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Christian Slater

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Christian Slater

Jaiotzako izen-deiturakChristian Michael Leonard Hawkins
JaiotzaNew York1969koabuztuaren 18a (55 urte)
Herrialdea Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Lehen hizkuntzaingelesa
AitaMichael Hawkins
AmaMary Jo Slater
Ezkontidea(k)Ryan Haddon(en)Itzuli (2000kootsailaren 12a -  2006koazaroaren 21a)
HeziketaDalton School(en)Itzuli
Professional Children's School(en)Itzuli
Jardueraktelebista-aktorea,zinema aktorea,antzerki aktorea,karateka,ahots-aktorea,zinema ekoizlea,aktorea etafilm-zuzendaria
Jasotako sariak
IMDB: nm0000225Allocine: 13604Rottentomatoes: celebrity/christian_slaterAllmovie: p66187TCM: 179028Metacritic: person/ people/christian-slaterIBDB: 71549
Twitter: ChristianSlaterEdit the value on Wikidata

Christian Michael Leonard Slater (1969koabuztuaren 18a,New York)estatubatuaraktore bat da.


[aldatu |aldatu iturburu kodea]
1981The Postman Always Rings Twice
1985The Legend of Billie JeanBinx
1986TwistedMark Collins
1986Larrosaren IzenaAdso of Melk
1988Tucker: The Man and His DreamPreston Tucker, Jr.
1989Beyond the StarsEric Michaels
1989The WizardNick Woods
1989Gleaming the CubeBrian Kelly
1990Tales From The Darkside: The MovieAndyAtala:Lot 249
1990Pump Up The VolumeMark Hunter
1990Young Guns IIDave Rudabaugh
1991Robin Hood: Prince of ThievesWill Scarlett
1991MobstersLucky Luciano
1991Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered CountryExcelsior espaziontziko komunikabide-ofiziala
1992KuffsGeorge Kuffs
1992FernGully: The Last RainforestPipsAhotsa
1993Untamed HeartAdam
1993True RomanceClarence Worley
1994Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesDaniel Molloy kazetaria
1994Jimmy HollywoodWilliam
1995Murder in the FirstJames Stamphill
1996Bed of RosesLewis Farrell
1996Broken ArrowRiley Hale kapitaina
1997Austin Powers: International Man of MysteryAustinek hipnotizatutako zaindariaKrediturik gabe
1997Julian PoJulian Po
1997BasilJohn MannionCo-Produtor
1998Hard RainTomEkoizleetako bat
1998Very Bad ThingsRobert BoydEkoizle nagusia
1999Love StinksEddieKrediturik gabe
2000The ContenderReginald Webster
2001Who Is Cletis Tout?Trevor Allen Finch
20013000 Miles to GracelandHanson
2002Hard CashThomas Taylor
2002WindtalkersPete "Ox" Henderson sarjentua
2002Prehistoric PlanetNarratzaileaAhotsa
2003Dinosaur PlanetNarratzaileaAhotsa
2003The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy GeniusJet FusionAhotsa
2003Masked and AnonymousEskifaiako 1. pertsona
2004Churchill: The Hollywood YearsWinston Churchill
2004The ConfessorDaniel Clemens
2004PursuedVincent Palmer
2005Alone in the DarkEdward Carnby
2005MindhuntersJ.D. Reston
2005The DealTom HansonEkoizle nagusia
2006Crossing the LineBere burua antzeztuzDokumentala
2006BobbyDaryl Timmons
2006Hollow Man 2Michael Griffin/Hollow Man
2007He Was a Quiet ManBob Maconel
2007SlipstreamRay / Matt Dodds / 2. patruilaria
2007The Ten CommandmentsMosesAhotsa
2008Love Lies BleedingPollen
2008IgorSchadenfreude-n Igor doktoreaVoz
2009Dolan's CadillacJimmy Dolan
2009Lies & IllusionsWes Wilson
2011SacrificePadre Porter
2011Soldiers of FortuneCraig Mackenzie
2011The River MurdersAxente Vuckovitch
2011Guns, Girls and GamblingJohn Smith
2012PlaybackFrank Lyons
2012Dawn Rider"Cincinnati" John Mason
2012Rites of PassageDelgado
2012Bullet to the HeadSlade
2013NymphomaniacJoeren aita
2014Ask Me AnythingPaul Spooner
2014Way of the WickedHenry
2015Hot Tub Time Machine 2Choozy Doozy HostIzendatu gabe
2015The Adderall DiariesHans Reiser
2016King CobraStephen
2017La cordilleraDereck McKinley
2017Mune: Guardian of the MoonLeeyoonEstatubatuar bikoizketa
2017The WifeNathaniel Bone
2018The PublicJosh Davis
2018Suicide Squad: Hell to PayDeadshotAhotsa
1984Tales From The DarksideJody TolliverAtala: "A Case of the Stubborns"
1985Ryan's HopeD. J. LaSalle6 atal
1986The EqualizerMichael WinslowAtala: "Joy Ride"
1988L.A. LawAndy PrescottAtala: "Fetus Completus"
1991Saturday Night LiveBere burua antzeztuz/Gonbidatuaatal 1
19931993 MTV Video Music AwardsBere burua antzeztuz/Gonbidatua
2002AliasNeil Caplan2 atal
2002The West WingJack Reese komandantea3 atal
2003–2005The Adventures of Jimmy NeutronJet FusionAhotsa, 2 atal
2005–2008Robot ChickenHainbat pretsonaiaAhotsa, 4 atal
2006My Name is EarlWoodyatal 1
2008My Own Worst EnemyEdward Albright / Henry Spivey9 atal
2009Un-broke: What You Need To Know About MoneyTelesaio berezia
2009The ForgottenAlex Donovan17 atal
2009Curb Your EnthusiasmBere burua antzeztuzatal 1
2010The OfficeBere burua antzeztuzatal 1
2011-2012Breaking InOz20 atal
2011EntourageBere burua antzeztuzatal 1
2012Phineas and FerbPaul, banatzaileaatal 1
2013Out ThereJohnny Slade (ahotsa)Atala: "Springoween"
2014Mind GamesRoss Edwards10 atal
2014Stan Lee's Mighty 7Lazer Lord (ahotsa)Lehen atala
2014–2016ArcherSlater (ahotsa)10 atal
2015Two and a Half MenBere buruaAtala: "Of Course He's Dead: Part 2"
2015–gaurMr. RobotMr. Robot/ Edward AldersonEkoizlea ere
2015Jake and the Never Land PiratesThe Grim Buccaneer (ahotsa)2 atal
2016–gaurThe Lion GuardUshari (ahotsa)12 atal
2016–gaurMilo Murphy's LawElliot Decker (ahotsa)7 atal
2016Dawn of the CroodsGurg (ahotsa)Atala: "Grug vs. Gurg"
2016–2017Live with KellyBere burua (gonbidatua)13 atal
2017Jeff & Some AliensAhots ugari2 atal
2017Justice League ActionDeadshot (ahotsa)Atala: "Double Cross"
2017Rick and MortyVance Maximus (ahotsa)Atala: "Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender"

Kanpo estekak

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