The internalized colorism that has inflicted Will is just… Referring to gorgeous Veronica as “Black bald dark-skin woman.” How she didn’t snatch him from his Mama’s highchair I do not know..Sis dodged all the bullets.. #loveisblindbrazil
2022 September 29, Kahlen Barry (@KahlenBarry),Twitter[3]:
“Sue Me”sis snapped
2023 January 3, sésé/gee☆♱ (@d0llydeathw1sh),Twitter[4]:
Call me when ur 3 year old daughter knows SZA lyrics, girl said “you still playin the pick me, I’m still playin the victim” we don’t care if it’s backwardssis learned that all on her own 🥹
When using a reflexive verb in the second-person singular past form and in conditional, the auxiliary verbbýt(“to be”) is replaced with just-s appended to the reflexive pronounse,si. The full form “jsi se”, “jsi si” isproscribed ashypercorrect.
1785, Charles Baudelaire,Annales poétique depuis l’origine de la poésie françoise, Tome 33[6]:
Au carabet, lorſque jeſis à table, Je ne bois qu’à ma ſoif, & que le cœur m’en dit: Mais quand Margot me tient au lit, Tout-ci, tout-ca, Par-ci, par-là !.
2019,Alain Damasio, chapter 4, inLes furtifs [The Stealthies], La Volte,→ISBN:
Par les larges hublots du lab,sis au sixième étage, la vue dominait une mer orangée de tuiles en terre cuite qui rappelaient que cette ville avait été, avant d’être « civinisée », une plutôt avenante cité provençale.
The view from the lab's big windows,located on the sixth floor, overlooked a sea of orange terracotta tiles, which were a reminder that before it was "civinized", this had been a rather charming Provençal town.
The possessed forms of this noun are based on the stem -ziiz rather than -sis. Thusshiziiz(“my belt”),biziiz(“his/her/their belt”), et cetera, not *shisis, *bisis.