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Richard Dreyfuss

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Richard Dreyfuss

JaiotzaBrooklyn1947kourriaren 29a (77 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
Ezkontidea(k)Jeramie Rain (1983 -  1995)
HeziketaBeverly Hillseko bigarren hezkuntza institutua
Jarduerakaktorea,telebista-aktorea,eleberrigilea,zinema aktorea etaantzerki aktorea
Altuera165 zentimetro
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm0000377Allocine: 2715Rottentomatoes: celebrity/richarddreyfussAllmovie: people/richard-dreyfussIBDB: 38537
Twitter: richarddreyfussMusicbrainz: 80b7f09b-b643-465b-8af8-95b4317de1e5Discogs: 1205533Edit the value on Wikidata

Richard Stephen Dreyfuss (Brooklyn,1947kourriaren 29 - ),Estatu Batuetako antzezlea da,Oscar sariaren irabazlea.


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]

Taula honetan ikus daitezke film bakoitzaren zuzendaria, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):

UrteaFilmaZuzendariaEkoizleaIzenburuak (es,fr)
1967Valley of the DollsMark Robson--gaztelaniaz:El valle de las muñecasfrantsesez:La Vallée des poupées
1967The GraduateMike NicholsLawrence Turmangaztelaniaz:El graduadofrantsesez:Le Lauréat
1969Hello Down ThereJack ArnoldIvan Tors
1973American GraffitiGeorge LucasLucasfilm
1973DillingerJohn MiliusAmerican International Pictures
1974The Apprenticeship of Duddy KravitzTed KotcheffAstral Mediagaztelaniaz:El aprendizaje de Duddy Kravitzfrantsesez:L'Apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz
1974InsertsJohn Byrum--gaztelaniaz:Insertos
1975JawsSteven SpielbergUniversal Picturesgaztelaniaz:Tiburónfrantsesez:Les Dents de la mer
1976Victory at EntebbeMarvin J. Chomsky--frantsesez:Victoire à Entebbé
1977The Goodbye GirlHerbert RossMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:La chica del adiósfrantsesez:Adieu, je reste
1977Close Encounters of the Third KindSteven SpielbergEMI Filmsfrantsesez:Rencontres du troisième type
1978The Big FixJeremy Kagan--gaztelaniaz:Un investigador insólito
1979OthelloJoseph Papp--
1980The CompetitionJoel Oliansky--gaztelaniaz:El concursofrantsesez:Le Concours
1981Whose Life Is It Anyway?John BadhamMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:Mi vida es míafrantsesez:C'est ma vie, après tout !
1984The Buddy SystemGlenn Jordan--
1986Stand by MeRob ReinerColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:Cuenta conmigo
1986Down and Out in Beverly HillsPaul MazurskyTouchstone Picturesgaztelaniaz:Un loco suelto en Hollywoodfrantsesez:Le Clochard de Beverly Hills
1987StakeoutJohn BadhamTouchstone Picturesgaztelaniaz:Procedimiento ilegalfrantsesez:Étroite Surveillance
1987Tin MenBarry LevinsonTouchstone Picturesfrantsesez:Les Filous
1987NutsMartin RittWarner Bros.frantsesez:Cinglée
1988Moon over ParadorPaul MazurskyUniversal Picturesfrantsesez:Pleine lune sur Parador
1989Let It RideJoe PytkaParamount Picturesgaztelaniaz:A rienda sueltafrantsesez:Deux Dollars sur un tocard
1989AlwaysSteven SpielbergAmblin Entertainment
1990Postcards from the EdgeMike NicholsColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:Postales desde el filofrantsesez:Bons Baisers d'Hollywood
1990Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are DeadTom StoppardWNETgaztelaniaz:Rosencrantz y Guildenstern han muertofrantsesez:Rosencrantz et Guildenstern sont morts
1991What About Bob?Frank OzTouchstone Picturesfrantsesez:Quoi de neuf, Bob ?
1991Once AroundLasse HallströmCinecom Picturesfrantsesez:Ce cher intrus
1991Prisoner of HonorKen RussellHBOgaztelaniaz:Prisioneros del honorfrantsesez:Une affaire d'honneur
1993Another StakeoutJohn BadhamTouchstone Picturesfrantsesez:Indiscrétion assurée
1993Lost in YonkersMartha Coolidge--gaztelaniaz:Prohibido querer
1994Silent FallBruce BeresfordMorgan Creek Entertainmentgaztelaniaz:Un testigo en silencio
1995Mr. Holland's OpusStephen HerekInterscope Communicationsfrantsesez:Professeur Holland
1995The American PresidentRob ReinerCastle Rock Entertainmentfrantsesez:Le Président et Miss Wade
1996Night Falls on ManhattanSidney LumetParamount Picturesfrantsesez:Dans l'ombre de Manhattan
1996Mad Dog TimeLarry BishopUnited Artists Corporationfrantsesez:Mad Dogs
1997Oliver TwistTony Bill--
1998Krippendorf's TribeTodd HollandTouchstone Picturesfrantsesez:Drôles de Papous
1999LanskyJohn McNaughton--gaztelaniaz:Lansky, el imperio del crimenfrantsesez:Le Manipulateur
2000Fail SafeStephen Frears--gaztelaniaz:Fail Safe. Sin retornofrantsesez:Point limite
2000The CrewMichael DinnerTouchstone Pictures
2001The Day Reagan Was ShotCyrus Nowrasteh--frantsesez:Panique à la Maison Blanche
2001The Old Man Who Read Love StoriesRolf de Heer--gaztelaniaz:El viejo que leía novelas de amorfrantsesez:Le Vieux qui lisait des romans d'amour
2001Who Is Cletis Tout?Chris Ver WielFireworks Entertainmentgaztelaniaz:¿Quién es Cletis T...?
2003Coast to CoastPaul Mazursky--
2004Silver CityJohn Sayles--
2006PoseidonWolfgang PetersenWarner Bros.gaztelaniaz:Poseidónfrantsesez:Poséidon
2007The Man Who Shot ChinatownAxel Schill--
2008W.Oliver StoneLionsgatefrantsesez:W. : L'Improbable Président
2009My Life in RuinsDonald Petrie--frantsesez:Vacances à la grecque
2009Leaves of GrassTim Blake NelsonFirst Look Studiosfrantsesez:Escroc(s) en herbe
2009The LightkeepersDaniel Adams--
2009I Knew It Was YouRichard Shepard--gaztelaniaz:Descubriendo a John Cazale
2010Piranha 3DAlexandre AjaThe Weinstein Company
2010REDRobert SchwentkeSummit Entertainmentgaztelaniaz:Redfrantsesez:Red
2012The Shark Is Still WorkingErik Hollander--
2012ComaMikael Salomon--
2012Casting ByTom Donahue--gaztelaniaz:Casting By: Revolution in Hollywood
2012NoPablo LarraínParticipant
2013ParanoiaRobert LuketicGaumont Film Company
2013Very Good GirlsNaomi Foner Gyllenhaal--
2013MiliusZak Charles Knutson--
2014SquattersMartin Weisz--
2015ZipperMora Stephens--frantsesez:Sex Addiction
2016Classic Hollywood CinemasJorge Ameer--
2018The Last LaughGreg PritikinNetflixgaztelaniaz:La última carcajadafrantsesez:Juste pour rire
2018AsherMichael Caton-Jones--
2019AstronautShelagh McLeod--
2021Crime Story----
2021Every Last One of ThemChristian Sesma--gaztelaniaz:Hasta el último de ellos
2023SweetwaterMartin Guigui--


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
1967Valley of the Dolls
The GraduateEstra
1968The Young RunawaysTerry
1969Hello Down ThereHarold Webster
1973American GraffitiCurt Henderson
DillingerBaby Face Nelson
1974The Apprenticeship of Duddy KravitzDuddy
The Second Coming of SuzanneClavius
InsertsBoy Wonder
1975JawsMatt Hooper
1976Victory At EntebbeYonatan 'Yonni' Netanyahu koronela
1977Close Encounters of the Third KindRoy Neary
The Goodbye GirlElliott Garfield
1978The Big FixMoses Wine
1980The CompetitionPaul Dietrich
1981Whose Life Is It Anyway?Ken Harrison
1984The Buddy SystemJoe
1986Down and Out in Beverly HillsDavid 'Dave' Whiteman
Stand by MeIdazlea/Gordie heldua
1987Tin MenBill 'BB' Babowsky
StakeoutDet. Chris Lecce
NutsAaron Levinsky
1988Moon Over ParadorJack Noah/ Alphonse Simms presidentea
1989Let It RideJay Trotter
AlwaysPete Sandich
1990Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are DeadJokalaria
Postcards from the EdgeDoctor Frankenthal
1991Once AroundSam Sharpe
Prisoner of HonorCol. Picquart
What About Bob?Dr. Leo Marvin
1993Lost in YonkersLouie Kurnitz
Another StakeoutDetective Chris Lecce
1994Silent FallDr. Jake Rainer
1995The Last WordLarry
The American PresidentBob Rumson senataria
Mr. Holland's OpusGlenn Holland
1996James and the Giant PeachCentipede
Mad Dog TimeVic
1997Night Falls on ManhattanSam Vigoda
Oliver TwistFagin
1998Krippendorf's TribeProf. James Krippendorf
2000The CrewBobby Bartellemeo/Narratzailea
2001The Old Man Who Read Love StoriesAntonio Bolivar
Who is Cletis Tout?Micah Donnelly
2003Coast to CoastBarnaby Pierce
2004Silver CityChuck Raven
2006PoseidonRichard Nelson
2007Suburban Girl
Tin ManMystic Man
2008My Life in RuinsIrv
W.Dick Cheney
Signs of the TimeNarratzailea
2008America BetrayedNarratzailea
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