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Max Klinger

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Max Klinger

JaiotzaLeipzig1857kootsailaren 18a
Herrialdea Alemania
HeriotzaGroßjena(en)Itzuli etaNaumburg1920kouztailaren 5a (63 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaGroßjena(en)Itzuli
HeziketaPetri school Leipzig(en)Itzuli
Academy of Fine Arts, Karlsruhe(en)Itzuli
(1874koapirila -1875)
Prussian Academy of Arts(en)Itzuli
(1875 -1876)
Irakaslea(k)Karl Gussow(en)Itzuli
Ludwig des Coudres(en)Itzuli
Emile Wauters
Jarduerakeskultorea,margolaria,unibertsitateko irakaslea,idazlea,grabatzailea,volunteer serving one year(en)Itzuli,exlibrist(en)Itzuli etaartista bisuala
Enplegatzailea(k)Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig(en)Itzuli (1897 -
Lan nabarmenak
Jasotako sariak
KidetzaBerlin Secession(en)Itzuli
Municheko arte ederren akademia
Berlingo Arteen Akademia
Vienako Sezesioa

Musicbrainz: d843d986-dba6-43c3-b016-b61582cbc89dDiscogs: 2236378Find a Grave: 141592941Edit the value on Wikidata

Max Klinger (Leipzig,1857kootsailaren 18a -Naumburg,1920kouztailaren 5a) alemaniar margolari, eskultore, imprimatzaile eta grabatzailea izan zen.Sinbolismoarekin,Vienako Sezesioarekin etaJugendstilarekin lotuta egon zen.


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
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  • Johannes Brahmsen monumentua
    Johannes Brahmsen monumentua
  • Beethoven
  • Ama eta semea
    Ama eta semea
  • Jaunaren erretratua, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
    Jaunaren erretratua, Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
  • Pissing Death (1880), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig
    Pissing Death (1880), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig
  • A Legation (1882), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany.
    A Legation (1882), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany.
  • The Judgment of Paris (1885-87), Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
    The Judgment of Paris (1885-87), Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Viena
  • The Blue Hour (1890), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany.
    The Blue Hour (1890), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany.
  • Christ in Olympus (1897), Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna, Austria.
    Christ in Olympus (1897), Österreichische Galerie Belvedere, Vienna, Austria.
  • Landscape on the Unstrut (1912), Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg, Germany.
    Landscape on the Unstrut (1912), Lindenau-Museum, Altenburg, Germany.
  • The Drama
    The Drama
  • Elsa Asenijeff, ca. 1900.
    Elsa Asenijeff, ca. 1900.
  • Athlete, (1901)
    Athlete, (1901)
  • Beethoven (c. 1883-1902), Leipzig
    Beethoven (c. 1883-1902), Leipzig
  • Beethoven Torso (1902), brontze
    Beethoven Torso (1902), brontze
  • Galatea (1906)
    Galatea (1906)
  • Cupid, Death, and the Beyond, from the series Intermezzi, Opus IV, no. 12 (1881), etching and aquatint, 15.7 × 40.7 cm., Philadelphia Museum of Art
    Cupid, Death, and the Beyond, from the seriesIntermezzi, Opus IV, no. 12 (1881), etching and aquatint, 15.7 × 40.7 cm., Philadelphia Museum of Art
  • Anxieties from the series Paraphrase on the Finding of a Glove Opus VI, no. 7 (1881), etching, Albertina, Viena
    Anxieties from the seriesParaphrase on the Finding of a Glove Opus VI, no. 7 (1881), etching, Albertina, Viena
  • Abduction from the series Paraphrase on the Finding of a Glove Opus VI, no. 9 (1881), Albertina, Viena
    Abduction from the seriesParaphrase on the Finding of a Glove Opus VI, no. 9 (1881), Albertina, Viena
  • Intermezzo, from the series A Love, Opus X, no. 6 (1887), Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
    Intermezzo, from the seriesA Love, Opus X, no. 6 (1887), Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
  • First Future, from the series Eva and the Future, Opus III, no, 2 (1879–80), Saint Louis Art Museum
    First Future, from the seriesEva and the Future, Opus III, no, 2 (1879–80), Saint Louis Art Museum
  • Third Future, from the series Eve and the Future, Opus III, no, 6 (1880), Art Institute of Chicago
    Third Future, from the seriesEve and the Future, Opus III, no, 6 (1880), Art Institute of Chicago
  • Sitting Naked Woman with Dancing Phallus (1882)
    Sitting Naked Woman with Dancing Phallus (1882)
  • Temptation, from the series A Life, Opus VIII, no. 4 (1884), Art Institute of Chicago
    Temptation, from the seriesA Life, Opus VIII, no. 4 (1884), Art Institute of Chicago
  • Downfall, from the series A Life, Opus VIII, no. 12 (1884), Art Institute of Chicago
    Downfall, from the seriesA Life, Opus VIII, no. 12 (1884), Art Institute of Chicago
  • Back into Nothingness from the series A Life, Opus VIII, no. 15 (1884)
    Back into Nothingness from the seriesA Life, Opus VIII, no. 15 (1884)
  • Kiss in the Park, from the series A Love, Opus X, no. 4 (1887)
    Kiss in the Park, from the seriesA Love, Opus X, no. 4 (1887)
  • Evocation, from the series Brahmsphantasie, Opus XII, no, 2 (1894) National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.
    Evocation, from the seriesBrahmsphantasie, Opus XII, no, 2 (1894) National Gallery of Art, Washington D. C.
  • Sisifus (The Faculties) (1914)
    Sisifus (The Faculties) (1914)

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