


Aaron King

Supplements, hacks, and original tabletop RPGs by Aaron King, a game designer in Minneapolis, MN and cohost of RTFM, an RPG book club podcast. Top grid are the latest and top releases. See below for collections of other games.

a tiny setting for a roleplaying game
a wretched little RPG supplement
a sci-fi RPG of drug-fueld aristocrats
a rules-lite ancient world fantasy RPG
Weird fantasy PbtA with no playbooks & no stats
a d100 cyber-witch game
A solo journaling game based on Anamnesis
A supplement for starting a campaign
a post-nuclear RPG
a tabletop RPG for the last days of a tourist destination
A solo PbtA RPG inspired by L O S T
A 24XX game about resisting the Norman invasion of England.

SpeedRune & Its Vibes

a rules-lite ancient world fantasy RPG
a yearlong campaign for rules-lite ancient world fantasy roleplaying
A supplement for SpeedRune, an ancient world fantasy game
a yearlong campaign for SpeedRune, an ancient world fantasy game
Short erotic comic
The TTRPG of Bronze Age SWORD & SORCERY driven by PASSION!

Powered by the Apocalypse

Daily PbtA moves for weird usage
Second in a monthly digest of PbtA moves
Universal PbtA moves inspired by great novels
Powered-by-the-apocalypse moves inspired by videogames
Weird fantasy PbtA with no playbooks & no stats

Best Sellers

A lot of people have bought these! Do what you will with that info.

Weird fantasy PbtA with no playbooks & no stats
Powered-by-the-apocalypse moves inspired by videogames
Over 300 pages of 5E-focused adventures & supplements
18 Troika backgrounds, 7 adventures, an asteroid field & carousing rules
Universal PbtA moves inspired by great novels

Free Appetizers

New to my stuff? These free releases will give you a taste of what I'm about.

A solo PbtA RPG inspired by L O S T
A Doom Patrol RPG based on What's So Cool About Outer Space?
A Lasers & Feelings game about being biathletes
A full adventure setting for fantasy roleplaying
A surreal sword girl school project

Little Experiments

Games made for jams or as small experiments. Mostly free/pay-what-you-want.

A surreal sword girl school project
a high-trust minimal RPG
An Elden Ring DLC
Second in a monthly digest of PbtA moves
Daily PbtA moves for weird usage
A maximalist one-move game
An adventure for KeganExe's In Extremis
A folding one-page dungeon
Strange abilities for grimdark fantasy
A solo legacy journaling game about things that happen at sea.
A Doom Patrol RPG based on What's So Cool About Outer Space?
A game to play in the shower to plan other games
Free food-based supplement for Blades in the Dark.
Free nautical cartoon hack of Eternal Caverns of Urk by Nate Treme.

Patchwork World

Weird fantasy PbtA with no playbooks & no stats
A strange setting, and 15 new moves for Aaron King's Patchwork World 6e
Adventure locations and random tables for Patchwork World


Weird fantasy for the greatest roleplaying game.

18 Troika backgrounds, 7 adventures, an asteroid field & carousing rules
a pamphlet adventure for the Troika! roleplaying game
A Troika! background and dungeon generator for #TroikaJam
A form-fillable sheet that also includes rules references

2023 Recommendation Zines

These are a few of my favorite things (from 2023)
A fanzine about my favorite indie TTRPG things from 2023
Book reviews of things I read in 2023

Hacks & Supplements

A Slugblaster supplement about magical lollipops
Five playbooks for Wanderhome
Free food-based supplement for Blades in the Dark.


Non-game zines.

a zine about good books (and bad ones)
Book reviews of things I read in 2023
A writeup of my favorite books I read in 2022
A zine of the best books I read
High-res JPG, PNG, and PDF splatters free to use
A commemorative zine for an Apocalypse World campaign I ran
Maps from comics and essays thereon.

I've made contributions to...

A Rules Lite Old School Fantasy RPG
a tabletop rpg of kids & critters lost in an endless wood on Halloween night
an osr style setting, adventure, and 100 kinds of trash
Rooms & Selves for The Treasure At The End Of This Dungeon etc. etc.
a compilation of short rpgs with new expanded content from various designers
Horrible magical objects for your horror RPG ·Community profile

