- shoe
FromProto-Finnic*suu, fromProto-Uralic*śuwe. Cognates includeFinnishsuu andHungarianszáj.
 | This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with theIPA then please add some! |
suu (genitivesuu,partitivesuud)
- mouth
- “suu”, in[PSV] Eesti keele põhisõnavara sõnastik [Dictionary of Estonian Basic Vocabulary] (in Estonian) (online version, not updated), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation),2014
- “suu”, in[EKSS] Eesti keele seletav sõnaraamat [Descriptive Dictionary of the Estonian Language] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation),2009
- “suu”, in[ÕS]Eesti õigekeelsussõnaraamat ÕS 2018 [Estonian Spelling Dictionary] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation),2018,→ISBN
- suu inSõnaveeb (Eesti Keele Instituut)
FromProto-Finnic*suu, fromProto-Uralic*śuwe. Cognates includeEstoniansuu andHungarianszáj.
- mouth(organ)
- mouth(end of a river)
- mouth(outlet, orifice)
- (firearms)muzzle
- (figuratively, temporal)beginning,onset
- illansuu ―early evening
- louse
- (informal)yes
See note ataap.
FromProto-Finnic*suu, fromProto-Uralic*śuwe. Cognates includeFinnishsuu andEstoniansuu.
- mouth
1936, N. A. Iljin and V. I. Junus,Bukvari iƶoroin șkouluja vart, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page59:päähä hattu painettii,suuhu piippu pissettii.- A hat was pushed onto his head, a pipe was stuckinto his mouth.
- rivermouth
- Fedor Tumansky (1790) “су”, inОпытъ повѣствованїя о дѣянїях, положенїи, состоянїи и раздѣленїи Санкт-Петербургской губернїи [An experiment of an account of the acts, location, condition and division of the Saint Petersburg gubernia],Краткїй словарь ижерскаго, финскаго, эстонскаго, чюдскаго, и ямскаго нарѣчїя съ россїйскимъ переводомъ [A short dictionary of the Ingrian, Finnish, Estonian, Chud and Yamtian dialects with a Russian translation], page679
- V. I. Junus (1936)Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka[2], Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page66
- Ruben E. Nirvi (1971)Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page553
- Rōmaji transcription ofすう
- house
- Theraphan L-Thongkum,A brief look at thirteen Mon-Khmer languages of Xekong province, southern Laos (2002),Collected Papers on Southeast Asian and Pacific Languages (edited by Robert Stuart Bauer)
FromProto-Finnic*suu, fromProto-Uralic*śuwe.
suu (genitive[please provide],partitive[please provide])
- (anatomy)mouth
FromProto-Finnic*suu. Cognates includeFinnishsuu andEstoniansuu.
suu (genitivesuun,partitivesuudu)
- mouth
- rivermouth
- Tatjana Boiko (2019) “suu”, inSuuri Karjal-Venʹalaine Sanakniigu (livvin murreh) [The Big Karelian-Russian dictionary (Livvi dialect)], 2nd edition,→ISBN
FromProto-Finnic*suu. Cognates includeFinnishsuu andVepssu.
- mouth
- Juho Kujola (1944)Lyydiläismurteiden sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page411
- M. Pahomov (2022) “suu”, inLüüdi-venän, venä-lüüdin sanakirdʹ[3], Helsinki: Lüüdilaine Siebr,→ISBN, page163
suu (pluralsuos,femininesua,feminine pluralsuas)
- his,her,hers
- house
- Theraphan L-Thongkum,A brief look at thirteen Mon-Khmer languages of Xekong province, southern Laos (2002),Collected Papers on Southeast Asian and Pacific Languages (edited by Robert Stuart Bauer)
FromProto-Finnic*suu, fromProto-Uralic*śuwe.
suu (genitivesuu,partitivesuud)
- mouth
suu (genitivesuu,partitivesuud)
- swamp
FromProto-Finnic*suu, fromProto-Uralic*śuwe.
- mouth
- Hallap, V., Adler, E., Grünberg, S., Leppik, M. (2012)Vadja keele sõnaraamat [A dictionary of the Votic language], 2nd edition, Tallinn