Israel Breaking News

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Page created: Oct. 1, 2024
Updated: Jan. 29, 2025

יְהֹוָ֖ה יִלָּחֵ֣ם לָכֶ֑ם
The LORD (Adonai YHVW) will fight for you.

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AM Yisrael chai!

Israel from apolitical andspiritual view. |Israel auspolitischer undgeistlicher Sicht.

Page Overview:

Oct.21 _|_Oct.17 _|_Oct.8 _|_Oct.7 _|_Oct.2 _|_Oct.1 _|_Sept.30 _|_Sept.28

See also| Siehe auch:The Final War | Der letzte Krieg



[Oct.21, 2024]

Video # 035 (in English)

IDF Spox. Exposes Hezbollah Finance Hub Underneath a Hospital in Beirut. (5:08)

Source: YouTube ChannelIsrael Defense Forces

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 033 (in English)

Israel Daily News – War Day 381 | October 21, 2024 (24:56)

Source: YouTube ChannelILTV Israel News

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

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[Oct.17, 2024] 2 Videos:

Video # 031 (in English)

(Day 378) Swords of Iron – “Sinwar Arch Terrorist Eliminated“ (8:50)

Source: YouTube ChannelAliyah Return Center

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 029 (in English with German Subtitles)

SINWAR IST TOT! 17.10.2024: Amir Tsarfati (6:50)

Source: YouTube ChannelBehold Israel /Deutsch: German

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

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[Oct.8, 2024] 3 Videos:

Video # 027 (in English)

PM Netanyahu’s Message to the People of Lebanon (3:26) — #2

Source: YouTube ChannelIsraeliPM

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

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[Oct.7, 2024] 3 Videos:

Video # 025 (in English)

Breaking News (46:27) — #2

Source: YouTube ChannelBehold Israel with Amir Tsarfati

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

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[Oct.2, 2024] 3 Videos:

Video # 023 (in English)

Yom Teruah – The Feast of Trumpets – Rosh Hashana is coming!

“(Day 362) Swords of Iron – “What comes next?”” (6:37)

Source: YouTube ChannelAliyah Return Center

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 021 (in English)


Source: YouTube ChannelThe Torah Channel

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 019 (in English)

Hagari on Iran: “Our operational plans are ready. We will respond wherever and whenever we choose” (1:15)

Source: YouTube ChannelAll Israel News

Watch on YouTube: clickhere
Text copied from YouTube:
The eyes of the world are increasingly riveted on Israel and the Middle East, the Epicenter of momentous events that are shaking our world and shaping our future.

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[Oct.1, 2024] 6 Videos:

Video # 018 (Deutsch/German)

JETZT. HEFTIGER BESCHUSS AUF TEL AVIV. / mit @alon.north.israel (2:35)

Source: YouTube ChannelSarah Maria Sander

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 017 (in English)

“Iranian ICBM missiles rain fire from the sky on Israel” (4:09)

Source: YouTube ChannelAliyah Return Center

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 015 (in English)

Breaking News (8:46) — #2

Source: YouTube ChannelBehold Israel with Amir Tsarfati

Watch on YouTube: clickhere
Text copied from YouTube:
Urgent breaking news: Iran is preparing to launch a massive rocket attack on Israel. The US has informed Israel, and retaliation is imminent. Viewers are called to urgent prayer as Israel braces for a potential barrage of missiles and drones.

Video # 013 (in English)

DF Spokesperson Reveals Hezbollah’s Plan to Conquer the Galilee. (11:20)

Source: YouTube ChannelIsrael Defense Forces

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 011 (in English)

Israel Update with Yael Eckstein: Hamas, Hezbollah, Yemen…and IRAN. (13:26)

Source: YouTube ChannelInternational Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Breaking News (25:38) — #1

Video # 009 (in English)

Source: YouTube ChannelBehold Israel with Amir Tsarfati

Watch on YouTube: clickhere
Text copied from YouTube:
Israel has launched a ground invasion into southern Lebanon as part of “Operation Northern Arrows” to eliminate the threat from Hezbollah. This is a pivotal moment in the ongoing conflict, with Israel systematically destroying Hezbollah’s weapons and infrastructure across Lebanon. This a “biblical” turning point that will reshape the Middle East.

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[Sept.30, 2024] 2 Videos:

Video # 007 (in English)

PM Netanyahu: “The people of Iran should know – Israel stands with you” (2:57)

Source: YouTube ChannelIsraeliPM

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

Video # 005 (in English)

THIS prophecy was read AS Nasrallah was dying – Ari Abramowitz: The Land of Israel Fellowship (5:06)

Source: YouTube Channelthelandofisrael

Watch on YouTube: clickhere

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[Sept. 28, 2024] 2 Videos:

Video # 003 (in English)

(Day 358) Swords of Iron “Nasrallah The Hezbollah Terrorist Tyrant Terminated, Lebanon will be Free! (5:31)

Source: YouTube ChannelAliyah Return Center

Watch on YouTube: clickhere
Text copied from YouTube:
(Day 358) Swords of Iron – “Nasrallah: The Hezbollah Terrorist Tyrant, has been Terminated, Lebanon will be Free!”

Video # 001 (in English)

CRUCIAL moments from Netanyahu speech at UN (21:37)

Source: YouTube ChannelBerel Solomon

Watch on YouTube: clickhere
Text copied from YouTube:
In this video, CRUCIAL moment from Netanyahu speech at UN… In a crucial address to the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu highlighted the shifting dynamics in Middle Eastern geopolitics. Netanyahu emphasized the growing alliances between Israel and various Arab states, signifying a potential for greater peace and stability in the region. He pointed out how these partnerships are counterbalancing the threats posed by Iran’s regional ambitions and nuclear program, underlining Israel’s role as a key player in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Netanyahu’s speech marked a pivotal moment for Israel’s foreign policy and a significant milestone in its evolving relationships with Arab neighbors.
The speech also addressed Israel’s vision for a future of coexistence and economic growth with its Arab partners. Netanyahu highlighted the benefits of the Abraham Accords and the prospects of further peace agreements in the Middle East. He called upon the international community to support these efforts, emphasizing the importance of standing firm against Iran’s nuclear ambitions. This speech, hosted by Berel, captured a turning point in Israel’s foreign policy and presented a clear message of peace, security, and cooperation in a historically turbulent region.
Keywords: Netanyahu UN speech, Middle East peace, Israel Arab relations, Abraham Accords, Israel foreign policy, Iran nuclear threat, Middle Eastern geopolitics, Netanyahu UN highlights, peace in the Middle East, Israel’s role in peace, Netanyahu 2024, Netanyahu UN address, Netanyahu speech summary, Netanyahu at the United Nations, Israel and Arab states, Netanyahu’s key message, Iran and Israel, Israel peace talks, Israel prime minister speech, Berel host Netanyahu speech, Middle East cooperation, Netanyahu’s vision for peace, Israeli foreign affairs, UN speech breakdown

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