Ultimately fromtangō ( “ touch ” )
takt m inan
( music ) measure ,bar tact ( careful consideration in dealing with others to avoid giving offense ) ( computing ) chipfrequency ( computing ) chipcycle Declension oftakt (hard masculine inanimate )
“takt ”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957 “takt ”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989 takt
inflection oftaktur : indefinite accusative singular indefinite dative singular FromLatin tactus (senses 1, 2), andEnglish tact (sense 3).
takt f or m (definite singular takta or takten ,indefinite plural takter ,definite plural taktene )
( especially music ) time ,rhythm ,tempo ,beat ( engine piston ) stroke tact “takt” inThe Bokmål Dictionary .“takt” inDet Norske Akademis ordbok (NAOB ).FromLatin tactus . In the sense of "tact " it is asemantic loan fromEnglish .
takt f or m (definite singular takten or takta ,indefinite plural takter or taktar ,definite plural taktene or taktane )
( especially music ) time ,rhythm ,tempo ,beat ( engine piston ) stroke tact takt
(non-standard since1938 )supine oftekkja “takt” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .Borrowed fromFrench tact , fromLatin tāctus ( “ touch ” ) .
takt m inan
( music ) measure ,bar tact ( careful consideration in dealing with others to avoid giving offense ) takt inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANtakt in Polish dictionaries at PWNtȁkt m (Cyrillic spelling та̏кт )
( music ) measure ,bar rhythm ,tempo tact ( careful consideration in dealing with others to avoid giving offense ) takt c
tact ,pace ,rhythm goodspeed ,pace ,swiftness ,alertness ,enthusiasm (mostly with the plural: andra takter, rätta takter) abar , ameasure (a count of four or some small number in music) tact , tactfulbehaviour , goodmanners Synonym: taktkänsla The connection between music and behavior is twofold: "takt och ton " (tact and tone) means good (tactful) manners, and "god ton" (good tone) means addressing someone in a non-aggressive way or similar.
FromFrench tact , fromLatin tāctus .
takt (definite accusative taktı ,plural taktlar )
tact (ready power of appreciating and doing what is required by circumstances; the ability to say the right thing)