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Dick Lee

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Dick Lee

Dick Lee en 2023
Información personal
Nacimiento24 de agosto de 1956Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata (68 años)
SingapurVer y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Educado enSaint Joseph's InstitutionVer y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
OcupaciónCantautor,dramaturgo,cantante,compositor ydirector de cineVer y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Años activodesde 1971
InstrumentoVozVer y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Sitio webdickleeasia.comVer y modificar los datos en Wikidata
  • Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize (2003)
  • Asia's Most Influential Singapore (2021)Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata

Richard "Dick" Lee Peng Boon (24 de agosto de 1956) es un cantante pop, compositor y dramaturgosingapurense, más conocido como juez del evento musical "Singapore Idol", pero a menudo también como portavoz de la generación "New Asian".

Nació de un padrePeranakan, Lee Kip Lee, (un escritor para de la editorial "The Straits Times") y una madrechina, Elizabeth Tan. Es hijo mayor de una familia de cinco hermanos, tiene tres hermanos y una hermana ya fallecida. Recibió su primera educación en la Escuela de San Miguel (ahora SJI Junior) y sus estudios de secundaria en la "Institución de San José". En 1992, se casó con la cantante de jazz,Jacintha Abisheganaden y se divorció pocos años después. Él profesa la religión católica.


1995The Perfect 10 Music Achievement Award for outstanding contribution in the Singapore Music scene, bySingapore's leading radio station, Perfect 10.
1996Best Original Theme Song in the Golden Horse Awards for his song, The Search of My Life, which was selected as the theme song for the hit movie,He is a Woman, She is a Man, starringLeslie Cheung andAnita Yuen.
1998Received the awards for Top Local English Pop Song and Top Local Composer of the Year in theComposers and Authors Society of Singapore Ltd (Compass) Awards.

He composed the songHome which was selected to be the National Day Theme Song.

1999Best Original Movie Theme Song in the Hong Kong Academy Awards for the theme song of the movieThe City of Glass, starringLeon Lai andShu Qi.

Awarded three top accolades in theCompass Awards for:

  • COMPASS Artiste Excellence Award
  • Top Local Chinese Pop Song
  • Top Local Composer of the Year 1999
2000Released English album "Everything." underSony Music

Top Local Composer of the Year in theCOMPASS Awards 2000

2001Top Local Composer of the Year in theCOMPASS Awards 2001
2002He composed the songWe Will Get There which was selected to be the National Day Theme Song.
2003Fukuoka Asian Culture Awards: Arts Award.

COMPASS Award for top Malay song

2005Cultural Medallion Award Winner
2006Top Local Composer of the Year in theCOMPASS Awards 2006

"Puteri Gunung Ledang (musical) The Musical" in which he composed the music, premiered atIstana Budaya,Kuala Lumpur on 7 until 26 February 2006.

2007"P Ramlee The Musical" in which he composed the music, premiered atIstana Budaya,Kuala Lumpur on 18 October 2007 and ran until 3 November 2007.
2008"P Ramlee The Musical" ran for a second season inKuala Lumpur and made itsSingapore premier on 17 May 2008.
2009Directed Singapore Evening at The Esplanade concert for world leaders such as American PresidentBarack Obama during theAPEC Singapore 2009 summit

Wrote the theme song for the APEC Singapore 2009 summit.

2010Fried Rice Paradise re-staged by the People's Association for its 50th Anniversary.

Creative Director for Singapore's 45th National Day Parade

2011Dick Lee to chair 2011's Audi Fashion Festival.

Staging The Adventures of the Mad Chinaman and Beauty Kings.


1974Life Story
1979Single - Internationaland
1984Life In The Lion City


1985Fried Rice Paradise
1986The Songs From Long Ago
1989The Mad Chinaman

When I Play

1993The Year of The Monkey

Peace Life Love
Life Story
Hong Kong Rhapsody

1995Secret Island
1999Transit Lounge
2004Life (Compilation English album)
2004Stories (Compilation Chinese album)
2010Life Deluxe

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