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See also:Wealthy


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FromMiddle Englishwelthy,welþi, equivalent towealth +‎-y. Cognate withMiddle Dutchweldech,weeldech(magnificent, luscious, lavish).





wealthy (comparativewealthierormorewealthy,superlativewealthiestormostwealthy)

  1. Possessingfinancial wealth;rich.
    • 1963, Colin Clark,Australian Hopes and Fears[1], page75:
      As a result of these causes the grazier marks himself off fairly sharply from the rest of Australia. He has always spent a considerable proportion of the time in the capital cities, in each of which he has formed a club to which, besides the graziers, only a few of thewealthiest and most prominent of the city dwellers are admitted.
    • 1984, Cornelia Butler Flora,Animals in the Farming System:
      As people stall feed through the years, or if they arewealthier to begin with, the money is used to build houses and buy metal roof sheets, or to buy bicycles, ox-carts and breeding cows.
    • 2010,Robert Michael Pyle, chapter 18, inMariposa Road[2], Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, page158:
      Gleefully and legally intruding upon the sanctum of thewealthy linksters, we walked the mitigation meadows.
    • 2013 May 17,George Monbiot, “Money just makes the rich suffer”, inThe Guardian Weekly[3], volume188, number23, page19:
      In order to grant the rich these pleasures, the social contract is reconfigured. […]  The public realm is privatised, the regulations restraining the ultra–wealthy and the companies they control are abandoned, and Edwardian levels of inequality are almost fetishised.
  2. Abundant in quality or quantity;profuse.(Can we add anexample for this sense?)





Derived terms



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See also




wealthy (countable anduncountable,pluralwealthies)

  1. (plural only)Synonym ofrich: thewealthypeople of asociety or of theworldcollectively.
    • 2009 Oct., Rachel A. Bouvier, "Sulfur Dioxide Emissions and Per Capita Income",Environment & Development Economics, Vol. 14, No. 5:
      ... whether consumption patterns of thewealthy are more or less polluting than those of the poor depends on the contaminant in question.
    Thewealthy pay most of the taxes but theuberwealthy hardly pay any at all: they hold stock and property and live off debt borrowed against that collateral.
  2. (uncommon, countable) Arichperson.
    • 1975 December 6, “A Real Presidential Choice Is Being Ignored”, inEvening Independent:
      it was possible for a group like the Libertarians to hope that a couple of weakmindedwealthies might donate the seed money to get a campaign rolling.
    • 1977 April 4, “Public TV Presents miracle Series”, inArgus-Press:
      Bernice is a nice, sardonic tale of envy and youngwealthies of the pre-flapper era, when a girl who bobbed her hair was thought loose by the flask-bearing blades who tried to get her tight.
    • 2006 November 16, “Can the Democrats Deliver?”, inWashington Post:
      Ending tax cuts towealthies would only increase tax revenues by $40 - $60 billion a year - about 20% of current deficit - so it's a waste of time.
    F. Scott Fitzgerald never got overGinevra King's dad reminding him he wasn't awealthy and needed to aim lower.




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