Borrowed fromPijin vika , fromVangunu [Term?] , a Solomon Islands language.
vika (plural vikas )
A large, tree-dwellingrodent (Uromys vika ) found in theSolomon Islands Synonym: Vangunu giant rat vika (accusative singular vikan ,plural vikaj ,accusative plural vikajn )
Wiccan FromOld Norse vika , fromProto-Germanic *wikǭ , fromProto-Indo-European *weyg- ( “ to bend, wind, turn, yield ” ) .
vika f (genitive singular viku , plural vikur )
week FromProto-Finnic *vika , possibly borrowed fromProto-Germanic *swiką . Cognate withEstonian viga .
flaw ,malfunction ,failure ,problem Koneessa onvika . There is amalfunction in the machine. Kun hän näkivian , hän vain kohautti olkapäitään ja alkoi korjata sitä. When he saw theproblem , he just shrugged and started fixing it. fault ,error ,mistake Se on sinunvikasi . It is yourfault . flaw ,stain ( in character ) Kaikissa meissävikaa on. Everyone has theirflaws . (something)wrong Onko jokinvialla ? Is somethingwrong ? Älä valita! Ruoassasi ei ole mitäänvikaa . Stop complaining! There's nothingwrong with your food. Kännykässäni on jotainvikaa . Something iswrong with my cellphone. Mikä minussa onvikana ? What'swrong with me? Clipping ofviimeinen ( “ last ” ) . See also-ka .
vika ( colloquial )
last Synonym: viimeinen Vikana hypännyt häviää.The one that jumpslast loses. FromOld Norse vika , fromProto-Germanic *wikǭ , fromProto-Indo-European *weyg- ( “ to bend, wind, turn, yield ” ) .
vika f (genitive singular viku ,nominative plural vikur )
week í þessariviku ―thisweek í næstuviku ―nextweek í síðustuviku ―lastweek Ég vildi fara í bókasafnið (í) síðustuviku . ―I wanted to go to the library lastweek . Declension ofvika (feminine )
FromProto-Finnic *vika . Cognates includeFinnish vika andEstonian viga .
bad habit trouble ,worry handicap ( physical disability ) Ruben E. Nirvi (1971 )Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja , Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page664 vika m or f
definite feminine singular ofvik FromOld Norse víkin f , definite form of Old Norse vík f .
IPA (key ) : [ˈʋiːc͡çɑ] ,[ˈʋiːçɑ] ,[ˈʋiːkɑ] vika f
definite singular ofvik FromOld Norse vika ( “ week ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *wikǭ ( “ turn, succession ” ) ,[ 1] fromProto-Indo-European *weyg- ( “ to bend, wind ” ) . Related toProto-Germanic *wīkaną ( “ to bend, yield ” ) .
IPA (key ) : [²ʋɪːkɑ] ,[²ʋɪkːɑ] ,[²ʋɪkɑ] ,/²vɪˑka/ vika f (definite singular vika ,indefinite plural viker or vikor ,definite plural vikene or vikone )
aweek ;( pre-1938 ) alternative form ofveke FromOld Norse víka ,víkja ,víkva .
vika (present tense vik ,past tense veik ,supine vike ,past participle viken ,present participle vikande ,imperative vik )
( intransitive ) togive away ,yield ( intransitive ) tolook away ,turn aside ,waver ( intransitive ) torecede ,retreat ( intransitive ) todepart ,go away ,leave ^ [1] (in Norwegian (Høgnorsk))“vika” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .“vika” in Ivar Aasen (1873)Norsk Ordbog med dansk Forklaring FromProto-Germanic *wikǭ , fromProto-Indo-European *weyg- ( “ to bend, wind, turn, yield ” ) .
vika f
week Zoëga, Geir T. (1910 ) “vika ”, inA Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic , Oxford: Clarendon Press ; also available at theInternet Archive FromOld Norse vika , fromProto-Germanic *wikǭ .
vika f
week Declension ofvika (on-stem) singular plural indefinite definite indefinite definite nominative vika vikan viku (r ),-o (r )vikuna (r ),-ona (r )accusative viku ,-o vikuna ,-ona viku (r ),-o (r )vikuna (r ),-ona (r )dative viku ,-o vikunni ,-onne vikum ,-om vikumin ,-omen genitive viku ,-o vikunna (r ),-onna (r )vika vikanna
FromOld Norse víkja , fromProto-Germanic *wīkwaną .
tomove , tochange direction tofold toretreat toyield Conjugation ofvīka (strong) present past infinitive vīka — participle vīkandi ,vīkande vikin active voice indicative subjunctive imperative indicative subjunctive iæk vīker vīki ,vīke — vēk viki ,vike þū vīker vīki ,vīke vīk vēkt viki ,vike han vīker vīki ,vīke — vēk viki ,vike vīr vīkum ,vīkom vīkum ,vīkom vīkum ,vīkom vikum ,vikom vikum ,vikom īr vīkin vīkin vīkin vikin vikin þēr vīka vīkin — viku ,viko vikin mediopassive voice indicative subjunctive imperative indicative subjunctive iæk — — — — — þū — — — — — han — — — — — vīr — — — — — īr — — — — — þēr — — — — —
IPA (key ) : /ʋîka/ Hyphenation:vi‧ka vȉka f (Cyrillic spelling ви̏ка )
shouting ,screaming FromOld Swedish vīka , fromOld Norse víkja ,víkva ( to fold, turn, head in a direction ) , fromProto-Germanic *wīkwaną . Cognate toSwedish vicka ( wiggle ) .
The adverb in the phrasege vika comes from Low Germanwike/weke gewen , where the nounwike meansconcession, escape .[ 1] Compare Germanweichen .
vika (present viker ,preterite vek ,supine vikt orvikit ,imperative vik )
tofold (into several layers)Devikte tvätt They werefolding laundry ( colloquial ) todedicate (time), todesignate a period of time for a certain actionJagviker en dag åtmässan . Iam dedicating a day to the expo. ( colloquial ) to dedicate, to set aside for a special person or a special useDe här kakorna har jagvikt åt stackars Tom – rör dem inte! These cookies I haveput aside for poor Tom – don't touch them! ( reflexive ) togive up , togive in (under pressure), tobudge Mona Sahlinviker sig inte i första taget. Mona Sahlin doesn'tgive up easily.( reflexive ) tobend (for example from laughing or in pain)De skrattade så att devek sig. They were rolling on the floor laughing. ( usually within ) toturn (slightly, while moving)Vivek in på en stig som vi aldrig hade gått förut Weturned onto a path that we had never walked before ( withav ) toturn (while moving (so as to deviate from a path – sometimes figuratively))Vivek av från huvudleden, in på en grusväg Weturned off the main road onto a dirt road ( withav ) todeviate (more generally)Synonym: ( more common ) avvika ( in "vika åt sidan" or "vika hädan" ) tomove aside , (often) tostep aside Folkvek åt sidan när han gick genom rummet med svärdet i hand Peoplemoved aside as he walked through the room with his sword in hand Vik hädan dödlig!Step aside , mortal!( transitive ) ( vika ut ) tounfold , to open afoldout ( reflexive ) ( vika ut ) to expose oneself as a (more-or-less nude)centerfold , to appear (nude) in a magazine or onlineUngdomarviker ut sig som aldrig förr. Youngstersexpose themselves like never before. ( reflexive , figuratively ) totalk openly (on personal topics)( reflexive ) tosleep , to go to bedJag går ochviker mig . I'm going togo to bed . fälla ( “ to fold (something more or less rigid (so as to bring it into or out of a more compact and often "deactivated" state)) ” ) veckla vika
(in the expression:ge vika ) togive way , togive in , tofold (under pressure)De föll fem meter när golvetgav vika They fell five meters when the floorgave way Degav vika för barnens tjat Theygave in to their children's nagging Han blev tvungen attge vika för deras vilja He was forced togive in to their will Muren börjadege vika för murbräckan The wall was starting togive way to the battering ram FromProto-Finnic *vika .
disease fault ,mistake ,error Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012 ) “vika ”, inVadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language ], 2nd edition, Tallinn (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( transitive ) toavoid This verb needs aninflection-table template .