Borrowed fromSicilianziu, fromLatinthius, fromAncient Greekθεῖος(theîos). Displaced the native Arabic termsgħamm(“paternal uncle”) andħal(“maternal uncle”), in part probably because this distinction is less relevant in the European family system.
ziju m (pluralzijiet,femininezija)
- uncle
- Hyponyms:ħal(“maternal uncle”),għamm(“paternal uncle”)
Għandu relazzjoni ħafna tajba ma’zijuh.- He has a very good relationship withhis uncle.
c.2015,Il-Bibbja : il-Kotba Mqaddsa, 5th edition, Valletta: Ghaqda Biblika Maltija,→OCLC,Il-Ktieb tal-Levitiku10:4:Mosè sejjaħ lil Misael u lil Elsafan, ulied Għużżijel, iz-ziju ta’ Aron, u qalilhom: “Ersqu ’l hawn u ħudu lill-kuġini tagħkom minn quddiem il-post qaddis ’il barra mill-kamp.”- New International Version translation: Moses summoned Mishael and Elzaphan, sons of Aaron’suncle Uzziel, and said to them, “Come here; carry your cousins outside the camp, away from the front of the sanctuary.”
Inflection ofziju | | singular | plural |
m | f |
singular | 1st person | zijuwi | zijuna |
2nd person | zijuk | zijukom |
3rd person | zijuh | zijuha | zijuhom |
plural | 1st person | zijieti | zijietna |
2nd person | zijietek | zijietkom |
3rd person | zijietu | zijietha | zijiethom |