



List ofblogs I run and write at, guestposts and tutorials I've created, andprinted books I contributed to.

My own blogging spaces

Various blogs and websites I'm running, and actively writing on.

Writing sinceLanguageWebsiteUrlDetails
March 2019PolishTataDevelopertatadeveloper.end3r.comMy parenting blog
October's blog on Medium
March 2018EnglishGamedev.jsgamedevjs.comHTML5 game development news
November 2012EnglishEnclave gamedev studio's blog
November 2010PolishNeuroshimaHex.plneuroshimahex.plFan site about a board game
November 2005EnglishEnd3r's private blog

Guest posts and tutorials

All my articles published on websites other than mine, including series of tutorials.

21.06.2023GitHub BlogOpen Source challenge results from Gamedev.js Jam 2023
31.05.2022GitHub BlogTop games + source code from Gamedev.js Jam 2022
03.09.2020Mozilla CommunityFive years of Tech Speakers
12.08.2020Mozilla Hacksjs13kGames 2020: a lean coding challenge with WebXR and Web Monetization
29.11.2019GDevelopGeometry Monster game tutorial
24.10.2019Mozilla HacksFrom js13kGames to MozFest Arcade: a game dev Web Monetization story
23.05.2018MDN Web DocsProgressive loading
22.05.2018Mozilla HacksProgressive Web Games
02.05.2018Mozilla HacksProgressive Web Apps core guides on MDN Web Docs
11.04.2018MDN Web DocsHow to make PWAs re-engageable using Notifications and Push
13.03.2018MDN Web DocsHow to make PWAs installable
12.03.2018MDN Web DocsMaking PWAs work offline with Service Workers
09.03.2018MDN Web DocsProgressive Web App structure
09.03.2018MDN Web DocsIntroduction to Progressive Web Apps
25.01.2018Mozilla HacksLessons learned from the A-Frame category in the js13kGames competition
14.08.2017Mozilla HacksA-Frame comes to js13kGames: build a game in WebVR
02.06.2016Mozilla HacksBasics of building 3D games on the Web
16.05.2016MDN Web Docs3D games on the Web
07.04.2016MDN Web DocsExplaining basic 3D theory
04.04.2016MDN Web DocsGLSL Shaders
30.03.2016MDN Web DocsBuilding up a basic demo with Babylon.js
03.03.2016MDN Web DocsBuilding up a basic demo with A-Frame
24.02.2016MDN Web DocsWebVR — Virtual Reality for the Web
25.01.2016MDN Web DocsBuilding up a basic demo with PlayCanvas (engine,editor)
06.01.2016Mozilla HacksBuilding games for Firefox OS TV
13.11.2015MDN Web DocsPublishing games -game distribution,game promotion,game monetization
28.10.2015MDN Web DocsBuilding up a basic demo with Three.js
08.09.2015MDN Web DocsImplementing controls using the Gamepad API
06.08.2015MDN Web Docs2D Breakout game using Phaser
21.04.2015MDN Web Docs2D Breakout game using pure JavaScript
08.04.2015Mozilla HacksMobile game development with the Device Orientation and Vibration APIs
03.04.2015MDN Web Docs2D maze game with Device Orientation built in Phaser
13.08.2014Tuts+ GameDevHow to minify your HTML5 game for the js13kGames competition
20.07.2014Tuts+ GameDevGetting started with Phaser: building "Monster Wants Candy"
18.03.2014MobiForgeBuilding HTML5 games for Firefox OS
18.10.2013HTML5 HubScreen size management in mobile HTML5 games
19.07.2013Firefox OS GuideHow to build games for Firefox OS platform
15.07.2013Tuts+ MobilePreparing for Firefox OS
21.01.2013Smashing MagazineSneak peek into the future: CSS Selectors, Level 4

Printed books

Short and humble list of printed books I participated in somehow.

April 2020PolishPWNGame Programming PatternsTechnical reviewer of the Polish translation of the book
February 2018EnglishSitePointHTML5 Games: Novice to NinjaTechnical editor of the book
April 2014EnglishApressHTML5 Game Development InsightsWritten chapter 10: Playing around with the Gamepad API

