figure out (infinitivoto figure out,tria singulara personofigures out,simpla pasintafigured out,pasiva participofigured out,aktiva participofiguring out)
- figure out a problem - solvi problemon; eltrovi la solvon de problemo; figure out what to do - elpensi kion fari; I finally figured her out - fine mi komprenas ŝin; figure out an amount - kalkuli sumon; researchers are figuring out if there will be enough water in 50 years - esploristoj estas determinantaj ĉu estos sufiĉe da akvo post 50 jaroj
- idiomatic To come tounderstand; to discover or find a solution; todeduce.
- As soon as Ifigure out what is wrong with my car, I will fix it.
- idiomatic To calculate.
- We'd alreadyfigured out that the trip would cost $1,000.