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WOTD – 17 February 2023



Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishstaunch,staunche((adjective) in good condition or repair; solidly made, firm; watertight; of a person or wound: not bleeding; certain; intact; (adverb) firmly, soundly) [and other forms],[1] fromAnglo-Normanestaunche,Old Frenchestanche(firm; watertight) (modernFrenchétanche(airtight; watertight)), a variant ofestanc(a pond),[2] fromestanchier(to stop the flow of a liquid (blood, water, etc.); to make (something) watertight; to quench (thirst)) (modernFrenchétancher), possibly from one of the following:




staunch (comparativestauncher,superlativestaunchest)

  1. Notpermittingwater or some otherliquid toescape orpenetrate;watertight.
    • c.1606–1607 (date written),William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Anthonie and Cleopatra”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, andEd[ward] Blount, published1623,→OCLC,[Act II, scene ii],page346, column 2:
      Yet if I knevv, / VVhat Hoope ſhould hold vsſtaunch from edge to edge / Ath'vvorld [of the world]: I vvould perſue it.
      A figurative use, likening hope to a ship.
    • 1726 October 28, [Jonathan Swift], “A Great Storm Described, the Long-Boat Sent to Fetch Water, the Author Goes with It to Discover the Country. []”, inTravels into Several Remote Nations of the World. [] [Gulliver’s Travels], volume I, London: [] Benj[amin] Motte, [],→OCLC, part II (A Voyage to Brobdingnag),page153:
      Our Proviſions held out vvell, our Ship vvasſtaunch, and our Crevv all in good Health; but vve lay in the utmoſt diſtreſs for VVater.
    1. (by extension)Impermeable toair or othergases;airtight.
      Synonym:hermetically sealed
      • 1669,Robert Boyle, “Experiment XLVII. About an Attempt Made to Measure the Force of the Spring of Included Air, and Examine a Conjecture about the Difference of Its Strength in Unequally Broad Mouth’d Vessels.”, inA Continuation of New Experiments Physico-Mechanical, Touching the Spring and Weight of the Air, and Their Effects. The I. Part. [], Oxford, Oxfordshire: [] Henry Hall, printer to theUniversity, for Richard Davis,→OCLC,page160:
        [T]vvas very difficult to procure a Bladder ſmall and fine enough for that litle Cylinder; and that one, vvhich at length vve procured, vvould not continueſtanch for many Tryals, but vvould after a vvhile part vvith a litle Air in the vvell exhauſted Receiver, vvhen tvvas clog'd vvith the utmoſt VVeight it could ſuſtain: but vvhilſt it continuedſtanch vve made one fair Tryal vvith it,[]
  2. Stronglybuilt; also, ingood or strongcondition.
    • 1644,John Milton,Areopagitica; a Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicenc’d Printing, to the Parlament of England, London:[s.n.],→OCLC,page27:
      Hovv goodly, and hovv to be vviſht vvere ſuch an obedient unanimity as this, vvhat a fine conformity vvould it ſtarch us all into? doubtles aſtanch and ſolid peece of frame-vvork, as any January could freeze together.
    • 1679 August 2 (Gregorian calendar),John Evelyn, “[Diary entry for 23 July 1679]”, inWilliam Bray, editor,Memoirs, Illustrative of the Life and Writings of John Evelyn, [], 2nd edition, volume I, London:Henry Colburn, []; and sold by John and Arthur Arch, [], published1819,→OCLC,page511:
      [T]he house astanch good old building, and what was singular, some of the roomes floor'd dove-tail-wise without a nail, exactly close. One of the closetts is parquetted with plaine deale, set in diamond, exceedingstanch and pretty.
    • 1692,John Ray, “The Fourth Question Resolved, Whether Shall there Be Any Signs or Forerunners of the Dissolution of the World?”, inMiscellaneous Discourses Concerning the Dissolution and Changes of the World. [], London: [] Samuel Smith, [],→OCLC,page178:
      [T]he VVorld continues ſtill as firm andſtaunch as it vvas three thouſand years ago; and vvhy hereafter it ſhould founder and decay more than it hath done for ſo many Ages heretofore, vvhat reaſon can be given?
    • 1856 May 10 (date written),Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Scotland.—Glasgow. May 10th.[1856.]”, inPassages from the English Note-books of Nathaniel Hawthorne, volume II, Boston, Mass.:Fields, Osgood, & Co., published1870,→OCLC,page34:
      This part of the castle was burned last autumn; but it is now under repair, and the wall of the tower is stillstanch and strong.
  3. (figuratively)
    1. Stayingtrue to one'saims orprinciples;firm,resolute,unswerving.
      Without ourstaunch front line the enemy would have split the regiment.
    2. Dependable,loyal,reliable,trustworthy.
      He’s been astaunch supporter of mine through every election.
      • 1838, Boz [pseudonym;Charles Dickens], “A Strange Interview, Which Is a Sequel to the Last Chapter”, inOliver Twist; or, The Parish Boy’s Progress. [], volume III, London:Richard Bentley, [],→OCLC,page49:
        [T]here ain't astauncher-hearted gal going, or I'd have cut her throat three months ago.
      • 1959 April, P. Ransome-Wallis, “The Southern in Trouble on the Kent Coast”, inTrains Illustrated, London:Ian Allan Publishing,→ISSN,→OCLC, page213:
        Never at any time in its history has there been so much universal anger at and criticism of the Southern. The railway'sstaunchest friends must concede that most of it is justified.
      • 2005 September 21, Kin-Ming Liu, “In East Asia, there is more than one way to rise”, inThe New York Times[2]:
        China's real issue with Japan, disguised by historical complaints, lies in the fact that Japan under Koizumi has become astauncher ally of the United States.
      1. (chiefly hunting) Of ahunting dog: that can bedepended on topick up thescent of, or tomark,game.
        • 1575, Jacques du Fouilloux, “Certaine Observations and Subtleties to be Used by Huntsmen in Hunting an Hart at Force”, inGeorge Gascoigne, transl.,The Noble Art of Venerie or Hunting. [], London: [] Thomas Purfoot, published1611,→OCLC,page112:
          [T]he horſemen & huntſmen ſhould blemiſh at ſuch places as they ſee the Hart enter into a thicket or couert to the end that if the hounds fall to change, they may return to thoſe blemiſhes, and put their hounds to the right ſlot and view, vntill they haue rowzed or found him againe with their bloudhound, or with ſome otherſtanch old hound of the kennell, in the which they may aſſie themſelues. For oldſtaunch houndes which will not hunt change, when they ſee an Hart rowzed & before them, they neuer call on, nor once open: but if they be young raſh houndes, they will runne with full cry & ſo take change.
        • 1810,Walter Scott, “Canto I. The Chase.”, inThe Lady of the Lake; [], Edinburgh: [] [James Ballantyne and Co.] forJohn Ballantyne and Co.; London:Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, andWilliam Miller,→OCLC, stanza VII,page10:
          For, scarce a spear's length from his haunch, / Vindictive toiled the blood-houndsstaunch;[]
        • 1835,[Washington Irving], “A Hunt for a Lost Comrade”, inA Tour on the Prairies (The Crayon Miscellany;no. 1), Philadelphia, Pa.:[Henry Charles] Carey,[Isaac] Lea, & Blanchard,→OCLC,page237:
          Beatte especially, was asstaunch as a veteran hound.
    3. (obsolete)Cautious,restrained.
      • a.1678 (date written),Isaac Barrow, “The Ninth Sermon.1 Thess[alonians] 4. 11.”, inSeveral Sermons against Evil-Speaking, London: [] Brabazon Aylmer, [], published1678,→OCLC,page105:
        It is good to be veryſtaunch and cautious of talking about other Men and their Concernments, in vvay of paſſing Characters on them, or deſcanting upon their Proceedings for vvant of other Diſcourse: This is the common refuge of Idleneſs, and the practice of fidling Goſſips, vvho becauſe they vvill do nothing themſelves, muſt be reflecting upon the doings of others;[]
    4. Stubborn,intransigent.
Alternative forms
Derived terms
not permitting water or some other liquid to escapeseewatertight
impermeable to air or other gasesseeairtight
strongly built; in good or strong condition
staying true to one’s aims or principlesseefirm,‎resolute
dependable, loyal, reliable, trustworthysee alsodependable,‎loyal,‎reliable,‎trustworthy

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishstaunchen,staunche(to stop the flow of blood, diarrhoea, or other bodily fluids; to alleviate, ease; to appease, assuage, satisfy; to cure; to overcome; to put an end to; to repress, suppress; of a river or stream: to stop flowing; of waters, wind, or weather: to become calm, subside; to extinguish or put out (a fire)) [and other forms],[4] fromAnglo-Normanestauncher,estaunchier,estanger,Old Frenchestancher,estanchier(verb) [and other forms];[3] see further atetymology 1 and atstanch.



staunch (third-person singular simple presentstaunches,present participlestaunching,simple past and past participlestaunched)

  1. Alternative spelling ofstanch
    • 1535 October 14 (Gregorian calendar),Myles Coverdale, transl.,Biblia: The Byble, [] (Coverdale Bible),[Cologne or Marburg]:[Eucharius Cervicornus and Johannes Soter?],→OCLC,Ezechiel xxxj:[15],folio lxviij, recto, column 2:
      I will couer the depe vpon him, I willſtaunch his floudes, and the greate waters ſhalbe reſtrayned.
    • 1782,William Cowper, “Retirement”, inPoems, London: [] J[oseph] Johnson, [],→OCLC,page274:
      He that has not uſurp'd the name of man, / Does all, and deems too little, all he can, / T' aſſuage the throbbings of the feſter'd part, / Andſtaunch the bleedings of a broken heart;[]
    • 1819 December 20 (indicated as1820),Walter Scott, chapter VII, inIvanhoe; a Romance. [], volume III, Edinburgh: [] Archibald Constable and Co.; London: Hurst, Robinson, and Co. [],→OCLC,page178:
      [T]he iron head of a square cross-bow bolt disengaged itself from the wound, the bleeding wasstaunched, the wound was closed, and the dying man was, within the quarter of an hour, walking upon the ramparts,[]
Usage notes
  • Stanch is more commonly used as the spelling of the verb compared tostaunch, especially in the United States; whilestaunch is more common as the spelling of theadjective, withstanch now regarded as archaic.Prescriptively, some readers may assume that reversals of these preferences are incorrect.
Derived terms

Etymology 3





staunch (pluralstaunches)

  1. (obsolete) That whichstanches orchecks aflow.
    1. (specifically, archaic) Aplant orsubstance which stops the flow ofblood; astyptic.
  2. (obsolete) Anact of stanching orstopping.
  3. (mining)Synonym ofafterdamp(suffocatinggasespresent in acoal mine after anexplosioncaused byfiredamp)
Alternative forms
plant or substance which stops the flow of bloodseestyptic
synonym of afterdampseeafterdamp

Etymology 4


Seestanch (etymology 4).



staunch (pluralstaunches)

  1. Alternative spelling ofstanch(afloodgate by whichwater isaccumulated, forfloating aboat over ashallowpart of astream by itsrelease; also, adam orlock in ariver)


  1. ^staunch(e,adj.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  2. ^staunch,adj.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, December 2022;staunch1,adj.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  3. 3.03.1stanch | staunch,v.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, December 2022;staunch2,v.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  4. ^staunchen,v.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  5. ^Comparestanch | staunch,n.1”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, March 2022.
  6. ^staunche,n.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.


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