Azeer cooling vegetables FromArabic زِير ( zīr ) .
zir (plural zirs )
A largeclay jug for storing water, common inEgypt and theSudan since ancient times. Blend ofz ( “ gender-neutral (as inze ) ” ) +i ( “ hi m/hi s ” ) +r ( “ her ” ) .
zir (third-person singular,gender-neutral , objective case ,reflexive hirself )
( rare , nonstandard ) Gender-neutral third-person singular accusative (object) pronoun, equivalent to singularthem and coordinate withhim andher .2002 , Lynsey Calderwood,Cracked: Recovering After Traumatic Brain Injury , Jessica Kingsley Publishers,→ISBN , page155 :However, it soon became very lonely as none of Alice’s school friends could seezir anymore and they soon forgot all aboutzir .
( rare , nonstandard ) Belonging tozir ,gender-neutral third-person singular possessive adjective, equivalent to singulartheir and coordinate withhis andher .2002 , Lynsey Calderwood,Cracked: Recovering After Traumatic Brain Injury , Jessica Kingsley Publishers,→ISBN , page155 :… just when it seemed like zie was beginning to get a handle onzir teapot and form normal relationships – although one could hardly callzir twice-weekly sexual encounters with the March Hare ‘normal’ …
Used withze ( “ gender-neutral subject, coordinate to he/she ” ) . FromArabic زِير ( zīr ) .
( Yardimli , Tovuz , Agjabedi , Nakhchivan , Ordubad , Sharur , Ardabil ) synonym ofnəlbəki ( “ saucer ” ) FromPashto [script needed] ( zər ) .
zir (Perso-Arabic spelling زِر )
thousand Henrik Liljegren, Naseem Haider (2011 ) “zir”, inPalula Vocabulary (FLI Language and Culture Series; 7)[1] , Islamabad, Pakistan: Forum for Language Initiatives,→ISBN zir