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ig i have to play it...

i think i have virus now.....

most weird game of scratch ever, i downloaded it, and it crashed, i felt like i was going to get a virus, so i turned on my anti_virus.

"got you, gameover" :

it went from troll, to error, to horror game. wow

this game is troll honestly, if it was made on april 1st, then yeah, then this is legit.

The game won't load on my phone

you aint fooling anyone kiddo

it's a meme game???

this is pointless

is qezq this see that....

This is just loading and now appear to sad

I could ligit just search up 'scratch' in google and get the same only DOESN'T CRASH MY OS!!!


it’s not loading for me
it crashed my os

this is cool (lmao ratio)

are you saying its good?

XD *dies of laughing*

bruh... u just downloaded the website

this game changed my life

i pirate real scratch lol

uhm, scratch is free·View all by EwanDoggie·Report·Embed

