Today is the election. It is certain that the system of elections is already glitchy. No matter how many young people go, the elderly are at a generational disadvantage because there are more of them. But that does not mean that the elderl…
Yesterday, a shocking incident occurred. I am referring to the news that Mr. Abe was shot and killed. It is a challenge to democracy and must not be tolerated. It is true, but that opinion is shared by 99% of the population. Besides, in an…