Learned borrowing fromLatinvector(“carrier, transporter”), fromvehō(“I carry, I transport, I bear”), also ultimately the root of Englishvehicle.
The “person or entity that passes along an urban legend or other meme” sense derives from the disease sense.
The mathematics sense wascoined by Irish mathematician and astronomerWilliam Rowan Hamilton in 1846.
vector (pluralvectors)
- (mathematics, physics) Adirectedquantity, one with bothmagnitude anddirection; thesigneddifference between twopoints.
- Hypernym:tensor
Velocity is avector defined by the speed of an object and its direction.
1914,The New Student's Reference Work:As examples ofvector quantities may be mentioned the distance between any two given points, a velocity, a force, an acceleration, angular velocity, intensity of magnetization flux of heat.
- (mathematics, computing) Anorderedtuple, originally one representing a directed quantity, but by extension any one-dimensionalmatrix.
- Hypernym:matrix
Computers store many types of data asvectors for ease of processing.
2003 February 26, Julio Sanchez, Maria P. Canton,The PC Graphics Handbook, CRC Press,→ISBN, page62:A rowvector is a matrix whose M dimension is 1. In fact, a rowvector is a matrix consisting of a single row, and a columnvector a matrix consisting of a single column.
2011 March 8, Lee Lanier,Advanced Maya Texturing and Lighting, John Wiley & Sons,→ISBN, page97:Color is stored as avector attribute (R, G, B).
2022 February 9, Gerassimos Barlas,Multicore and GPU Programming: An Integrated Approach, Morgan Kaufmann,→ISBN, page398:GPU cores are essentiallyvector-processing units, capable of applying the same instruction on a large collection of operands.
- (mathematics) Any member of a (generalized)vector space.
- (aviation) A chosencourse ordirection formotion, as of anaircraft.
2017, Mark Chambers, Tony Holmes,Nakajima B5N ‘Kate’ and B6N ‘Jill’ Units, page32:I was told to fly out on avector of 100 degrees to meet a strong plot of aircraft 30 miles from the coast.
- (epidemiology) Acarrier of adisease-causingagent.
- (sociology) A person or entity that passes along anurban legend or othermeme.
2020 October 12, Andrew Marantz, “Why Facebook Can’t Fix Itself”, inThe New Yorker[1]:These days, their primary job is to insist that Facebook is a fun place to share baby photos and sell old couches, not avector for hate speech, misinformation, and violent extremist propaganda.
- (psychology) A recurring psychosocial issue that stimulates growth and development in the personality.
- (Can weverify(+) this sense?) The way in which the eyes are drawn across the visual text. The trail that a book cover can encourage the eyes to follow from certain objects to others.(Can we add anexample for this sense?)
- (computing, operating systems) A memory address containing the address of acodeentry point, usually one which is part of atable and often one that isdereferenced andjumped to during the execution of aninterrupt.
- (programming) A kind of dynamicallyresizablearray.
2004, Jesse Liberty, Bradley L. Jones,Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, page694:To create avector of students in a class, you will want thevector to be large enough[…]
- (computer graphics, attributive) Agraphicalrepresentation usingoutlines;vector graphics.
- Coordinate term:raster
avector image,vector graphics
- (molecular biology) ADNAmolecule used to carrygenetic information from oneorganism into another.
- (figurative) Forces, developments, phenomena, processes, systems, etc. which influence the trajectory of history (e.g. imperialism)
aviation: chosen course or direction for motion
carrier of a disease-causing agent
sociology: person or entity that passes along an urban legend or other meme
recurring psychosocial issue that stimulates growth in the personality
way in which the eyes are drawn across the visual text
memory address containing the address of a code entry point
programming: kind of array
DNA molecule used to carry genetic information from one organism into another
vector (third-person singular simple presentvectors,present participlevectoring,simple past and past participlevectored)
- To set (particularly an aircraft) on a course toward a selected point.
1994, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick,Tendencies:[…] if love isvectored toward an object and Elinor's here flies toward Marianne, Marianne's in turn toward Willoughby.
- (computing) To redirect to avector, or code entry point.
set (particularly an aircraft) on a course toward a selected point
- The New Oxford Dictionary of English
Learned borrowing fromLatinvectōrem.
vector m (pluralvectors)
- vector
Learned borrowing fromLatinvector.
vector m (pluralvectoren,diminutivevectortje n)
- (mathematics)vector, anelement of avector space
Learned borrowing fromLatinvector.
vector m (pluralvectores)
- vector
Fromvehō(“carry, bear, convey; ride”) +-tor.
vector m (genitivevectōris,femininevectrīx);third declension
- bearer,carrier
- passenger
Third-declension noun.
- first-personsingularpresentpassiveindicative ofvectō
- “vector”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- “vector”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891)An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
- Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894)Latin Phrase-Book[2], London:Macmillan and Co.
- passengers:vectores (Phil. 7. 9. 27)
vector m (pluralvectores)
- Pre-reform spelling (used until 1943 in Brazil and 1990 in Portugal) ofvetor. Still used in countries where the agreement hasn't come into effect; may occur as a sporadic misspelling.
Borrowed fromFrenchvecteur,Latinvector.
vector m (pluralvectori)
- vector
Learned borrowing fromLatinvector.
- IPA(key): /beɡˈtoɾ/[beɣ̞ˈt̪oɾ]
- Rhymes:-oɾ
- Syllabification:vec‧tor
vector m (pluralvectores)
- vector