



Hi there, I’mErisa!
I’m inWales, UK and I’m a Support Engineer at Tailscale.

If you want to check some of my stuff out then you can do that!

You’re always free to reach out to me at my email address:[email protected]

Or you can leave a message with myContact form!

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If you’re still reading that must mean you’re really interested in me.I’m flattered.

I currently work at Tailscale in the Customer Support team and spend a lot of my spare time messing about with pieces of technology and managing/moderating online communities!
I have been known to play video games occasionally, but it has to be something special to hold my attention!

I feel very passionate about helping people out where possible and doing small things to make other peoples lives easier and more fun! I usually try to achieve this through my software creations, which you can find on my GitHub profile!

If you think I can help with anything, want to show me your project or just want to say hi, please send me an email!I welcome all friendly communication!

