Fromside +-ing(“material, collection”).
siding (countable anduncountable,pluralsidings)
- (Canada,US) A buildingmaterial which covers and protects thesides of ahouse or otherbuilding.
Ugh. If there's one thing I can't stand it's cheesy vinylsiding.
material to cover the sides of a building
- presentparticiple andgerund ofside
Whenever he hears an argument, he can't helpsiding with one party or the other.
siding with one party or another
Fromside +-ing(“derivative noun, having the quality of”).
siding (pluralsidings)
- (rail transport) A second, relatively short length oftrack just to the side of arailroad track, joined to the main track byswitches at one or both ends, used either for loading or unloadingfreight, storing trains or other rail vehicles; or to allow two trains on a same track tomeet (opposite directions) orpass (same direction)(the latter sense is probably an American definition).
December 15 2022, Samanth Subramanian, “Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site”, inThe Guardian[1]:Laid out over six square kilometres, Sellafield is like a small town, with nearly a thousand buildings, its own roads and even a railsiding – all owned by the government, and requiring security clearance to visit.
(railroad side track):railroad siding,sidetrack,lay-by(UK)
- (anatomy)mole