Apparently independently invented by several people, including Don Rickter. The pronoun appeared in the Unitarian Universalist publicationUU World on May 1, 1973, and Mario Pei gave Rickter credit on page 145 of his bookWeasel Words (1978).
1992, Jim Sinclair, “If you could choose...”, inJim Sinclair's Web Site[1], archived fromthe original on3 November 2003:
Anyone I would be interested in would have to be a pretty special person. I wouldn't want to miss out on knowing such a person just becausexe happened to be the "wrong" sex.
1993 September 14, Jim Sinclair, “Re: Jim and Steve's snoring discussion”, inbit.listserv.autism[2] (Usenet), message-ID <AUTISM%93091417074261@SJUVM.STJOHNS.EDU>:
Telepathy would require that you share the other person's knowledge ofxyr own mind, which in turn requires recognizing thatxe is actually aware of whatxe's thinking, which is incompatible with psychiatry.
1999 April 28, Dagmar Alpen, “Re: Think of a small tribe of people...”, intalk.politics.libertarian[3] (Usenet), message-ID <7g74qb$8sq$>:
Now full ownership in the modern sense... implies four rights of the owner: 1. The right to decide whatxe does withxyr property; 2. the right to decide what others do with xyr property;[…]
2000 December 11, Mary Ellen Curtin, “Silencing and ad hominem attacks”, inalt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated[4] (Usenet), message-ID <074d01c06393$c1a2fb00$5be9cfcf@default>:
Sincexe went to the trouble of re-posting, I figured it was about something of more than usual importance tohir... I wrote to EmGee privately andxe said yes, that was one of the thingsxe was talking about.
2002 March 3, Ken von Mattell, “Re: Newbie...not quite sure yet...”,[5] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
I mean, suppose there's someone who can't leave the house becausexe's all tied up with counting tiles in the bathroom all day, and ifxe manages to get done with that, there's the stove to check again and again ... you get the idea.
The soft blue sky had the feel of a good omen. In Xir old age, the god moved slower every year; lingering in the shallows long after the last fish had been swallowed up by nets. SometimesXe stood still for days, in sight of the shore, as ifXe had not quite decided whether to beach Xemself for good. Let Xem only survive long enough to spawn a new god! Else Xir helpless people would be godless ans stranded in the haunted dryland where the dead cities slept. Where less kindly deities roamed.
Borg, Alexander (2004)A Comparative Glossary of Cypriot Maronite Arabic (Arabic–English) (Handbook of Oriental Studies;I.70), Leiden and Boston: Brill,page137
Claire Moyse-Faurie,Constructions expressing middle, reflexive and reciprocal situations in some Oceanic languages, inReciprocals and Reflexives: Theoretical and Typological Explorations
^Antônio Augusto Souza Mello (2000 March 17) “Reconstruções Lexicais e Cognatos” (chapter III), inEstudo histórico da família linguística tupi-guarani: aspectos fonológicos e lexicais (in Portuguese), Florianópolis: UFSC,page200, line 3