FromOld Frenchtrecheros,tricheros(“deceitful”), equivalent totreacher +-ous. Seetreacher.
- IPA(key): /ˈtɹɛt͡ʃəɹəs/,/ˈtɹɛt͡ʃɹəs/
treacherous (comparativemoretreacherous,superlativemosttreacherous)
- Exhibitingtreachery.
1855,Walt Whitman,Leaves of Grass:I see the wife misused by her husband, I see thetreacherous seducer of young women, / I mark the ranklings of jealousy and unrequited love attempted to be hid[…]
- Deceitful; inclined tobetray.
- Unreliable;dangerous.
atreacherous mountain trail
2002, Charles Morris,The San Francisco Calamity:[…] they stood in the region of perpetual snow, amidst the glittering,treacherous glaciers and crevasses, with vast slippery-pathed precipices yawning round.
- (antonym(s) of“exhibiting treachery”):loyal
- treacherous waters
- treacherous terrain
- treacherous journey
- treacherous path
- treacherous ground
- treacherous road
- treacherous place
- treacherous part
- treacherous sister
- treacherous people
- treacherous friend
- treacherous man
- treacherous body
- treacherous heart
- treacherous mountain
- treacherous rocks
- treacherous act
- treacherous conditions
- treacherous currents
- treacherous sea
- treacherous attack
- treacherous murder
- treacherous nature
- treacherous enemy
- treacherous ice
- treacherous conduct
exhibiting treachery
- Bulgarian:коварен (bg)(kovaren),вероломен (bg)(verolomen)
- Czech:zrádný m
- Danish:forræderisk
- Dutch:verraderlijk (nl)
- Finnish:petollinen (fi)
- French:traître (fr)
- Georgian:მოღალატური(moɣalaṭuri),გამცემლური(gamcemluri)
- German:verräterisch
- Greek:προδοτικός (el) m(prodotikós),δόλιος (el) m(dólios)
- Ancient:δολερός(dolerós),προδοτικός(prodotikós)
- Hungarian:áruló (hu)
- Irish:fealltach,cealgach
- Old Irish:braittech
- Italian:traditore (it) m,sleale (it) m,infido (it) m
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål:forrædersk
- Polish:zdradziecki (pl)
- Portuguese:fementido (pt),traiçoeiro (pt) m
- Russian:вероло́мный (ru)(verolómnyj),преда́тельский (ru)(predátelʹskij)
- Spanish:traicionero (es)
- Swedish:förrädisk (sv),trolös (sv)
deceitful; inclined to betray
- “treacherous”, inWebster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, Springfield, Mass.:G. & C. Merriam,1913,→OCLC.
- William Dwight Whitney,Benjamin E[li] Smith, editors (1911), “treacherous”, inThe Century Dictionary […], New York, N.Y.:The Century Co.,→OCLC.
- “treacherous”, inOneLook Dictionary Search.