Zoom How-To Videos
Take your skills to the next level with these quick how-to videos on anything and everything Zoom.

Join a Meeting
Joining a Zoom meeting is quick and easy! Discover the options for joining meetings based on your requirements and to ensure the best meeting experience possible.

One Minute Video Introductions

Joining & Configuring Audio/Video
Learn the options for joining and configuring Zoom's audio and video settings.

Meeting Controls
Get a quick introduction to the basic meeting controls available on Zoom calls.

Sharing Your Screen
This video covers screen sharing and related Zoom collaboration tools.

Record a Zoom Meeting
Zoom offers easy recording. Learn how to make a recording and configure the recording settings.

Schedule a Meeting
Learn the few steps to properly schedule a Zoom meeting.

Assigning Scheduling Privileges
See how you can configure Zoom to allow others to schedule on your behalf.

Scheduling a Meeting in Outlook
Discover the few easy steps required to schedule Zoom meetings in Outlook.

Schedule a Webinar
See how to configure Zoom Webinar for maximum success.

User Management
Learn how to easily manage your Zoom users and licenses.