IPA (key ) : /ˈwaːr/ [ˈwaːɾ] Hyphenation:waar wáar m
eternal life ,immortality Declension ofwáar absolutive wáar predicative wáara subjective wáar genitive wáar
E. M. Parker, R. J. Hayward (1985 ) “waar”, inAn Afar-English-French dictionary (with Grammatical Notes in English) , University of London,→ISBN FromDutch waar , fromMiddle Dutch waer , fromOld Dutch *war , fromProto-Germanic *hwar .
( interrogative ) where ( relative ) where FromDutch waar , fromMiddle Dutch wâer , fromOld Dutch *wār , fromProto-Germanic *wēraz .
waar (attributive ware ,notcomparable )
true waar
first-person singular subjunctive ofsei ( “ to be ” ) third-person singular subjunctive ofsei ( “ to be ” ) FromMiddle Dutch wāer , fromOld Dutch *war , fromProto-West Germanic *hwār , fromProto-Germanic *hwar . Cognate withEnglish where .
( interrogative ) where , in which placeWaar is Jan?Where is John?( relative ) where , the place thatDit iswaar hij woont. This iswhere he lives. pronominal adverb form ofwat ( interrogative ) what , which thingWaar is dat goed voor?What is that good for?( relative ) what , that whichDit iswaar dat goed voor is. This iswhat that is good for. ( informal , formerly proscribed , relative) pronominal adverb form ofwie ;who Dat is de manwaar ik vroeger mee gewerkt heb. That is the manwho I used to work with. With a preposition,waar is used instead ofwat to create apronominal adverb . See alsoCategory:Dutch pronominal adverbs .
SeeCategory:Dutch pronominal adverbs
FromMiddle Dutch wâer , fromOld Dutch *wār , fromProto-West Germanic *wār , fromProto-Germanic *wēraz .
waar (notcomparable )
true Antonyms: onwaar ,vals authentic Synonyms: echt ,authentiek Antonyms: onecht ,vals legitimate Berbice Creole Dutch:waru Negerhollands:waar FromMiddle Dutch wāre , fromOld Dutch *wara , fromProto-Germanic *warō , probably related to*waraz ( “ wary, watchful ” ) . Cognate withEnglish ware .
waar f (plural waren )
acommodity ,ware ,merchandise ,product Synonym: goed See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
inflection ofwaren : first-person singular present indicative (in case ofinversion )second-person singular present indicative imperative waar
time FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *wakaʀ .
root ( of plant ) Blust, Robert; Trussel, Stephen; et al. (2023) “*wakaR ”, in the CLDF dataset fromThe Austronesian Comparative Dictionary (2010–),→DOI FromMiddle Low German wār ,wōr ,wūr , fromOld Saxon hwār .
( interrogative ) where ( at what place ) ( relative ) where ( at or in which place or situation ) ( interrogative, with a preposition ) what , which thing( relative, with a preposition ) what , that which( relative ) when ,that ( on which; at which time ) wǎàr (plural mǎàr )
Acanoe . Crane, Thera, Larry Hyman, Simon Nsielanga Tukumu (2011 )A grammar of Nzadi[ B.865] : a Bantu language of the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Berkeley, CA: University of California Press,→ISBN