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See also:Turkey


WOTD – 26 November 2020

Alternative forms



Slices of turkey(sense 3).

Clipping ofturkey-cock andturkey-hen((originally) the guinea fowl (family Numididae)), which was imported to Europe byTurkey merchants throughTurkey. The word was then applied to the larger northern American birdMeleagris gallopavo which was brought to Spain byconquistadors in 1523.[1] This transfer of the name may have occurred because the two birds were considered similar to each other, or because the North American turkey was in part introduced throughOttoman territories, or simply to indicate that it was foreign.





turkey (pluralturkeysor(obsolete)turkies)

  1. (countable, originally, now obsolete) Theguinea fowl (familyNumididae).[from c. 1600]
  2. (countable) Abird in thegenusMeleagris with afan-shapedtail andwattledneck, especially thewild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo, nowdomesticated).
  3. (uncountable) Theflesh ormeat of this birdeaten asfood.
    All week after Thanksgiving, I hadturkey sandwiches for lunch.
  4. (countable)With a distinguishing word: a birdresembling theMeleagris gallopavo (for example, thebrush turkey orbush turkey (Alectura lathami), and thewater turkey (Anhinga anhinga)).
  5. (countable, bowling) Anact ofthrowingthreestrikesin a row.
  6. (countable, medicine, slang, derogatory) Apatientfeigningsymptoms; a personfakingillness orinjury; amalingerer.
    • [1976, Stephen Charles Frankel,Emergency Medical Care in an Urban Area (Ph.D. dissertation in Anthropology), Berkeley, Calif.:University of California, Berkeley,→OCLC, page118:
      Mumford (1970) noted that the terms ‘crock’, ‘gomer’, and ‘turkey’, were sometimes utilized by interns to designate different types of undesirable patients, and sometimes used synonymously.]
  7. (countable, Australia, US, slang, dated) Apackcarried by alumberman; abindle; also, a largetravel bag, asuitcase.[from early 20th c.]
  8. (countable, US, slang) Afailure.
    That film was aturkey.
    • 1981 August 8, Rob Schmieder, “Starring Bowie and Berlin”, inGay Community News, page11:
      And despite the gross incompetence of Hemmings' direction, the ludicrous script, and the heavy-handed acting, there remains a stellar reason to see and enjoyJust a Gigolo: David Bowie. David Bowie is a great actor, and not even thisturkey can obscure that fact.
    • 2021 April 7, Christian Wolmar, “Electrification is a given... but comfort matters as well”, inRAIL, number928, page46:
      There were a fewturkeys. In the rush to present a futuristic vision, the railways' heritage was largely forgotten and we ended up with new stations at Euston and at Coventry, its brash sidekick which I particularly loathe, although (of course) it won design awards.
  9. (countable, US, slang, usually mildly derogatory) Afoolish orineptperson.
    Theturkey cut in front of me and then berated me for running into him.
  10. (African-American Vernacular, Baltimore, slang, derogatory) Aprostitute.(Can we add anexample for this sense?)



Derived terms



bird in the genusMeleagris
flesh or meat of this bird
(bowling) act of throwing three strikes in a row
patient feigining symptomsseemalingerer
foolish or inept personseefool

See also

  • gobble(to make the sound of a turkey)


  1. ^turkey,n.2”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1915;turkey1,n.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.

Further reading

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