It requires the cunning of a chess master, the planning of a field marshal, the adroitness and polish of a premier of France, or, failing these, the sheer,unmitigated gall of your door-to-door salesman.
"You don't care if people think you an utter blackguard? You don't care if she and your children have to beg their bread?" "Not a damn." I was silent for a moment in order to give greater force to my next remark. I spoke as deliberately as I could. "You are a mostunmitigated cad." "Now that you've got that off your chest, let's go and have dinner."
2020 April 22, Richard Clinnick, “We are feeling positive"”, inRail, page63:
"The '720' has been out. We were really happy - it tested with no faults. There was a pleasant surprise it was anunmitigated success."