


Embedding Fonts in EPUBs

This guide supplements (but is not affiliated with) James Chip'sGuide to HTML and EPUB TTRPG Creation. Use it to enhance your e-books with custom typography.

Why do so?

  1. to give readers a better-looking alternative to system fonts, where possible
  2. to give readers an easier-reading alternative to system fonts, where possible
  3. because you can!

The embedded HTML file here, and the downloadable e-book, were both produced entirely using the workflows prescribed by James's guide and this guide itself. If you want to create more heavily styled products while maintaining the flexibility of the epub format, I suggest looking atthis guide to get a sense of what you can do in Calibre, or learningSigil. You can learn HTML and CSS and give it a shot that way too, if you're feeling bold.

Thanks toBinary Star, whose suggestion to check out Calibre's command line tool helped cut 1000 words and a great deal of misery from that workflow.

Feel free to leave suggestions, rants, typos, requests, and questions in the comments.

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
AuthorFalse Idol Workshop
Tagshtml,tools,Tabletop role-playing game,Tutorial


EmbeddingFonts.epub99 kB

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