


  • Organiser

  • Co-operative organization

  • Event Sponsorship

  • Strategic Partner

        • ESG Pledge Scheme is organized by The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong and co-operated with Hong Kong Brand Development Council. The scheme is aim at strengthening the concern of sustainable development. It encourages the business and public sectors to sign the pledge and implement the action plans to improve the ESG (Environmental, social and governance) performance, thus building a sustainable environment in future.

        • The organizer of ESG Pledge Scheme designed a logo (ESG logo) as an official visual symbol of the scheme.     are authorized to use the logo to promote their companies/organizations image. However, it cannot be used in particulars commodities or business.

        • Applying companies/organizations should send the completed application, business registration copy and crossed cheque payable to "The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong" to ESG Pledge Scheme Secretariat before the deadline.

        Benefits of the ESG Pledge Scheme

        By Joining ESG Pledge Scheme, participants of the scheme can demonstrate the decision of supporting the sustainable development and build up an image of ESG pioneer. Also, them can learn the experience from planning and implementation solutions of sustainable 

        development and gain the support from by The Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Brand Development Council and CMA Testing (such as promotion program, training, technical advice, auditing and certification, public education, brand building, company networking etc.)


        ■ Products and packaging design, material selection, energy consumption and the impact of production/operation process management on the environment
        ■ Compliance with environmental regulations
        ■ Formulate and implement of the green operation policy/plan
        ■ Promotion of the concept of sustainable development
        ■ Reduce carbon emissions
        ■ Concerns ecological conservation
        ■ Environmental  permits  or certificates



        ■ Values labor relations, care of employee, and consumer rights
        ■ Implement good human resource management and establish a harmonious working atmosphere
        ■ Relationship between suppliers, investors and other business partners
        ■ Concerns of public hygiene and health
        ■ Participation and contribution to community and public welfare activitities
        ■ Support sports, education and youth development
        ■ Certification and accreditation of occupational safety and health, social responsibility, etc.


        ■ Organizational structure and accountability, benefit distribution mechanism
        ■ Internal control system
        ■ Operational transparency and information disclosure
        ■ Security and risk management
        ■ Intellectual property protection
        ■ Directors' conduct and professional development
        ■ Business ethics
        ■ Comply with norms of competition, anti-corruption, privacy, equal opportunities, fair operation, etc.
        ■ Certification and accreditation of  corporate governance

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