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Ernest Borgnine

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Ernest Borgnine

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakErmes Effron Borgnino
JaiotzaHamden1917kourtarrilaren 24a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
HeriotzaCedars-Sinai Mediku Zentroa2012kouztailaren 8a (95 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaForest Lawn Memorial Park(en)Itzuli
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza:giltzurruneko gutxiegitasuna
Ezkontidea(k)ezezaguna (1949 -  1958)
Katy Jurado (1959koabenduaren 31 -  1963koekainaren 3a)
Ethel Merman (1964koekainaren 27a -  1965ekomaiatzaren 25a)
ezezaguna (1965 -  1972)
Tova Traesnaes (1973kootsailaren 24a -  2012kouztailaren 8a)
HeziketaHillhouse High School(en)Itzuli
Jarduerakaktorea,zinema aktorea,karaktere aktorea,ofizierra,telebista-aktorea,ahots-aktorea etaantzerki aktorea
Altuera175 zentimetro
Jasotako sariak
Genero artistikoaWesterna
Zerbitzu militarra
Adar militarraAmeriketako Estatu Batuetako Itsas Armada
Parte hartutako gatazkakBigarren Mundu Gerra
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoaAmeriketako Estatu Batuetako Alderdi Errepublikanoa

IMDB: nm0000308Allocine: 905Rottentomatoes: celebrity/ernest_borgnineAllmovie: people/ernest-borgnineIBDB: 32544
Musicbrainz: e5b8939a-9235-4570-8ffe-ab75676aebd9Discogs: 1081029Find a Grave: 93303368Edit the value on Wikidata

Ernest Borgnine (jaiotzezErmes Effron Borgnino;1917kourtarrilaren 24a –2012kouztailaren 8a)estatubatuar aktorea izan zen.1955eanMarty filmean aritzeagatikgizonezko aktore onenaren Oscar Saria lortu zuen. Sei hamarkadez lan egin zuen eta 92 urte zituelaEmmy Sariaraki izendapena lortu zuen,ER telesailean aritzegatik.


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]

Taula honetan ikus daitezke film bakoitzaren zuzendaria, enpresa ekoizlea eta beste izenburuak (gaztelaniaz, frantsesez):

UrteaFilmaZuzendariaEkoizleaIzenburuak (es,fr)
1951The Whistle at Eaton FallsRobert SiodmakColumbia Picturesfrantsesez:Quand la foule gronde
1951The MobRobert ParrishColumbia Picturesfrantsesez:Dans la gueule du loup
1951China CorsairRay NazarroColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:El corsario chino
1953Treasure of the Golden CondorDelmer Daves20th Century Studiosfrantsesez:Le Trésor du Guatemala
1953The Stranger Wore a GunAndré de TothColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:El forastero iba armadofrantsesez:Les Massacreurs du Kansas
1954Johnny GuitarNicholas RayRepublic Picturesfrantsesez:Johnny Guitare
1954The Bounty HunterAndré de TothWarner Bros.gaztelaniaz:El cazador de recompensasfrantsesez:Terreur à l'ouest
1954Vera CruzRobert AldrichHecht-Hill-Lancaster Productions
1954Demetrius and the GladiatorsDelmer Daves20th Century Studiosfrantsesez:Les Gladiateurs
1955Violent SaturdayRichard Fleischer20th Century Studiosgaztelaniaz:Sábado trágicofrantsesez:Les Inconnus dans la ville
1955Run for CoverNicholas Ray--gaztelaniaz:Busca tu refugiofrantsesez:À l'ombre des potences
1955Bad Day at Black RockJohn SturgesMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:Conspiración de silenciofrantsesez:Un homme est passé
1955The Square JungleJerry HopperUniversal Picturesfrantsesez:La Jungle des hommes
1955MartyDelbert MannHecht-Hill-Lancaster Productions
1955The Last CommandFrank LloydRepublic Picturesgaztelaniaz:La última ordenfrantsesez:Quand le clairon sonnera
1956Three Brave MenPhilip Dunne20th Century Studiosgaztelaniaz:Difamación de un hombrefrantsesez:Je ne suis pas un espion
1956The Catered AffairRichard BrooksMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:Banquete de bodasfrantsesez:Le Repas de noces
1956JubalDelmer DavesColumbia Picturesfrantsesez:L'Homme de nulle part
1956The Best Things in Life Are FreeMichael Curtiz20th Century Studiosgaztelaniaz:Lo mejor de la vida es gratisfrantsesez:Les Rois du jazz
1958The VikingsRichard FleischerBryna Productionsgaztelaniaz:Los vikingosfrantsesez:Les Vikings
1958Torpedo RunJoseph PevneyMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:El último torpedofrantsesez:La Dernière Torpille
1958The BadlandersDelmer DavesMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:Arizona, prisión federalfrantsesez:L'Or du Hollandais
1959The Rabbit TrapPhilip Leacock--gaztelaniaz:La trampa de conejos
1959Summer of the Seventeenth DollLeslie NormanHecht-Hill-Lancaster Productionsgaztelaniaz:Brindis por un recuerdo
1960Man on a StringAndré de TothColumbia Picturesfrantsesez:Contre-espionnage
1960Pay or DieRichard Wilson--gaztelaniaz:Paga o muere
1961The Last JudgementVittorio De Sica--gaztelaniaz:El juicio universalfrantsesez:Le Jugement dernier
1961The Italian BrigandsMario Camerini--gaztelaniaz:Venganza sicilianafrantsesez:Les Guérilleros
1961Go Naked in the WorldRanald MacDougall--gaztelaniaz:Desnuda frente al mundofrantsesez:Volupté
1961BarabbasRichard FleischerDino De Laurentiis Corporationgaztelaniaz:Barrabás
1961Black CityDuilio Coletti--gaztelaniaz:Il re di Poggiorealefrantsesez:Le Roi des truands
1964McHale's NavyEdward MontagneUniversal Picturesgaztelaniaz:La armada de McHalefrantsesez:La flotte se mouille
1965The Flight of the PhoenixRobert Aldrich--gaztelaniaz:El vuelo del Fénixfrantsesez:Le Vol du Phœnix
1966The OscarRussell Rouse--gaztelaniaz:El Óscarfrantsesez:La Statue en or massif
1967ChukaGordon DouglasRod Taylorfrantsesez:Chuka le redoutable
1967The Dirty DozenRobert AldrichMetro-Goldwyn-Mayerfrantsesez:Les Douze Salopards
1968The Legend of Lylah ClareRobert AldrichMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:La leyenda de Lylah Clarefrantsesez:Le Démon des femmes
1968The SplitGordon FlemyngMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:El repartofrantsesez:Le crime, c'est notre business
1968Ice Station ZebraJohn SturgesMetro-Goldwyn-Mayerfrantsesez:Destination Zebra, station polaire
1969The Wild BunchSam PeckinpahWarner Bros.-Seven Artsfrantsesez:La Horde sauvage
1969The AdventurersLewis GilbertParamount Picturesgaztelaniaz:Los libertinosfrantsesez:Les Derniers Aventuriers
1969A Bullet for SandovalJulio Buchs--gaztelaniaz:Los Desperadosfrantsesez:Les Quatre Desperados
1970Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody CameHy AverbackAmerican Broadcasting Companygaztelaniaz:Esta noche vamos de guerra
1971WillardDaniel Mann--
1971Rain for a Dusty SummerArthur Lubin--gaztelaniaz:Miguel Pro
1971Hannie CaulderBurt KennedyTigon British Film Productionsfrantsesez:Un colt pour trois salopards
1971Bunny O'HareGerd Oswald--
1972The RevengersDaniel MannCinema Center Filmsfrantsesez:La Poursuite sauvage
1972The Poseidon AdventureRonald Neame20th Century Studiosgaztelaniaz:La aventura del Poseidónfrantsesez:L'Aventure du Poséidon
1972Ripped OffFranco ProsperiTroma Entertainmentgaztelaniaz:Los largos días de la violenciafrantsesez:Le Coriace
1973Emperor of the North PoleRobert Aldrich20th Century Studiosgaztelaniaz:El emperador del nortefrantsesez:L'Empereur du Nord
1973The Neptune FactorDaniel Petrie--gaztelaniaz:Odisea bajo el marfrantsesez:Odyssée sous la mer
1974Law and DisorderIvan PasserColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:Grand Street
1974Sunday in the CountryJohn Trent--gaztelaniaz:La venganza es mía
1975HustleRobert AldrichParamount Picturesgaztelaniaz:Destino fatalfrantsesez:La Cité des dangers
1975The Devil's RainRobert Fuest--gaztelaniaz:La lluvia del diablofrantsesez:La Pluie du diable
1976ShootHarvey Hart--
1976Holiday HookersArmando Nannuzzi--gaztelaniaz:Navidad en una casa de citasfrantsesez:Allô... Madame
1977Fire!Earl BellamyWarner Bros. Television Studiosgaztelaniaz:El bosque en llamasfrantsesez:Horizons en flammes
1977Jesus of NazarethFranco Zeffirelli--frantsesez:Jésus de Nazareth
1977The Prince and the PauperRichard Fleischer--gaztelaniaz:El príncipe y el mendigofrantsesez:Le Prince et le Pauvre
1977The GreatestTom GriesColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:Yo, el mejorfrantsesez:Le Plus Grand
1978ConvoySam PeckinpahEMI Filmsfrantsesez:Le Convoi
1978The Ghost of Flight 401Steven Hilliard Stern--frantsesez:Le Fantôme du vol 401
1979The Black HoleGary NelsonThe Walt Disney Companyfrantsesez:Le Trou noir
1979The Double McGuffinJoe Camp--
1979RavagersRichard Compton--gaztelaniaz:El planeta de los buitres
1979All Quiet on the Western FrontDelbert Mann--gaztelaniaz:Sin novedad en el frentefrantsesez:À l'Ouest, rien de nouveau
1980Super FuzzSergio Corbucci--gaztelaniaz:El Superpoderosofrantsesez:Un drôle de flic
1980When Time Ran OutJames GoldstoneWarner Bros.frantsesez:Le Jour de la fin du monde
1981Escape from New YorkJohn CarpenterGoldcrest Filmsfrantsesez:New York 1997
1981High RiskStewart Raffill--gaztelaniaz:Alto riesgofrantsesez:Les Risques de l'aventure
1981Deadly BlessingWes Craven--gaztelaniaz:Bendición mortalfrantsesez:La Ferme de la terreur
1983CarpoolE.W. Swackhamer--
1983The Graduates of Malibu HighLawrence D. Foldes--gaztelaniaz:Jóvenes guerreros
1984Man HuntFabrizio De Angelis--gaztelaniaz:Cacería del hombrefrantsesez:Uppercut Man
1984Code Name: Wild GeeseAntonio Margheriti--gaztelaniaz:Comando Patos Salvajesfrantsesez:Nom de code : Oies sauvages
1984Love Leads the WayDelbert Mann--gaztelaniaz:A través de la oscuridad
1984The Last Days of PompeiiPeter R. Hunt--gaztelaniaz:Los últimos días de Pompeya (serie de televisión)frantsesez:Les Derniers Jours de Pompéi
1985The Dirty Dozen: Next MissionAndrew V. McLaglenMetro-Goldwyn-Mayergaztelaniaz:Doce del patíbulo: la siguiente misiónfrantsesez:Les Douze Salopards 2
1987From Here to EternityFred ZinnemannColumbia Picturesgaztelaniaz:De aquí a la eternidadfrantsesez:Tant qu'il y aura des hommes
1988Spike of BensonhurstPaul Morrissey--
1988The OpponentSergio MartinoMedusa Filmgaztelaniaz:Uppercut Manfrantsesez:Uppercut Man
1988The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal MissionLee H. Katzin--frantsesez:Les Douze Salopards : Mission fatale
1988The Big TurnaroundJoseph Louis Cranston--
1988Skeleton CoastJohn Cardos--gaztelaniaz:Costa Esqueleto
1988Moving TargetMarius Mattei--
1989Gummibärchen küßt man nichtWalter Bannert--
1989Laser MissionBJ Davis--gaztelaniaz:Misión Láser
1990--Nello Rossati--
1990Any Man's DeathTom Clegg--
1990The Last MatchFabrizio De Angelis--gaztelaniaz:La última jugada
1990AppearancesWin Phelps--
1992MistressBarry PrimusTriBeCa Productionsgaztelaniaz:Gente de Sunset Boulevardfrantsesez:Hollywood Mistress
1994Outlaws: The Legend of O.B. TaggartRupert Hitzig--
1995--John Biffar--
1996Merlin's Shop of Mystical WondersKenneth J. Berton--gaztelaniaz:El regreso del Mago Merlínfrantsesez:Les Nouvelles Aventures de Merlin l'Enchanteur
1997GattacaAndrew NiccolColumbia Picturesfrantsesez:Bienvenue à Gattaca
1997McHale's NavyBryan Spicer--gaztelaniaz:La armada de McHale
1998Small SoldiersJoe DanteUniversal Picturesgaztelaniaz:Pequeños guerreros
1998MelJoey Travolta--
1998BASEketballDavid ZuckerUniversal Picturesfrantsesez:Baseketball
1999The Lost Treasure of Sawtooth IslandRichard Brauer--
1999The Last Great RideRalph E. Portillo--
1999AbileneJoe Camp III--
2000Castle RockCraig Clyde--
2000HooverRick Pamplin--
2000The Kiss of DebtDerek Diorio--
200211'09"01 September 11Samira Makhmalbaf--gaztelaniaz:11'09"01 - September 11frantsesez:11'09"01 - September 11
2002WhiplashDouglas S. Younglove--
2003The Long Ride HomeRobert Marcarelli--gaztelaniaz:El largo camino a casa
2004New York MinuteDennie GordonDualstarfrantsesez:Une journée à New York
2004BlueberryJan Kounen--frantsesez:Blueberry, l'expérience secrète
2004Barn RedRichard Brauer--
2005The Bodyguard's CureCarlo Sigon--
2007A Grandpa for ChristmasHarvey FrostSonar Entertainmentgaztelaniaz:Un abuelo para Navidadfrantsesez:Un grand-père pour Noël
2007Oliviero RisingEnrico Roseo--
2008Frozen Stupid----
2008Strange WildernessFred WolfLevel 1 Entertainment
2008Chinaman's ChanceAki Aleong--gaztelaniaz:Chinaman’s Chance: America’s Other Slaves
2010The Wishing WellDavid JacksonLarry Levinson Productionsfrantsesez:Un vœu pour Noël
2010REDRobert SchwentkeSummit Entertainmentgaztelaniaz:Redfrantsesez:Red
2010Another Harvest MoonGreg Swartz--gaztelaniaz:Luna de otoño
2010Enemy MindBrennan Reed--
2010The Genesis CodeC. Thomas Howell--
2011Night ClubSam Borowski--
2011Love's Christmas JourneyDavid S. Cass, Sr.--gaztelaniaz:Y el amor llegó en Navidadfrantsesez:Noël au Far West
2011SnatchedJoe Cacaci--
2011The Lion of JudahRoger Hawkins--
2012The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente FernandezElia Petridis--


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
1951China CorsairHu Chang
The Whistle at Eaton FallsBill Street
The MobJoe Castro
1953From Here to EternityStaff Sergeant James R. "Fatso" Judson
The Stranger Wore a GunBull Slager
1954Johnny GuitarBart Lonergan
Demetrius and the GladiatorsStrabo
The Bounty HunterBill Rachin
Vera CruzDonnegan
1955Bad Day at Black RockColey Trimble
MartyMartyOskar Saria
Run for CoverMorgan
Violent SaturdayStadt, Amish Farmer
The Last CommandMike Radin
The Square JungleBernie Browne
1956JubalShep Horgan
The Catered AffairTom Hurley
The Best Things in Life Are FreeLew Brown
Three Brave MenBernard F. "Bernie" Goldsmith
1958The VikingsRagnar
The BadlandersJohn "Mac" McBain
Torpedo RunLieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Archer "Archie" Sloan
1959Summer of the Seventeenth DollRoo Webber
The Rabbit TrapEddie Colt
1960Man on a StringBoris Mitrov
Pay or DiePolice Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino
1961Il re di PoggiorealePeppino Navarra
I briganti italianiSante Carbone
Go Naked in the WorldPete Stratton
The Last JudgementPickpocket
1964McHale's NavyLieutenant Commander Quinton McHaleIzen bereko telesailarenspin-offa
1965The Flight of the PhoenixTrucker Cobb
1966The OscarBarney Yale
1967The Dirty DozenMajor General Worden
ChukaSergeant Otto Hansbach
1968The Man Who Makes the DifferenceBeraDokumentala
The Legend of Lylah ClareBarney Sheean
Ice Station ZebraBoris Vaslov
The SplitBert Clinger
1969The Wild BunchDutch Engstrom
A Bullet for SandovalDon Pedro Sandoval
1970The AdventurersFat Cat
Suppose They Gave a War and Nobody Came?Sheriff Harve
1971Rain for a Dusty SummerThe General
WillardAl Martin
Bunny O'HareBill Green / William Gruenwald
Hannie CaulderEmmett Clemens
Sam Hill: Who Killed Mr. Foster?Deputy Sam Hill
The TrackersSam Paxton
1972The World of Sport FishingBeraDokumentala
Film Portrait
The RevengersHoop
The Poseidon AdventureDetective Lieutenant Mike Rogo
Ripped OffCaptain Perkins
1973Emperor of the North PoleShack
The Neptune FactorChief Diver Don MacKay
Legend in GraniteVince Lombardi
1974Law and DisorderCy
Vengeance Is MineAdam Smith
Twice in a LifetimeVince Boselli
1975The Devil's RainJonathan "John" Corbis
1977The GreatestAngelo Dundee
Fire!Sam Brisbane
1978Crossed SwordsJohn Canty
ConvoySheriff Lyle "Cottonmouth" Wallace
The Ghost of Flight 401Dom Cimoli
Cops and RobinJoe Cleaver
The Double McGuffinFirat
The Black HoleHarry Booth
Holiday HookersMax
1980When Time Ran OutDetective Sergeant Tom Conti
Super FuzzSergeant Willy Dunlop
1981Escape from New YorkCabbie
Deadly BlessingIsaiah Schmidt
High RiskClint
1983The Graduates of Malibu HighLieutenant Bob Carrigan
CarpoolMickey Doyle
1984Code Name: Wild GeeseFletcher
Love Leads the Way: A True StorySenator Brighton
1985Man HuntBen Robeson
Alice in WonderlandLehoia
1987Skeleton CoastColonel Smith
The OpponentVictor
1988The Big TurnaroundFather Lopez
Moving TargetCaptain Morrison
Any Man's DeathHerr Gantz
Spike of BensonhurstBaldo Cacetti
Real Men Don't Eat Gummi BearsBischof
1989Jake Spanner, Private EyeSal
1990The Last MatchCoach
Tides of WarDoctor
Laser MissionProfessor Braun
AppearancesEmil Danzig
1991Mountain of DiamondsErnie
1993Tierärztin ChristineDr. Gustav Gruber
Der blaue DiamantHans Kroger
1994The Outlaws: Legend of O.B. TaggartEzezaguna
1995Captiva IslandArty
Tierärztin Christine II: The TemptationDr. Gustav Gruber
1996The Wild Bunch: An Album in MontageBeraDokumentala
Merlin's Shop of Mystical WondersGrandfather
All Dogs Go to Heaven 2Carface CarruthersAhotsa
1997Ernest Borgnine on the BusBeraDokumentala
McHale's NavyAdmiral Quinton McHale, Sr. (a.k.a. Cobra)
199812 BucksLucky
Small SoldiersKip KilliganAhotsa
BASEketballTed Denslow
1999The Last Great RideFranklin Lyle
AbileneHotis Brown
The Lost Treasure of Sawtooth IslandBen Quinn
2000The Kiss of DebtGodfather Mariano
Castle RockNate
HooverJ. Edgar Hoover
2002WhiplashJudge DuPont
11'09"01 September 11Pensioner
2003Barn RedMichael Bolini
The American HoboNarratzaileaDokumentala
The Long Ride HomeLucas Moat
2004BlueberryRolling Star
The Blue LightFaerie King
The Trail to Hope RoseEugene
2005That One SummerOtis Garner
3 BelowGrandpa
Rail KingsSteamtrain
2006La Cura del gorilaJerry Warden
Frozen StupidFrank Norgard
2007Oliviero RisingBill
A Grandpa for ChristmasBert O'Riley
2008Strange WildernessMilas
I Am Somebody: No Chance in HellJudge Holliday
Aces 'n EightsThurmond Prescott
2009Another Harvest MoonFrank
2010The Genesis CodeCarl Taylor
2011Night ClubAlbert
The Lion of JudahSlink
SnatchedBig Frank Baum
Love's Christmas JourneyNicolas
2012The Man Who Shook the Hand of Vicente FernandezRex Page


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
1961The Blue AngelsEzezaguna"The Blue Leaders" atala
1962–1966McHale's NavyLieutenant Commander Quinton McHale
1974Little House on the PrairieJonathan"The Lord is my Shepherd" atala
1976–1977Future CopCleaver
1977Jesus of NazarethErromatar zenturioi
1979All Quiet on the Western FrontStanislaus Katczinsky
1982Magnum, P.I.Earl "Mr. White Death" Gianelli"Mr. White Death" atala
1983Blood FeudJ. Edgar Hoover
1984The Last Days of PompeiiMarcus
1984–1986AirwolfDominic Santini
1985The Dirty Dozen: The Next MissionMajor General Worden
1987Space IslandBilly Bones
The Dirty Dozen: The Deadly MissionMajor General Worden
1988The Dirty Dozen: The Fatal MissionMajor General Worden
1989OceanPedro El Triste
1991Home ImprovementEddie Phillips"Birds of a Feather Flock to Taylor" atala
1993The SimpsonsBera"Boy-Scoutz n the Hood" atala
1995–1997The Single GuyAtezain
1996–1999All Dogs Go to Heaven: The SeriesCarface CaruthersAhotsa
1998JAGArtemus SullivanEpisode: "Yesterday's Heroes"
1999–2012SpongeBob SquarePantsMermaid ManAhotsa
2000Walker, Texas RangerEddie Ryan"The Avenging Angel" atala
20027th HeavenJoe"The Known Soldier" atala
2003The DistrictUncle Mike Murphy"Last Waltz" atala
2009ERPaul Manning"Old Times" eta "And in the End..." atalak
2010Saturday Night LiveBeracameo


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
2001SpongeBob SquarePants: SuperSpongeMermaid ManAhotsa
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