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The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Faculty Central

Aerial drone photo of campus during a foggy morning on February 04, 2019. Photo by Hayden Antal

Faculty Central is a portal designed to quickly connect faculty with the most often used campus web resources that relate directly to their needs.

  • A–Z Index: Online index of all campus departments and services
  • Campus Directory: Online directory of campus personnel and offices
  • Canvas: The university’s learning management system, for use with all courses
  • Elements: The university’s tool for reporting annual faculty activity, with an overview and rationale
  • Office 365: The university’s primary all-purpose point of access for email, calendars, cloud storage and other services.
  • myUTK: All-purpose self-service site, with shortcuts to a variety of resources related to employment and study at UTK
  • Online Faculty Review System: A web-resident system for conducting annual reviews of faculty
  • Institutional Effectiveness: Office providing information about UTK’s regional accreditation, including links to a variety of related resources
  • Traffic & Parking Regulations: Describes rules, regulations, procedures, and penalties relating to parking and traffic on the university campus

  • Charter and Bylaws of the University:Contains statement of legal establishment of the university, including charter provisions and by-laws.
  • COVID-19 Information & Support – UT’s central page for resources on the virus
  • Timetable Modality Definitions – Registrar’s webpage defining face-to-face, hybrid, and other formats
  • Free Speech at UT: The university’s statement and resources on free speech
  • Faculty Handbook: Overview and text available as a website and PDF, including links to a variety of faculty resources
  • Graduate Council: Documents and resources supporting graduate student success, including information on curriculum changes, policies, and processes, as well as thesis and dissertation processes.
  • Undergraduate Council: Faculty governance body for undergraduate curricular issues, including core general education curriculum and curriculum change policies and processes
  • Hilltopics Student Handbook: Overview and text available as a website and PDF, including links to a variety of student resources
  • Policy Central: Website with links to university policies on everything from academic and student life to research and intellectual property
    • The UT-System-wide policy website This includes all current official UT System Board, Fiscal, HR, IT, and Safety policies, including the University Code of Conduct and the Conflict of Interest Policy.
  • Tenure and Promotion Resources: Website with links to guidelines for each phase in the evaluation process
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs: Online university catalog in digital format, including links to timetable of classes
  • UTK Strategic Plan: Website detailing the current strategic planning process

  • Academic Calendar: Online versions of the recent, current, and upcoming academic calendars
  • Artificial Intelligence: Teaching with GenAI at UTK, an intranet hub for GenAI topics related to teaching and learning at UT.
  • Attendance Tracking: For financial aid purposes, faculty members are required to track attendance in MyUTK (see Campus Systems). This link explains how the process works
  • Course Information: This link will direct you to the Office of the Registrar (see also below), which has detailed class catalog and calendar information.
  • FERPA Guide: Detailed information on policies and procedures related to student rights to privacy
  • Grade Entry: This page, from the Office of the Registrar, is your point of access to log in and enter your course grades using Banner.
  • Graduate Council: Documents and resources supporting graduate student success, including information on curriculum changes, policies, and processes, as well as thesis and dissertation processes.
  • Undergraduate Council: Faculty governance body for undergraduate curricular issues, including core general education curriculum and curriculum change policies and processes
  • Instructor Responsibilities: Detailed guides to key tasks, including dealing with academic misconduct, ordering textbooks, and student resources
  • OIT Workshops: Online listing and registration for digital technology workshops
  • Ordering Textbooks:UTK’s bookstore website (select “VolBooks” then “Faculty Adoption”)
  • Part-Time Faculty Startup Kit: TLI resource for those new to part-time positions at UTK
  • Registrar: This link will direct you to the Office of the Registrar, which has detailed class catalog and calendar information.
  • Teaching & Learning Innovation: Central page for programs and services to help faculty enrich students’ learning experiences and thrive at UTK
    • Course Syllabus Information – TLI webpage with information for designing a syllabus
    • Campus Syllabus – Syllabus template hosted by TLI
    • Experience Learning – TLI’s resources supporting learning opportunities through civic engagement, solving real-world problems, and contributing to their communities
    • Inclusive Teaching – TLI’s resources supporting inclusive teaching and universal design for learning (UDL)
  • Vols Online – Central page for online academic programs
  • The Volunteer Experience – A university-wide initiative by the Division of Student Success to promote student well-being and career readiness
    • Faculty & Staff Resources – This page has material on the Volunteer Experience specifically for faculty and staff, including resources for teaching and for student referrals



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The flagship campus ofthe University of Tennessee System and partner inthe Tennessee Transfer Pathway.

