It was certainly an old smell – of that I could be certain. But it was not, I was sure, produced by any of the three thousand one hundred and twenty-six cheeses,yoghurts and fromages blancs that were being stored in the crypt.
2012, Lesley Campbell, Alan L. Rubin,Type 2 Diabetes For Dummies, Australian Edition[1], page117:
One serve of carbohydrates is approximately equal to a slice of bread, a piece of fruit, third of a cup of cooked rice, half a cup of grains, cereals, starchy vegetables or cooked pasta, 200 grams of plainyoghurt, or 300 millilitres of milk.
fudgy flapjacky fudge[…] I always buy one of those flapjacks with a layer ofyoghurt on top. But even with the topping, they are just never sweet enough for me. I also love fudge but that can be toe-curlingly sweet. So, in my search for a middle ground, I decided to combine the two.