- -b:Cookie engine,Reading cookies from file,Writing cookies to file,New cookie session,Web logins and sessions
- --basic:Authentication
- BearSSL:lib/vtls,TLS libraries,
- bindings:Confusions and mix-ups,libcurl, the library,In website backends,docs
- BoringSSL:TLS libraries,BoringSSL,Restrictions,HTTP/3 backends
- brotli:HTTP Compression,Version,Which libcurl version runs,About content encodings,Conditional lines
- -c:Writing cookies to file,Web logins and sessions
- c-ares:c-ares,Line 4: Features,Name resolve tricks with c-ares,Name resolver backends,
- C89:Comments
- CA:Available exit codes,MITM proxy,Verifying server certificates,OCSP stapling,Caches,CA store caching,Verification,All options,Available information,CA store cache
- CA cert cache:CA cert cache
- --ca-native:Native CA stores
- Chrome:Copy as curl,SSLKEYLOGFILE
- clone:Building libcurl on MSYS2,git,Website,build boringssl
- code of conduct:Trust,Code of Conduct
- --compressed:Gzipped transfers,Compression,The curl interface
- --compressed-ssh:For SFTP/SCP
- configure:root,Handling build options,Platform dependent code,Autotools,
,configure,set up the build tree to get detected by curl's configure,Ifdefs,Memory debugging,Debug builds - --connect-timeout:Connection timeout,Never spend more than this to connect
- --connect-to:Provide a replacement name
- connection cache:Connection reuse,Available --write-out variables,Connection cache,All options,Connection reuse,Multi handle,connection cache,connectdata
- connection pool:Connection reuse,Connection cache,pool size,Connection reuse,connection cache
- Connection reuse:Connection reuse,Connection cache,threads,Connection reuse
- content-encoding:Transfer encoding,Compression,About content encodings
- contribute:Code of Conduct,Contributing,Everything curl
- Contributing:docs,Contributing
- Cookie engine:Cookie engine,Writing cookies to file,Cookie engine
- Cookies:docs,libpsl,Line 4: Features,Not perfect,Server differences,Change the Host: header,Authentication,Cookie engine,Reading cookies from file,Writing cookies to file,New cookie session,Cookie file format,Cookies,All options,Available information,Authentication,Cookies,Sharing between easy handles,Submit a login form over HTTP,Cookies,Curl_share,
- copyright:License,Copyright
- curl-announce:curl-announce,Vulnerability handling
- curl-library:curl-users,Make a patch for the mailing list,Vulnerability handling
- curl-users:curl-users,Vulnerability handling
- <curl/curl.h>:include/curl,Header files,--libcurl,Stop slow transfers,Rate limit,Progress meter,Include files,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory,Submit a login form over HTTP,Get an FTP directory listing,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK:Progress information
- CURLHSTS_ENABLE:Enable HSTS for a handle
- CURLINFO_CERTINFO:Available information
- CURLINFO_CONN_ID:Transfer and connection identifiers,Available information
- CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE:Post transfer info
- CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL:Available information
- CURLINFO_FILETIME:Available information
- CURLINFO_TOTAL_TIME_T:Available information
- CURLINFO_XFER_ID:Transfer and connection identifiers,Available information
- CURLMOPT_TIMERFUNCTION:timer_callback,Exposes just a single timeout to apps
- CURLOPT_ALTSVC:All options,Enable
- CURLOPT_ALTSVC_CTRL:All options,Enable
- CURLOPT_CA_CACHE_TIMEOUT:CA cert cache,All options
- CURLOPT_CLOSESOCKETFUNCTION:All options,Socket close callback
- CURLOPT_COOKIE:All options,Setting custom cookies
- CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE:All options,Enable cookie engine with reading,Submit a login form over HTTP
- CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR:All options,Enable cookie engine with writing
- CURLOPT_COOKIELIST:All options,Add a cookie to the cookie store
- CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST:All options,Request method
- CURLOPT_DEBUGDATA:Trace everything,All options,Debug
- CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION:Trace everything,All options,Debug
- CURLOPT_DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT:DNS cache,All options,Caching
- CURLOPT_DNS_INTERFACE:All options,Name server options
- CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP4:All options,Name server options
- CURLOPT_DNS_LOCAL_IP6:All options,Name server options
- CURLOPT_DNS_SERVERS:All options,Name server options
- CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE:All options,No global DNS cache
- CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER:--libcurl,CURLcode return codes,All options
- CURLOPT_FAILONERROR:All options,About HTTP response code "errors"
- CURLOPT_HEADER:All options,Write data,Referrer,Download headers too
- CURLOPT_HEADERDATA:--libcurl,All options,Header data,Download headers too
- CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION:--libcurl,All options,Header data
- CURLOPT_HSTS:All options,Set a HSTS cache file
- CURLOPT_HSTS_CTRL:All options,Enable HSTS for a handle
- CURLOPT_HTTPGET:All options,Download,Submit a login form over HTTP
- CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER:All options,Add a header,HTTP PUT,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE:All options,How libcurl connects,Name resolving
- CURLOPT_LOCALPORT:All options,Local port number
- CURLOPT_LOCALPORTRANGE:All options,Local port number
- CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT:All options,easy API,Stop slow transfers
- CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME:All options,easy API,Stop slow transfers
- CURLOPT_MAXFILESIZE_LARGE:Set numerical options,All options
- CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS:--libcurl,All options
- CURLOPT_MIMEPOST:All options,HTTP multipart formposts,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- CURLOPT_NOBODY:All options,Request method
- CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS:--libcurl,All options,Progress information,Progress meter
- CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETDATA:All options,Provide a file descriptor
- CURLOPT_OPENSOCKETFUNCTION:All options,Provide a file descriptor
- CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT:All options,Multiplexing
- CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS:Set string options,All options,Request method,HTTP POST,Submit a login form over HTTP
,All options,HTTP POST - CURLOPT_POSTREDIR:Decide what method to use in redirects,All options
- CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION:All options,Progress information
- CURLOPT_PROXY:All options,Proxy types
- CURLOPT_PROXYPORT:All options,Proxy types
- CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE:All options,Proxy types
- CURLOPT_READDATA:--libcurl,All options,Read data
- CURLOPT_READFUNCTION:--libcurl,All options,Read data,HTTP POST
- CURLOPT_RESOLVE:All options,Custom addresses for hosts
- CURLOPT_SEEKDATA:--libcurl,All options,Seek and ioctl
- CURLOPT_SEEKFUNCTION:--libcurl,All options,Seek and ioctl
- CURLOPT_SOCKOPTDATA:All options,sockopt
- CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS:--libcurl,All options,SSH key
- CURLOPT_SSLVERSION:Protocol version,All options
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST:Verification,All options
- CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER:Verification,All options,HTTPS proxy
- CURLOPT_STDERR:--libcurl,Verbose operations,All options
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE:--libcurl,All options,Enable keep alive
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPIDLE:All options,Idle time
- CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPINTVL:All options,Probe interval
- CURLOPT_TIMEOUT:Set numerical options,All options,easy API
- CURLOPT_UPLOAD:All options,Request method,HTTP PUT
- CURLOPT_URL:--libcurl,Strings are C strings, not C++ string objects,Easy handle,Set string options,All options,Example,Stop slow transfers,Rate limit,Progress meter,Request method,Bearer,Download,HTTP PUT,CURLOPT_CURLU,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory,Submit a login form over HTTP,Get an FTP directory listing,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- CURLOPT_USERAGENT:--libcurl,All options,Get a response into memory
- CURLOPT_VERBOSE:Verbose operations,All options,Find a specific option by name,When connections are not reused as you want,Download headers too,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- CURLOPT_WRITEDATA:--libcurl,Callback considerations,All options,Write data,Get a response into memory
- CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION:--libcurl,Callback considerations,All options,Write data,Get a response into memory
- CURLOPT_XFERINFODATA:All options,Progress information
- CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION:All options,Progress information
,Get URL parts,Set URL parts - CURLUPART_PASSWORD:Get URL parts,Set URL parts
- CURLUPART_PATH:Get URL parts,Set URL parts
- CURLUPART_PORT:Get URL parts,Set URL parts
- CURLUPART_QUERY:Get URL parts,Set URL parts,Append to the query
- CURLUPART_USER:Get URL parts,Set URL parts
- curl_easy_cleanup:--libcurl,Stop slow transfers,Rate limit,Progress meter,easy handle,Bearer,Enable cookie engine with writing,Header struct,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory,Submit a login form over HTTP,Get an FTP directory listing,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_easy_getinfo:docs/libcurl/opts,Transfer and connection identifiers,Post transfer info,Response meta-data,Get all cookies from the cookie store
- curl_easy_init:--libcurl,Easy handle,Example,Stop slow transfers,Rate limit,Progress meter,Bearer,Download,CURLOPT_CURLU,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory,Submit a login form over HTTP,Get an FTP directory listing,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_easy_option_by_id:Find a specific option by ID
- curl_easy_option_by_next:Iterate over all options
- curl_easy_perform:--libcurl,Drive with easy,Easy API pool,Example,Caching,easy API,Stop slow transfers,Rate limit,Progress meter,Add a header,Bearer,Download,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory,Submit a login form over HTTP,Get an FTP directory listing,Everything is multi
- curl_easy_reset:Reuse
- curl_easy_setopt:docs/libcurl/opts,--libcurl,CURLcode return codes,Verbose operations,Strings are C strings, not C++ string objects,Easy handle,Set numerical options,Set string options,TLS options,All options,Write data,Read data,Progress information,Header data,Debug,sockopt,Provide a file descriptor,Example,Name resolving,Stop slow transfers,Rate limit,Progress meter,Request method,Ranges,Username and password,Enable cookie engine with reading,Download,HTTP POST,Multiplexing,Enable HSTS for a handle,Enable,Sharing between easy handles,CURLOPT_CURLU,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory,Submit a login form over HTTP,Get an FTP directory listing,Non-blocking HTTP form-post,The libcurl interface
- curl_global_cleanup:Global initialization,Get a response into memory,Get an FTP directory listing
- curl_global_init:Global initialization,Get a response into memory,Get an FTP directory listing,Init calls
- curl_global_trace:Trace more
- CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6:Name resolving
- curl_mime_addpart:HTTP multipart formposts,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_mime_filedata:HTTP multipart formposts,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_mime_init:HTTP multipart formposts,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_mime_name:HTTP multipart formposts,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_multi_add_handle:Drive with multi,Many easy handles,Non-blocking HTTP form-post,Curl_multi
- curl_multi_cleanup:Multi API,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_multi_fdset:Drive with multi,Curl_easy
- curl_multi_info_read:When is a single transfer done?,When is it done?,Multi API,Curl_multi
- curl_multi_init:Drive with multi,Non-blocking HTTP form-post
- curl_multi_remove_handle:Drive with multi,Many easy handles,multi API,Multi API
- curl_multi_setopt:docs/libcurl/opts,Drive with multi,socket_callback,Multiplexing
- curl_multi_socket_action:
,socket_callback - curl_multi_timeout:Drive with multi,Exposes just a single timeout to apps
- curl_multi_wait:Drive with multi
- curl_off_t:Transfer and connection identifiers,Set numerical options,Progress information,Seek and ioctl,Rate limit,Available information,Response meta-data,HTTP PUT,Meta,
- CURL_SOCKET_TIMEOUT:timer_callback
- CURL_SSL_BACKEND:Line 1: TLS versions,Multiple TLS backends
- curl_url:Include files,Create, cleanup, duplicate,Parse a URL,Redirect to URL,Update parts,CURLOPT_CURLU
- curl_url_cleanup:Create, cleanup, duplicate
- curl_url_dup:Create, cleanup, duplicate
- curl_url_get:
,Get a URL,Get URL parts - curl_url_set:Include files,Parse a URL,Redirect to URL,Set URL parts,Append to the query,CURLOPT_CURLU
- curl_version_info:Which libcurl version runs,Support
- -d:Arguments to options,Separate options per URL,POST,MQTT,Method,Simple POST,Content-Type,Posting binary,Convert to GET,Expect 100-continue,Chunked encoded POSTs,Hidden form fields,-d vs -F,HTTP PUT,Web logins and sessions
- --data:Arguments to options,Separate options per URL,POST,Simple POST,JSON,URL encode data
- --data-binary:Not perfect,Simple POST,Posting binary,URL encode data
- --data-urlencode:Query,URL encode data,Convert to GET
- debian:Ubuntu and Debian,Version
- Debug callback:Verbose operations,All options,Debug
- development:Project communication,curl-users,Reporting bugs,Commercial support,Development,The development team,Future,Ubuntu and Debian,Get libcurl for macOS,Who decides what goes in?,From Safari,Figure out what a browser sends,Converting a web form,Which libcurl version runs,Verification,Debug builds
- DICT:What protocols does curl support?,DICT,Without scheme,Version,DICT,
- -F:Not perfect,multipart formpost,Method,Sending such a form with curl,-d vs -F
- --fail:Available exit codes,HTTP response codes
- --fail-with-body:HTTP response codes
- Firefox:Copy as curl,Discover your proxy,SSLKEYLOGFILE,User-agent
- Fragment:Query,Fragment,Available --write-out variables,Fragment,Write callback,Meta,
- --ftp-method:multicwd
- --ftp-pasv:Passive connections
- --ftp-port:Available exit codes,Active connections
- --ftp-skip-pasv-ip:Passive connections
- FTPS:What protocols does curl support?,FTPS,TLS libraries,Supported schemes,Network leakage,Version,Trace options,Protocols allowing upload,Enable TLS,FTPS,Variables
- future:Project communication,Future,What other protocols are there?,docs,,"Not used",More data,API compatibility,Trace more,Network data conversion,HSTS,
,Set a timeout
- --get:trurl example command lines,Convert to GET
- git:Daily snapshots,Backdoors and supply chain risks,Building libcurl on MSYS2,root,git,Website,build boringssl,Continuous Integration,Autobuilds
- Globbing:URL globbing,Globbing,Skip download if already done,Uploading with FTP
- GnuTLS:lib/vtls,Select TLS backend,TLS libraries,Native CA stores,OCSP stapling,Restrictions,HTTP/3 backends,
- GOPHER:How it started,What protocols does curl support?,GOPHER,Supported schemes,Version,Variables
- GOPHERS:What protocols does curl support?,GOPHERS,Supported schemes,Variables
- Happy Eyeballs:Happy Eyeballs,All options,Happy Eyeballs
- --happy-eyeballs-timeout-ms:Tweak
- haproxy:haproxy,All options
- --haproxy-clientip:curl and haproxy
- --haproxy-protocol:curl and haproxy
- --header:Server differences,Proxy headers,JSON,Customize headers
- Header callback:All options,Header data,Response body,Download headers too
- homebrew:macOS
- Host::HTTP basics,Trace options,Change the Host: header,The HTTP this generates,Customize headers,Customize HTTP request headers
- --hsts:HSTS cache
- HTTP proxy:How it started,Proxy type,HTTP proxy,Proxy headers,Authentication,All options,HTTP proxy,Available information,
<proxy [nonewline="yes"]>
- HTTP redirects:Short options,Long options,Available exit codes,Tell curl to follow redirects,Submit a login form over HTTP
- HTTP Strict Transport Security:HSTS,HSTS,HSTS
- HTTP/1.1:HTTP,HTTP basics,Trace options,HTTP/2,Debugging with TELNET,HTTP/2,Caveats,The HTTP this generates,GET or POST?,Request method,Request target,Customize HTTP request headers,Versions,About content encodings
- HTTP/2:HTTP,docs,nghttp2,Line 4: Features,Available exit codes,More data,HTTP/2,HTTP/2,HTTP/3,HTTP/2 and later,GET or POST?,HTTP headers,HTTP/3,Trace more,When connections are not reused as you want,QUIC and HTTP/2,DNS over HTTPS,HTTPS proxy,Versions,Expect: headers,Multiplexing,HTTP/3,Curl_easy,Variables
- HTTP/3:HTTP,Select HTTP/3 backend,QUIC and HTTP/3,TCP vs UDP,Line 4: Features,Available exit codes,More data,HTTP/3 racing,HTTP/3,HTTP headers,HTTP/3,Which libcurl version runs,Trace more,HTTP/3,When connections are not reused as you want,Versions,Expect: headers,Multiplexing,HTTP/3,Different backends
- HTTP/3 backend:Select HTTP/3 backend,HTTP/3 backends
- --http0.9:HTTP/0.9
- --http2:HTTP/2
- --http2-prior-knowledge:HTTP/2
- --http3:HTTP/3 racing,Enable
- --http3-only:When QUIC is denied
- HttpGet:How it started
- HTTPS proxy:Line 4: Features,HTTPS proxy,All options,Local or proxy name lookup
- IDN:libidn2,International Domain Names (IDN),Version,
,Different backends,<features>
- IETF:Protocols,TLS versions
- Indentation:Indentation
- International Domain Names:libidn2,International Domain Names (IDN),Line 4: Features
- --ip-tos:Type of Service
- --ipfs-gateway:Gateway
- IPv4:Host,Port number,Available --write-out variables,Type of Service,Happy Eyeballs,curl and haproxy,All options,How libcurl connects,Name resolving,
sources,Variables - IPv6:Host,Port number,URL globbing,Version,Available --write-out variables,Type of Service,Happy Eyeballs,SOCKS proxy,curl and haproxy,All options,How libcurl connects,Name resolving,Zone ID,
,Variables - IRC:How it started,Project communication
- #"usingcurl/downloads/browsers.html#client-differences">Client differences,PAC,JavaScript and forms,JavaScript redirects,Figure out what the browser does
- --json:trurl example command lines,JSON
- json:Arguments with spaces,Functions,Available --write-out variables,Content-Type,JSON,POST outside of HTML
- -L:Short options,Available --write-out variables,Tell curl to follow redirects,Request method,Cookie engine,Reading cookies from file,Redirects
- --libcurl:--libcurl
- libcurl version:Line 1: curl,Available exit codes,Which libcurl version,Network data conversion
- libidn2:libidn2
- libpsl:libpsl
- libressl:TLS libraries,Restrictions,HTTP/3 backends
- librtmp:librtmp
- libssh:SSH libraries,
- libssh2:SSH libraries,
- license:Finding users,License,root,License
- --limit-rate:Rate limiting
- --location:Long options,Separate options per URL,Syntax,Tell curl to follow redirects
- name resolving:Hostname resolving,Handling build options,Available --write-out variables,Name resolve tricks with c-ares,SOCKS proxy,Connection reuse,Name resolving,Proxy types,Available information,Different backends
- --negotiate:Network leakage,Authentication
- .netrc:Command line leakage,.netrc,All options,
- --netrc-file:Enable netrc
- --netrc-optional:Enable netrc
- nghttp2:nghttp2,Which libcurl version runs
- nix:nix
- --no-clobber:Overwriting,Use the target filename from the server
- --no-eprt:Active connections
- --no-epsv:Passive connections
- --no-keepalive:Keep alive
- NPN:All options
- --ntlm:Network leakage,Authentication
- -O:Many options and URLs,Numerical ranges,Download to a file named by the URL,Use the target filename from the server,Shell redirects,Multiple downloads,Resuming and ranges,Request rate limiting,For SFTP/SCP,Skip download if already done,Authentication,Download,Check by modification date
- openldap:openldap
- OpenSSL:Get curl and libcurl on MSYS2,lib/vtls,Select TLS backend,TLS libraries,Available exit codes,Native CA stores,OCSP stapling,Restrictions,All options,SSL context,Available information,HTTP/3 backends,
- --output-dir:Store in another directory
- PAC:PAC,Which proxy?
- --parallel:Parallel transfers,Parallel progress meter,Parallel,Request rate limiting
- --parallel-immediate:Connection before multiplex
- --parallel-max:Parallel transfers
- --path-as-is:--path-as-is
- Percent-encoding:URL encode data
- pop3:What protocols does curl support?,POP3,Without scheme,Version,Available exit codes,Enable TLS,Reading email,Secure mail transfer,STARTTLS,
,Variables,Test servers - port number:Connect to port numbers,The URL converted to a request,Port number,trurl example command lines,Available exit codes,Available --write-out variables,Provide a custom IP address for a name,Local port number,HTTP proxy,Historic TELNET,Enable,Converting a web form,Implicit FTPS,All options,Prereq,Local address and port number,Connection reuse,Custom addresses for hosts,Proxies,Post transfer info,
,Set URL parts,Alt-Svc,Base64 Encoding - --post301:Decide what method to use in redirects
- --post302:Decide what method to use in redirects
- --post303:Decide what method to use in redirects
- Progress callback:All options,timer_callback,Progress information,easy API,Progress callback
- pronunciation:Pronunciation
- --proxy:HTTP proxy,Authentication
- proxy:How it started,Line 4: Features,Available exit codes,Available --write-out variables,Intermediaries' fiddlings,Discover your proxy,PAC,Proxy type,HTTP proxy,SOCKS proxy,MITM proxy,Proxy authentication,HTTPS proxy,Proxy environment variables,Proxy headers,haproxy,CONNECT response codes,Authentication,Verification,All options,Proxies,Available information,Variables
- --proxy-ca-native:Native CA stores
- --proxy-http2:HTTP/2
- --proxy-user:Proxy authentication,Authentication
- --proxy1.0:HTTP proxy tunneling
- --proxytunnel:HTTP proxy tunneling
- -Q:Quote
- QUIC:Establish a connection,HTTPS,QUIC and HTTP/3,Available exit codes,Multipath TCP,HTTP/3 racing,Never spend more than this to connect,QUIC,Which libcurl version runs,HTTP/3,Enable keep alive,Authentication,Version 3 can be mandatory,HTTP/3 backends
- --quote:Quote
- ranges:Numerical ranges,Resuming and ranges,Skip download if already done,A range trick,Ranges,Provide a file descriptor,HTTP response code,Ranges
- --rate:Request rate limiting
- Read callback:make callbacks as fast as possible,All options,Read data,HTTP POST
- redhat:Redhat and CentOS
- redirects:Long options,Separate options per URL,Syntax,Available exit codes,Available --write-out variables,Download to a file named by the URL,Shell redirects,Provide a custom IP address for a name,Captive portals,Redirects,Request method,Redirects,All options,Custom addresses for hosts,Available information,Automatic referrer,Submit a login form over HTTP
- releases:curl-announce,Releases,Backdoors and supply chain risks,scripts,Which libcurl version
- --remote-name-all:One output for each given URL,Use the URL's filename part for all URLs
- --remove-on-error:Leftovers on errors
- repository:Releases,Backdoors and supply chain risks,Source code on GitHub,Arch Linux,Building libcurl on MSYS2,root,What to add,Website,Continuous Integration,Autobuilds,Content
- --resolve:Provide a custom IP address for a name
- --retry:Available --write-out variables,Retry,Request rate limiting
- --retry-all-errors:Retry on any and all errors
- --retry-connrefused:Connection refused
- --retry-delay:Tweak your retries
- --retry-max-time:Tweak your retries
- RFC 1738:FILE,multicwd
- RFC 1939:POP3
- RFC 1945:Redirects
- RFC 2229:DICT
- RFC 2246:TLS versions
- RFC 2326:RTSP
- RFC 2595:IMAP
- RFC 2616:About content encodings
- RFC 2818:HTTPS
- RFC 3207:SMTP
- RFC 3501:IMAP
- RFC 3986:Browsers
- RFC 4217:FTPS
- RFC 4511:LDAP
- RFC 5321:SMTP
- RFC 7838:Alternative Services
- RFC 8314:IMAPS
- RFC 8446:TLS versions
- RFC 8999:HTTPS
- RFC 9110:HTTP
- RFC 9112:HTTP
- RFC 9113:HTTP
- RFC 9114:HTTP
- RFC 959:FTP,Quote
- roadmap:Future
- rpath:
- RTMP:What protocols does curl support?,RTMP,librtmp,Supported schemes,Version
- RTSP:What protocols does curl support?,RTSP,Supported schemes,Version,All options,RTSP interleaved data,Available information,Variables
- rustls:TLS libraries,
- rustls-ffi:Select TLS backend,Rustls
- Safari:Copy as curl
- Schannel:TLS libraries,Native CA stores,HTTP/3 backends,
- Scheme:Connect to port numbers,FILE,Naming,librtmp,Scheme,Name and password,TCP vs UDP,Browsers,Available exit codes,Available --write-out variables,Proxy type,SOCKS proxy,Proxy authentication,TLS for emails,Which libcurl version,Proxy types,Available information,Authentication,
,URLs,Get a response into memory,Protocol handler,Curl_handler - SCP:What protocols does curl support?,SCP,SSH libraries,Supported schemes,Version,Available exit codes,Protocols allowing upload,Compression,URLs,Authentication,Known hosts,All options,Authentication,Curl_handler,
- security:trurl, a URL tool,curl-announce,Commercial support,Security,Trust,Security,How much do protocols change?,FTPS,docs,Reporting vulnerabilities,
in lower case only,TLS,Ciphers,Enable TLS,TLS versions,HTTP/0.9,HSTS,Protocol version,All options,HSTS,Authentication,URLs,HSTS - SFTP:What protocols does curl support?,SFTP,SSH libraries,Supported schemes,Version,Available exit codes,Trace options,Protocols allowing upload,Compression,URLs,Authentication,Known hosts,All options,Authentication,Curl_handler,
,Run a range of tests - --silent:Progress meter,Error message
- --skip-existing:Skip download if already done
- SMTP:What protocols does curl support?,SMTP,Without scheme,Version,Available exit codes,Protocols allowing upload,Enable TLS,Sending email,STARTTLS,All options,
,Variables,Test servers - SMTPS:What protocols does curl support?,SMTPS,TLS libraries,Supported schemes,Version,Protocols allowing upload,Enable TLS
- snapshots:Daily snapshots,root
- SNI:Change the Host: header
- --socks4:SOCKS proxy
- --socks4a:SOCKS proxy
- --socks5:SOCKS proxy
- --socks5-hostname:SOCKS proxy
- --speed-limit:Stop slow transfers
- --speed-time:Stop slow transfers
- SSH:SCP,Select SSH backend,SSH libraries,Available exit codes,Authentication,Known hosts,Historic TELNET,Trace everything,All options,SSH key,Authentication,Different backends,Curl_handler,Variables
- SSH backend:Select SSH backend
- SSL context callback:All options
- SSLKEYLOGFILE:TLS,SSLKEYLOGFILE,Figure out what a browser sends
- -T:PUT,Upload,Method,HTTP PUT,Uploading with FTP
- TCP:Establish a connection,How much do protocols change?,DICT,TCP vs UDP,Available exit codes,Available --write-out variables,Multipath TCP,Connection timeout,HTTP/3 racing,Local port number,Keep alive,Timeouts,HTTP proxy tunneling,MITM proxy,haproxy,TLS,Debugging with TELNET,TFTP,QUIC,HTTPS,Two connections,Connection cache,All options,HTTP/3,Keep alive,connectdata
- TELNET:What protocols does curl support?,TELNET,Supported schemes,Version,Available exit codes,TELNET,All options,Variables
- testing:What does curl do?,Reporting bugs,Handling build options,Contributing,Run a local clone,Separate install,About HTTP response code "errors",Debug builds,Test servers,Torture
- TFTP:What protocols does curl support?,TFTP,Supported schemes,TCP vs UDP,Version,Available exit codes,Protocols allowing upload,TFTP,All options,Variables,Test servers
- --tftp-blksize:TFTP options
- --tftp-no-options:TFTP options
- --time-cond:Check by modification date
- TLS:Security,How much do protocols change?,GOPHERS,The URL converted to a request,Ubuntu and Debian,lib/vtls,Handling build options,Select TLS backend,TLS libraries,TLS libraries,Line 1: curl,Available exit codes,More data,Available --write-out variables,Change the Host: header,Never spend more than this to connect,MITM proxy,TLS,Ciphers,Enable TLS,TLS versions,Verifying server certificates,Certificate pinning,OCSP stapling,Client certificates,TLS auth,TLS backends,SSLKEYLOGFILE,Known hosts,TLS for emails,Caveats,HTTPS only,Figure out what a browser sends,HTTPS,TLS fingerprinting,FTPS,Trace everything,Caches,reuse handles,TLS options,All options,SSL context,HTTP proxy,Authentication,Available information,URLs,Different backends,connection cache,Variables
- TLS backend:Ubuntu and Debian,lib/vtls,Select TLS backend,Line 1: curl,Available exit codes,TLS,Native CA stores,Certificate pinning,OCSP stapling,Client certificates,TLS backends,CA cert cache,CA store caching,SSL context
- TODO:Future,Suggestions
- --tr-encoding:Transfer encoding,Compression
- --trace:Trace options,
<command [option="no-output/no-include/force-output/binary-trace"] [timeout="secs"][delay="secs"][type="perl/shell"]>
- --trace-ascii:Trace options,Server differences,
<command [option="no-output/no-include/force-output/binary-trace"] [timeout="secs"][delay="secs"][type="perl/shell"]>
- --trace-config:More data
- --trace-ids:Identify transfers and connections
- --trace-time:Time stamps
- Traffic Class:Type of Service
- transfer-encoding:Pass on transfer encoding,Chunked encoded POSTs
- trurl:What does curl do?,trurl
- Type of Service:Type of Service
- -U:Building libcurl on MSYS2,Help with a specific option,Proxy authentication
- -u:Building libcurl on MSYS2,Passwords,URLs,Authentication,IMAP,Authentication
- Ubuntu:Ubuntu and Debian
- URL Globbing:URL globbing
- URL parser:trurl, a URL tool,Browsers,trurl,
- --url-query:Query
- --variable:Variables
- variables:No assignments in conditions,Output variables for globbing,Config file,Variables,Error message,Write out,Proxy environment variables,Ciphers,Proxy environment variables,Preprocessed
- --verbose:Long options,Time stamps
- --version:Version,TLS backends,Memory debugging
- --vlan-priority:VLAN
- Vulnerability:Backdoors and supply chain risks,Vulnerability handling
- wcurl:What does curl do?
- Wireshark:Available exit codes,Trace options,SSLKEYLOGFILE,Figure out what a browser sends
- wolfSSH:SSH libraries,
- wolfSSL:Commercial support,lib/vtls,TLS libraries,Native CA stores,Restrictions,All options,SSL context,HTTP/3 backends,
- Write callback:make callbacks as fast as possible,Callback considerations,All options,Write data,Response body,1. The callback approach,Raw mode,Write callback,Get a simple HTTP page,Get a response into memory
- --write-out:Error message,Write out,Overwriting,HTTP response codes