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1400s, fromspell(verb) +‎-ing.






  1. presentparticiple andgerund ofspell
    • 2006, Wm. Shakespeare, Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor, eds.,Hamlet, London: Arden Shakespeare:
      [p 88] A persuasive theory about the authority of the quarto or Folio texts might shed light on how Shakespeare actually spelt these names in a particular manuscript, but, since Shakespeare seemed capable ofspelling his own name differently on different occasions, how reliable a guide would such evidence be?



spelling (countable anduncountable,pluralspellings)

  1. (uncountable) The act, practice, ability, or subject of formingwords withletters, or of reading the letters of words;orthography.
    • 1904,Andrew Dickson White,Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White, page43:
      For the practical use ofspelling comes in writing.
    • 1920, Henry Gallup Paine,Handbook of Simplified Spelling, New York: Simplified Spelling Board, page 1:
      Spelling was invented by man and, like other human inventions, is capable of development and improvement by man in the direction of simplicity, economy, and efficiency.
    • 2001,w: Stephen White,The Program, New York: Dell, page66:
      I knew that Kriciak, the inspector who was supervising me for the Marshals Service, was going to go nuts when I told him that I wanted to allow Landon to participate in soccer andspelling.
  2. (uncountable) Themanner of spelling of words;correct spelling.
    • 2006, William Shakespeare, edited by Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor,Hamlet, London: Arden Shakespeare, page88:
      Because Elizabethanspelling was fluid, editors feel free to ‘modernize’ (correct) thespelling in the quartos and the Folio. But how is one to spell Rosencratz or Guildenstern, where thespelling varies, not only from text to text, but even within texts?
  3. (countable) Aspecific spelling of a word.
    • 2006, Wm. Shakespeare, Ann Thompson and Neil Taylor, eds.,Hamlet, London: Arden Shakespeare:
      [p 253]*excellent Q2’s ‘extent’ is generally dismissed as an error, probably a mis-reading of ‘exlent’, a commonspelling at this time.
      [p 269]reverend Thespellings ‘reuerent’ (Q2) and ‘Reuerend’ (F) were interchangeable at this time.
      [p 466] Guildensterne and Rosincrance are F’s consistentspellings.
  4. (US, rare, dated, countable or uncountable) A spellingtest orspelling bee.
    • 1860,Oscar Lawrence Jackson,The Colonel's Diary: Journals Kept Before and During the Civil War [1922], Sharon, Penn., p 23:
      The boys were anxious for aspelling in the evening but I said no.
    • 1889,James Whitcomb Riley, “A’ Old Played-Out Song”, inPipes O' Pan at Zekesbury, Indianapolis, Ind.: Bowen-Merrill, page45:
      How her face ust to look, in the twilight, / As I tuck her tospellin’; and she / Kep’ a-hummin’ that song ’tel I ast her, / Pine-blank, ef she ever missed me!
    • 2004, Carl Lindahl, editor,American Folktales: From the Collections of the Library of Congress, volume 1, Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, page416:
      So we'd sit with these girls during school hours, and we told them, if they'd slip off, that we'd get away, and we'd go to [the school] to aspelling.
  5. (music) A choice ofnotation amongenharmonic equivalents for the samepitch.
    • 2004, Joshua Stoddard, Christopher Raphael, Paul E. Utgoff,Well-Tempered Spelling: A Key-Invariant Pitch Spelling Algorithm[1], page 1:
      Thespelling of a pitch is strongly influenced by its harmonic and melodic context.



Derived terms



Adjectives often used with "spelling"
  • correct, incorrect, right, wrong, usual, unusual, standard, alternative, nonstandard, customary, common, rare


the act of forming words with letters, the act of spelling
the practice, ability, or subject of forming words with letters, or of reading the letters of words; orthography
manner of spelling of words; correct spelling
a specific spelling of a word
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked

Derived terms






FromDutchspelling, fromMiddle Dutchspellinge. Equivalent tospel +‎-ing.



spelling (pluralspellingsorspellinge)

  1. spelling





FromMiddle Dutchspellinge. Equivalent tospellen +‎-ing.





spelling f (pluralspellingen,diminutivespellinkje n)

  1. spelling
    Het is belangrijk om de juistespelling van woorden te gebruiken in je werkstuk.
    It is important to use the correctspelling of words in your essay.
    In de Nederlandse taal zijn er soms lastige regels voor despelling van bepaalde woorden.
    In the Dutch language, there are sometimes tricky rules for thespelling of certain words.
    De leerlingen oefenden hunspelling tijdens de taalles.
    The students practiced theirspelling during the language lesson.
    De spellingscontrole van de tekstverwerker helpt bij het corrigeren vanspellingen in het document.
    The spell check of the word processor helps with correctingspellings in the document.

Derived terms








Borrowed fromEnglishspelling.



spelling m (invariable)

  1. spelling(specific spelling of a word)
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