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Dennis Hopper

Wikipedia, Entziklopedia askea
Dennis Hopper

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakDennis Lee Hopper
JaiotzaDodge City1936komaiatzaren 17a
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
HeriotzaVenice2010ekomaiatzaren 29a (74 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaJesus Nazareno Cemetery(en)Itzuli
Heriotza moduaberezko heriotza:prostatako minbizia
AitaJay Millard Hopper
AmaMarjorie Mae Hopper
Ezkontidea(k)Brooke Hayward (1961ekoabuztuaren 9a -  1969)
Michelle Phillips (1970ekourriaren 31 -  1970ekoazaroaren 8a)
Daria Halprin (1972komaiatzaren 14a -  1976)
Katherine LaNasa (1989koekainaren 17a -  1992koapirila)
Victoria Duffy(en)Itzuli (1996koapirilaren 13a -  2010ekomaiatzaren 29a)
HeziketaActors Studio
Kansas City Art Institute(en)Itzuli
Helix High School(en)Itzuli
Lee Strasberg Antzerki- eta Film-Eskola
Jardueraktelebista-aktorea,zinema aktorea,film-zuzendaria,aktorea,argazkilaria,gidoilaria,idazlea,margolaria,karaktere aktorea,artista,artista bisuala,ahots-aktorea,eskultorea,arte bildumagilea,grabatzailea etaerrealizadorea
Altuera173 zentimetro
Lantokia(k)Los Angeles eta Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lan nabarmenak
Jasotako sariak
Genero artistikoaekintza-filma
film dramatikoa
abenturazko filma
krimenezko filma
misteriozko zinema
epic film(en)Itzuli
psychological thriller film(en)Itzuli
Sinesmenak eta ideologia
Alderdi politikoaAmeriketako Estatu Batuetako Alderdi Errepublikanoa

IMDB: nm0000454Allocine: 309Rottentomatoes: celebrity/dennis_hopperAllmovie: p94825TCM: 88906Metacritic: person/ people/dennis-hopperIBDB: 45578
Musicbrainz: 806b8e6f-343f-46db-849d-ac551a384f60Discogs: 319667Allmusic: mn0000245154Find a Grave: 52979594Edit the value on Wikidata

Dennis Lee Hopper (1936komaiatzaren 17a,Dodge City,Kansas,AEB2010ekomaiatzaren 29a, Venice,Kalifornia,AEB)zinemakoaktore eta ekoizleestatubatuarra izan zen.

1956anGiant filman antzeztu zuen.1969anPeter Fonda etaJack Nicholsonekin bateraEasy Rider filma antzeztu eta zuzendu ostean mundu mailako ospea bereganatu zuen. Bere ibilbide profesionalean zehar mentalki desorekatuak baina era berean buruargiak diren pertsonaiak antzezten espezializatu izan zen.

2003anIruñean filmatu eta girotutakoAmericano filma antzeztu zuen.


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
1955Rebel Without a CauseGoon
1955I Died a Thousand TimesJoeUncredited
1956GiantJordan Benedict III
1957Gunfight at the O.K. CorralBilly Clanton
1957The Story of MankindNapoleon Bonaparte
1957SayonaraMP in Kelly's house / MP at Tokyo airportVoice, Uncredited
1958From Hell to TexasTom Boyd
1959The Young LandHatfield Carnes
1960Key WitnessWilliam "Cowboy" Tomkins
1961Night TideJohnny Drake
1964The Thirteen Most Beautiful BoysShort film
1964Tarzan and Jane Regained... Sort of
1964The Thirteen Most Beautiful Boys
1965The Sons of Katie ElderDave Hastings
1966Queen of BloodPaul Grant
1967The TripMax
1967Cool Hand LukeBabalugats
1967LukeHimselfShort film
1968The Glory StompersChino
1968Panic in the CityGoff
1968Hang 'Em HighThe Prophet
1968HeadLong haired guy at filmshoot in restaurantExtra, krediturik gabe
1969Easy RiderBilly
1969True GritMoon
1970The Festival Game}HimselfDokumentala
1971The Last MovieKansas
1971The American DreamerHimselfDocumentary
1972The Other Side of the Wind
1972Crush ProofHimself
1973Kid BlueBickford Waner
1976Mad Dog MorganDaniel Morgan
1977Tracks1st Sgt. Jack Falen
1977The American FriendTom Ripley
1977Les Apprentis Sorciers}A spy
1978Flesh ColorMel
1978CIA contro KGBMedford
1979Apocalypse NowPhotojournalist
1980Out of the BlueDon
1981King of the MountainCal
1982Human HighwayCracker
1983Rumble FishFather
1983The Osterman WeekendRichard Tremayne
1983White StarKenneth Barlow
1984Jungle WarriorsUncredited
1984The Inside ManMiller
1985A Hero of Our TimeUncredited
Short film
1985O.C. and StiggsSponson
1985My Science ProjectBob Roberts
1986Riders of the StormThe Captain
1986The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2Lieutenant 'Lefty' Enright
1986River's EdgeFeck
1986Blue VelvetFrank Booth
1987RebornRev. Tom Hartley
1987Black WidowBen Dumers
1987Straight to HellI.G. Farben
1987Running Out of LuckVideo Director
1987The Pick-upFlash Jensen
1989Blood RedWilliam Bradford Berrigan
1989ChattahoocheeWalker Benson
1990FlashbackHuey Walker
1991Paris TroutParis Trout
1991The Indian RunnerCaesar
1991Eye of the StormMarvin Gladstone
1991Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's ApocalypseHimselfDocumentary
1992Sunset HeatCarl Madson
1993Boiling PointRudolph 'Red' Diamond
1993Red Rock WestLyle from Dallas
1993Super Mario Bros.King Koopa
1993True RomanceClifford Worley
1994SpeedHoward Payne
1995Search and DestroyDr. Luther Waxling
1996Carried AwayJoseph Svenden
1996BasquiatBruno Bischofberger
1996Space TruckersJohn Canyon
1996The Last Days of Frankie the FlyFrankie
1997The BlackoutMickey Wayne
1997Top of the WorldCharles Atlas
1997Road EndsSheriff Ben Gilchrist
1997The Good LifeMr. BUnreleased
1997Cannes ManHimself
1997Who Is Henry Jaglom?HimselfDocumentary
1998Meet the DeedlesFrank Slater
1998Welcome to HollywoodHimself
1999TycusPeter CrawfordDirect-to-DVD
1999EDtvHenry 'Hank' Pekumy
1999Straight ShooterFrank Hector
1999JusticeTV Movie, Uncredited
1999Jesus' SonBill
1999The Venice ProjectRoland / Salvatore
1999Bad City BluesCleveland Carter
1999lack And The White}Oliver Chamberlain
1999Robert Rauschenberg: Inventive GeniusNarratorDocumentary
1999The SourceWilliam S. BurroughsDocumentary
2000The Spreading GroundDet. Ed DeLongpre
2000Lured InnocenceRick Chambers
2000The Prophet's GameVincent Swan
2000Michael AngelLewis Garou
2000Luck of the DrawGiani Ponti
2000Held for RansomJD
2001TickerAlex Swan
2001ChokeHenry Clark
2001Knockaround GuysBenny Chains
2001L.A.P.D.: To Protect and to ServeCaptain Elsworth
2002UnspeakableWarden Earl Blakely
2002The Piano PlayerRobert Nile
2003The Night We Called It a DayFrank Sinatra
2003New Scenes from AmericaHimself – ActorShort film
2003Easy Riders, Raging BullsHimselfDocumentary
2004LegacyCHP Officer
2004Bad Boy's 10th Anniversary... The HitsVictor CastiglioneUncredited
2004Out of SeasonHarry Barlow
2004The KeeperKrebs
2005House of 9Father Duffy
2005The Crow: Wicked PrayerEl NiñoDirect-to-DVD
2005Land of the DeadKaufman
2005Inside Deep ThroatNarratorVoice
2005Sketches of Frank GehryHimselfDocumentary
2006Hoboken HollowSheriff Greer
200610th & WolfMatty Matello
2006MemoryMax Lichtenstein
2006Rising Son: The Legend of Skateboarder Christian HosoiNarratorVoice
2006Andy Warhol: A Documentary FilmHimselfDocumentary
2008Hell RideEddie Zero
2008SleepwalkingMr. Reedy
2008ElegyGeorge O'Hearn
2008Swing VoteDonald Greenleaf
2008Palermo ShootingFrank
2008An American CarolThe Judge
2010Alpha and OmegaTonyVoice
Released posthumously
2016The Last Film FestivalNick TwainReleased posthumously
2018The Other Side of the WindLucas RenardIn post production, (final film role)

Kanpo estekak

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