The prime minister is a determined centralist in thrall to a tactless and obsessive aide, Cummings, whose skill seems limited to writing slogans intriplicate.
2022, Vincent Busigny, François P. Mathon, Didier Jézéquel, Cécile C. Bidaud, Eric Viollier, Gérard Bardoux, Jean-Jacques Bourrand, Karim Benzerara, Elodie Duprat, Nicolas Menguy, Caroline L. Monteil, Christopher T. Lefevre, “Mass collection of magnetotactic bacteria from the permanently stratified ferruginous Lake Pavin, France”, inEnvironmental Microbiology, volume24, number 2 (Special Issue: microbe:metal/metalloid interactions),→DOI, pages721-736:
Among the six bottles, three of them were pumped every 30 minutes and the three others every 60 minutes. This provided atriplicate of each condition (30 or 60 minutes idle time between pumping).