This is the official extension gallery, where you can get extensions that aren't limited by the extension sandbox. All of the extensions here are reviewed for safety.
You can also find these extensions in TurboWarp's "Add Extension" menu.
An easy way to display and animate text. Compatible with Scratch Lab's Animated Text experiment. Created by LilyMakesThings.
Two dimensional physics. Created bygriffpatch.
Adds blocks for mouse locking. Mouse x & y blocks will report the change since the previous frame while the pointer is locked. Replaces the pointerlock experiment.
Use custom cursors or hide the cursor. Also allows replacing the cursor with any costume image.
Get and modify turbo mode, framerate, interpolation, clone limit, stage size, and more.
Blocks that operate on the binary representation of numbers in computers. Created byTrueFantom.
Math blocks that work on infinitely large integers (no decimals). Created bySkyhigh173.
Clipping outside of a specified rectangular area and different color blending modes. Created byVadik1.
Make GPU accelerated 3D projects easily. Created byVadik1.
Have your sprites render as other images or costumes. Created byLilyMakesThings.
Simulate key presses and mouse clicks. Created byCubesterYT.
Expands upon the looks category, allowing you to show/hide, get costume data and edit SVG skins on sprites. Created byLilyMakesThings.
An assortment of new ways to interact with lists. Created byLilyMakesThings.
Show the keyboard on mobile devices and get the users input without showing any input modal. Created by veggiecan0419.
Move, resize, rename the window, enter fullscreen, get screen size, and more. Created by BlueDome77. Updated byCubesterYT.
Show a prompt when someone tries to close the tab. Created byXmerOriginals.
Access information about the battery of phones or laptops. May not work on all devices and browsers.
Control the device's vibration. Only works on Chrome for Android. Created byPwLDev.
Customize the appearance of variable monitors and prompts in your project. Created by TheShovel.
Shows image from camera and performs motion tracking, allowing 3D projects to correctly overlay virtual objects on real world. Created byVadik1.
Encode and decode strings into their unicode numbers, base 64, or URLs. Created by -SIPC-.
Create disposable runtime or thread variables. Created byLilyMakesThings andMio.
Determine whether a cloud variable server is probably up. Created by TheShovel.
A lot of operators blocks, from exponentiation to trigonometric functions. Created byTrueFantom.
Special category with every menu from every Scratch category and extensions. Created byLilyMakesThings.
Various "hacked blocks" that work in Scratch but are not visible in the palette. Created byLilyMakesThings and pumpkinhasapatch.
Blocks that interact with the JavaScript console built in to your browser's developer tools. Created by -SIPC-.
Interact with URL search parameters: the part of the URL after a question mark. Created by ZXMushroom63.
A bunch of miscellaneous blocks. Created by TheShovel andMio.
Add, remove, and get data from various types of assets. Created byLilyMakesThings andMio.
Prevent the computer from falling asleep. Created byD-ScratchNinja.
Encode strings as numbers for cloud variables. Not compatible with V1 due to using much more efficient format.
Use V2 instead as it is more efficient. V1 only exists for compatibility reasons. Created bycs2627883.
Apply visual effects to the entire stage. Created by TheShovel andSharkPool.
Create and edit .zip format files, including .sb3 files. Created byCST1229.
Get information about Scratch projects and Scratch users. Created byNamelessCat.
Blocks to compute lengths, angles, and areas in two dimensions. Created by NOname-awa.
Easing methods for smooth animations. Created byJeremyGamer13 andFath11.
Blocks to compute means, medians, maximums, minimums, variances, and modes. Created byqxsck.
Comprehensive extension for interacting with external websites. Created byRedMan13.
Manually connect to WebSocket servers. Created byRedMan13.
Get the definitions of words from the Longman Dictionary in your projects. Created by veggiecan0419.
Allows reading data from NFC (NDEF) devices. Only works in Chrome on Android. Created byAlestore Games.
Blocks that allow games to interact with the GameJolt API. Unofficial. Created bysofted.
Blocks that allow games to interact with the Newgrounds API. Unofficial. Created byObviousAlexC.
Helpful utilities for any fast food employee. Created byLilyMakesThings.