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FromMiddle Frenchtargette,targuete, diminutive oftarge(light shield), fromOld French, fromFrankish*targa(buckler), akin toOld Norsetarga(small round shield) (whence alsoOld Englishtarge,targa(shield)) fromProto-Germanic*targǭ(edge), fromProto-Indo-European*derǵʰ-(fenced lot). Akin toOld High Germanzarga(side wall, rim) (GermanZarge(frame)),Spanishtarjeta(card).


A target used forarchery.



target (pluraltargets)

  1. Abutt ormark toshoot at, as forpractice, or to test theaccuracy of afirearm, or theforce of aprojectile.
    Take careful aim at thetarget.
  2. Agoal orobjective.
    • 2013 June 22, “Engineers of a different kind”, inThe Economist, volume407, number8841, page70:
      Private-equity nabobs bristle at being dubbed mere financiers.[]Much of their pleading is public-relations bluster. Clever financial ploys are what have made billionaires of the industry’s veterans. “Operational improvement” in a portfolio company has often meant little more than promising colossal bonuses to sitting chief executives if they meet ambitious growthtargets. That model is still prevalent today.
    They have atarget to finish the project by November.
  3. An object of criticism or ridicule.
  4. A person, place, or thing that is frequently attacked, criticized, or ridiculed.
  5. A kind of shield:
    1. A kind ofsmallshield orbuckler, used as adefensiveweapon inwar.
    2. (obsolete) A shield resembling theRomanscutum, larger than the modern buckler.
      • 1786, Francis Grose,A Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons, page22:
        Thetarget or buckler was carried by the heavy armed foot, it answered to the scutum of the Romans; its form was sometimes that of a rectangular parallelogram, but more commonly had its bottom rounded off; it was generally convex, being curved in its breadth.
    3. (heraldry) Abearing representing a buckler.
      • 1762, Anton Friedrich Büsching,A New System of Geography: In which is Given, a General Account of the Situation and Limits, the Manners, History, and Constitution, of the Several Kingdoms and States of the Known World, page12:
        The fourth field is also party per pale, and for the dutchy of Genevois, contains chequered Or and azure: The sinister for the dutchy of Montserat, atarget, gules. The point Or is a black eagle of the county of Maurienne.
  6. (sports) Thepattern orarrangement of a series ofhits made by amarksman on a butt or mark.
    He made a goodtarget.
  7. (surveying) The slidingcrosspiece, orvane, on a levelingstaff.
  8. (rail transport) Aconspicuous disk attached to aswitchlever to show itsposition, or for use as asignal.
  9. (cricket) the number ofruns that the sidebatting last needs toscore in the finalinnings in order towin
  10. (linguistics) Thetenor of ametaphor.
  11. (mathematics, category theory) Thecodomain of a function; theobject at which amorphism points.
    Coordinate term:source
  12. (translation studies) The translated version of a document, or the language into which translation occurs.
    Do you charge by source ortarget?
  13. Aperson (or group of people) that a person or organization is trying toemploy or to have as acustomer,audience etc.
    • 2011 September 2, Phil McNulty, “Bulgaria 0-3 England”, inBBC:
      Gary Cahill, atarget for Arsenal and Tottenham before the transfer window closed, put England ahead early on and Rooney was on target twice before the interval as the early hostility of the Bulgarian supporters was swiftly subdued.
  14. (UK, dated) A thin cut; aslice; specifically, oflamb, a piece consisting of theneck andbreastjoints.
  15. (Scotland, obsolete) Atassel orpendant.
  16. (Scotland, obsolete) Ashred; atatter.





Coordinate terms


Derived terms





butt or mark to shoot at
goal or objective
kind of small shield
shield resembling the Roman scutum
disk attached to a switch lever



target (third-person singular simple presenttargets,present participletargetingortargetting,simple past and past participletargetedortargetted)

  1. (transitive) To aim something, especially a weapon, at (a target).
  2. (transitive, figuratively) To aim for as anaudience ordemographic.
    The advertising campaigntargeted older women.
  3. (transitive, computing) To producecode suitable for.
    This cross-platform compiler cantarget any of several processors.

Derived terms



to aim something (especially a weapon) at a target









target n (pluraltargets,diminutivetargetje n)

  1. target


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targèt (uncountable)

  1. target: a goal or objective.

Derived terms


Further reading






Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishtarget.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtaɾɡet/[ˈt̪aɾ.ɣ̞et̪]
  • Rhymes:-aɾɡet
  • Syllabification:tar‧get



target m (pluraltargets)

  1. target(goal, objective)

Usage notes

  • According toRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE) prescriptions, unadapted foreign words should be written in italics in a text printed in roman type, and vice versa, and in quotation marks in a manuscript text or when italics are not available. In practice, this RAE prescription is not always followed.
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