( international standards ) ISO 639-1 language code forSinhalese . FromMiddle English si ( “ seventh degree or note of Guido of Arezzo's hexachordal scales ” ) ,Italian si in the solmization of Guido of Arezzo, from the initials ofLatin Sāncte Iohannēs ( “ Saint John (the Baptist) ” ) in the lyrics of the scale-ascending hymnUt queant laxis by Paulus Deacon; thus, also aninitialism ofSāncte Iohannēs .
si (plural sis )
( music ) A syllable used insolfège to represent the seventh note of amajor scale .Varying reconstructions. Oreldescends it fromProto-Albanian *tšei ,[ 1] Matzinger fromProto-Albanian *čī .[ 2] Ultimately from instrumentalProto-Indo-European *kwi-h₁ . CompareLatin qui ( “ how, why ” ) ,Old English hwȳ ,hwī ( “ why ” ) . An interrogative and relative pronoun, especially in connection with a preposition.
how ; in what way; in what stateSi janë shokët e tu? ―How are your friends? like ,as Si e dini, nuk kemi filluar ende.As you know, we've not yet begun. ^ Orel, Vladimir E. (1998 ) “si ”, inAlbanian Etymological Dictionary , Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill,→ISBN , page395 ^ Schumacher, Stefan, Matzinger, Joachim (2013 )Die Verben des Altalbanischen: Belegwörterbuch, Vorgeschichte und Etymologie (Albanische Forschungen;33 ) (in German), Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz,→ISBN , page225 FromOld High German siu , fromProto-Germanic *sī . Cognate withGerman sie ( “ she; it ” ) ,Gothic 𐍃𐌹 ( si ) ,Old English sēo .
si f
she it (for referents of the feminine grammatical gender)Alemannic German personal pronouns nominative accusative dative possessivem singular 1st person ich ,i mich ,mi mir ,mier ,mer min ,miin 2nd person familiar du dich ,di dir ,dier ,der din ,diin polite Si Ine ,Ene ,-ne Ire 3rd person m er in ,en im sin ,siin f si ire n es ,'s ,-s im sin ,siin plural 1st person mir ,mer üs ,öis ,ois ,eus üse ,öise ,oise ,euse 2nd person ir ,ier öi ,eu öie ,eure 3rd person si ine ,ene ,-ne ire
FromOld High German sie m pl ,sio f pl ,siu n pl . Cognate withGerman sie ,Dutch zij .
si pl
they Alemannic German personal pronouns nominative accusative dative possessivem singular 1st person ich ,i mich ,mi mir ,mier ,mer min ,miin 2nd person familiar du dich ,di dir ,dier ,der din ,diin polite Si Ine ,Ene ,-ne Ire 3rd person m er in ,en im sin ,siin f si ire n es ,'s ,-s im sin ,siin plural 1st person mir ,mer üs ,öis ,ois ,eus üse ,öise ,oise ,euse 2nd person ir ,ier öi ,eu öie ,eure 3rd person si ine ,ene ,-ne ire
FromMiddle High German sein ,sīn , fromOld High German sīn , fromProto-Germanic *sīnaz . Cognate withGerman sein ,Dutch zijn ,West Frisian syn ,Icelandic sinn .
his Inflected forms include:
FromMiddle High German sīn , fromOld High German sīn . Cognate withGerman sein ,Dutch zijn ,Low German sien .
( Gressoney ) tobe FromLatin si .
if FromProto-Bahnaric *ciː , fromProto-Mon-Khmer *ciiʔ ( “ louse ” ) ; cognate withVietnamese chí ,chấy .
louse FromEnglish see .
tosee CompareChamorro si ,Indonesian si ,Malay si , andTagalog si .
si (plural sina )
direct marker placed before names or terms of address of people Nagdalagansi Juan. ―Juan ran. Dinara nindasi Tatay sa ospital. ―They brought Father to the hospital. direct marker placed before an adjective used to refer to a person with those distinct characteristics Yaon nasi Taba. ―Fatso is here. ( Naga ) direct marker placed before common nouns Synonym: su Kinua ko nasi pakete. ―I already got the package FromOld Catalan si , fromLatin si ( “ if ” ) .
if FromLatin S ancteI ohannes( “ Saint John ” ) in thehymn for St. John the Baptist .
si m (plural sis )
( music ) si ( seventh note of a diatonic scale ) FromOld Catalan si ~sin , fromLatin sĭnus .
si m (plural sins )
cavity ,depression ( anatomy ) sinus ( figuratively ) uterus front portion of thebreast ( figuratively ) heart estuary ,bay FromLatin sĭbī .
himself ,herself ,itself oneself themselves each other Si is the stressed (or "strong", or "tonic") form of the reflexive pronounes . As such, it is used after prepositions.Catalan personal pronouns and clitics strong/subject weak (direct object) weak (indirect object) possessive proclitic enclitic proclitic enclitic singular 1st person standard jo ,mi 3 em ,m’ -me ,’m em ,m’ -me ,’m meu majestic1 nós ens -nos ,’ns ens -nos ,’ns nostre 2nd person standard tu et ,t’ -te ,’t et ,t’ -te ,’t teu formal1 vós us -vos ,-us us -vos ,-us vostre very formal2 vostè el ,l’ -lo ,’l li -li seu 3rd person m ell el ,l’ -lo ,’l li -li seu f ella la ,l’ 4 -la li -li seu n ho -ho li -li seu plural 1st person nosaltres ens -nos ,’ns ens -nos ,’ns nostre 2nd person standard vosaltres us -vos ,-us us -vos ,-us vostre formal2 vostès els -los ,’ls els -los ,’ls seu 3rd person m ells els -los ,’ls els -los ,’ls seu f elles les -les els -los ,’ls seu 3rd person reflexivesi es ,s’ -se ,’s es ,s’ -se ,’s seu adverbial ablative/genitive en ,n’ -ne ,’n locative hi -hi
1 Behaves grammatically as plural. 2 Behaves grammatically as third person.3 Only as object of a preposition. 4 Not before unstressed (h)i-, (h)u-.
FromMiddle High German sīn .
si (masculine senge or singe ,feminine and plural seng or sing )
( Ripuarian ) his ,its ( third-person masculine and neuter possessive ) Wo hät e dannsi Jlas henjestallt? ―Where did he puthis glass? The formseng/sing is used for the neuter when strongly stressed:Dat essing Jlas! ( “ That'shis glass! ” ) Contrariwise, the formsi may be used for the masculine and feminine when unstressed, chiefly with words for relatives:si Papp (“his father”, but less common thansenge Papp ). CompareBikol Central si ,Indonesian si , andMalay si .
Subject marker for personal names Inherited fromSpanish sí .
yes Inherited fromSpanish si ( “ if ” ) .
if FromMiddle High German si(e) , fromOld High German siu , fromProto-West Germanic *sī , fromProto-Germanic *sī , nominative singular feminine of*iz . Cognate withGerman sie .
( Luserna ) she ,it (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
si m (plural siow )
hiss ,buzz (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( transitive ) tofancy Inherited fromProto-Slavic *si .
si (reflexive )
cliticdative ofsebe :tooneself tomyself toyourself Poslužsi . ―Serve yourself. tohimself toherself toitself toourselves toyourselves tothemselves Synonym: ( stressed ) sobě “si ”, inPříruční slovník jazyka českého (in Czech),1935–1957 “si ”, inSlovník spisovného jazyka českého (in Czech),1960–1971, 1989 FromLatin sex .
six FromOld Norse sía ( “ to sieve, filter ” ) .
si c (singular definite sien ,plural indefinite sier )
sieve strainer colander si (imperative si ,infinitive atsi ,present tense sier ,past tense siede ,perfect tense harsiet )
sieve strain sift si m or f (plural si's ,diminutive sietje n )
musical note;ti FromItalian si ,French soi ,Spanish se ,Latin se , plus thei of personal pronouns.
si (reflexive ,accusative sin ,possessive sia )
himself ,herself ,itself ,themselves ,oneself The reflexive pronounsi is only used to refer to the third person (In English:he /she /it /they ) not the first or second person (In English:I /we /you ). When the subject of a sentence is first or second person, the same pronoun is repeated (with the accusative ending-n added if needed) instead of usingsi . (E.g. "they washthemselves " isili lavassin , but "I washmyself " ismi lavasmin , instead of *mi lavas sin .)
1 The second person familiar pronouns are archaic.
2 The proposed gender-neutral third-person singular pronounsri (rin ,ria ) andŝli (ŝlin ,ŝlia ) are not widely used.
3 The proposed third-person feminine plural pronouniŝi (iŝin ,iŝia ) is not widely used.
toescape FromOld Galician-Portuguese se , fromLatin sī ( “ if ” ) .
if ( used to introduce a condition or choice ) 2000 , Domingo Frades Gaspar,Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala , Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 1: Lengua Española:Isi “a patria do homi é sua lengua”, cumu idía Albert Camus, o que está claru é que a lengua está mui por encima de fronteiras, serras, rius i maris, de situaciós pulíticas i sociu-económicas, de lazus religiosus e inclusu familiaris. Andif “a man’s homeland is his language”, as Albert Camus said, what is clear is that language is above borders, mountain ranges, rivers and seas, above political and socio-economic situations, of religious and even family ties. si
Alternative form ofse 2000 , Domingo Frades Gaspar,Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala , Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 2: Númerus?:As lenguas, idiomas, dialectus o falas tenin un-as funciós mui claras desde o principiu dos siglu isi hai contabilizaus en o mundu un-as 8.000 lenguas, ca un-a con sua importancia numérica relativa, a nossa fala é un tesoiru mais entre elas. The tongues, languages or regional variants have some very clear functions since the beginning of the centuries and some 8,000 languages have been accounted for in the world, each with its relative numerical importance, Fala is yet another treasure among them. FromOld French se , fromLatin si ( “ if ” ) .
if ,whether Je me demandesi elle sera seule. ―I wonderif she'll be alone. Je veux savoirsi tu viendras ou non. ―I want to knowif you're coming or not. if ( assuming that ) Si j’avais ses pouvoirs, je créerais un monde où le mal n’existe pas. ―If I had his power, I'd create a world where evil didn't exist.Si tu n’avais pas appelé, je serais morte. ―If you hadn't called, I'd be dead.even if although ,while Elided precedingil orils , resulting in the contracted formss’il ands’ils .
FromOld French si , fromLatin sic ( “ so, thus ” ) .Doublet ofsic .
yes ( used to contradict a negative statement ) Synonym: ( archaic ) si fait Tu ne m’aimes pas, n’est-ce pas ? —Si ! You don’t like me, do you? —Yes, I do ! Moi, je n’ai rien fait ! —Si ! I didn't do anything! —Yes, you did ! The positive particle usage is uncommon in Québec, where most speakers useoui instead.
so ,such ( intensifier ) J’étaissi fatigué ces jours-ci que je n’avais pas le courage de vous écrire. I wasso tired those days that I didn't have the energy to write to you. Cela n’aurait pas été unesi bonne idée. That wouldn't have beensuch a good idea. ( si + adjective/adverb + que ... ) however ( to whatever extent or degree ) Synonyms: aussi ,tout ,quelque Si bavard qu’il soit, il ne dit rien de stupide.However talkative he may be, he doesn't say anything stupid.2017 , Luc Brisson,Platon :Mais un législateur qui aurait un tant soit peu de worth,si infime soit elle, quand bien même il n’en irait pas comme l’argument vient de le démontrer, n’aurait-il pas commis en cette occasion, plus qu’en n’importe quelle autre circonstance où il aurait eu l’audace de mentir aux jeunes gens dans l’intérêt du bien, son plus utile mensonge, celui capable de faire que tous, non pas de force mais de leur plein gré, se conduisent de façon entièrement juste ? But a legislator who would have the slightest bit of valour,however tiny it may be, even if it were not as the argument has just demonstrated, would he not have committed on this occasion, more than in any other circumstance where he would have had the audacity to lie to young people in the interest of the good, his most useful lie, the one capable of making everyone, not by force but of their own accord, behave in an entirely just fashion? In the sensehowever , the verb is usually in the subjunctive. Theque is sometimes replaced by an inverted-subject construction with a subjunctive verbal element and nominal, usually a personal heureuse soit-elle ―however happy she may be si faible paraisse-t-il ―however weak he may seem si m (plural si )
( music ) si , the note 'B'FromLatin se .
si (third person )
( reflexive pronoun ) himself ,herself "Statute of Galicia: [vote] yes", pro-Galician devolved government, 1936 IPA (key ) : /ˈsi/ [ˈs̺i] Rhymes:-i Hyphenation:si FromLatin sīc .
yes Antonym: non FromLatin sē ,ablative andaccusative pronoun form.
si (accusative se ,dative se )
himself ,herself ,itself themselves The pronounsi is used exclusively as the object of a preposition; no nominative form exists.
(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
si m (plural sis )
( music ) si ( musical note ) ( music ) B (the musical note or key)si
Romanization of𐍃𐌹 Guinea-Bissau Creole [ edit ] FromPortuguese se . Cognate withKabuverdianu si .
if FromFrench si .
if FromProto-Austronesian *si .
IPA (key ) : /ˈsi/ [ˈsi] Rhymes:-i Syllabification:si si (Hanunoo spelling ᜰᜲ )
a form preposed to personal names Si Gawid ―Gawid Sintaysi Luyon? Who is Luyon? Kang manoksi manayti. My bird the manayti (small bird) Conklin, Harold C. (1953 )Hanunóo-English Vocabulary (University of California Publications in Linguistics), volume 9, London, England: University of California Press,→OCLC ,page244 si
woman Bill Palmer,The Languages and Linguistics of the New Guinea Area (→ISBN , 2017), page 531, table 95,Comparative basic vocabulary in Lakes Plain Languages Borrowed from Italian sì , Spanish sí .
( archaic ) yes Synonym: yes Antonym: no Progreso I (in Ido),1908–1909 , page10 FromProto-Austronesian *si . CompareBikol Central si ,Chamorro si , andMalay si ,Tagalog si .
definite article used before the names of those with whom the speaker and interlocutor is intimate or familiar with Tiada satupun yang berani padasi Tigor pemberani. ―No one dared to opposethe brave Tigor . Kukatakan padasi Yopi kecil, janganlah marah ―I said tolittle Yopi , don't angry. Kudengar bahwasi Tuti besar sedang sakit ―I hear thatbig Tuti is ill. definite article used before a noun referring to a particular person with a particular characteristic Si penjual jamu itu cantik sekali. ―That jamu seller is very pretty.Dia tertawa dengansi orang asing itu. ―She was laughing withthe foreigner. Si pemuda itu tersenyum lebar lalu pergi. ―The young man smiled broadly then left.definite article used before a nickname, typically for a subject whose well-known attributes are referred to by an adjective Namanyasi Putih ―The name isWhitey . Si Gendut ―The Fatso Si Goblok ―The Old Muttonhead definite article used before animals si kucing ―the catsi
( law enforcement ) aphetic form ofseksi ( “ section ” ) Unadapted borrowing fromJapanese 市( し ) ( shi ,“ city ” ) . Romanised according modifiedKunrei-shiki romanization .
( historical , 1942-1945) Synonym ofkota ( “ city ” ) si
yes FromLatin se ( “ him-, her-, it-, themselves ” ,reflexive third-person pronoun ) . Cognate withSpanish se andPortuguese se andsi .
( reflexive pronoun ) oneself ,himself ,herself ,itself ,themselves Il tuo gattosi lava sul mio letto. ―Your cat cleanshimself /itself on my bed. La tua gattasi lava sul mio letto. ―Your cat cleansherself on my bed. Marcosi è rotto il braccio. ―Marco has brokenhis arm. ( reciprocal pronoun ) each other ,one another Carlo e Laurasi amano. ―Carlo and Laura loveeach other . ( indefinite ) one ,you ,we ,they ,people In Italiasi pranza intorno all'una. ―In Italythey eat lunch around 13. In Italiasi tende ad andare a letto tardi. ―In Italy,people tend to go to bed late. Si dice che Maria volesse uccidere Giovanni. ―It is said that Maria wanted to kill Giovanni.Da questa finestrasi vede la banca. ―From this window,one can see the bank. ( si passivante ) Used to form thepassive voice of a verb ;it Si vende latte. / Vendesi latte. ―Milk for sale. Nonsi accettano carte di credito. ―Credit cards are not accepted. ( dialectal , notably Rome ) reflexive and reciprocal first person pronoun, where Standard Italian usesci Volemose bene. ( Vogliamoci bene. ) Let's love each other. Se lasmezzamo ?( Ce la dividiamo?) Do you want to split? 1483 , Matteo Maria Boiardo,Orlando Innamorato , I, XVIII, lines37–39 :Ambose poseremo in questo prato e domatina, come il giorno pare, ritornaremo insieme a battagliare. We will both lay down in this meadow and tomorrow morning, when the day appears, together we will go back to fight. Whensi is part of an infinitive, it can be placed before it as a separate word, but more often it is attached to the end. In this case, the final -e of the infinitive is dropped, or, in the case of infinitives ending in -rre , the final -re is dropped. Examples:amar(e) +si =amarsi ;ridur(re) +si =ridursi . Often translated using the passive voice in English when used as indefinite personal pronoun:Si dice che[ …] ―It is said that [ …] Verb +si is often translated asbecome orget + [past participle] in English.In cases wheresi ( indefinite pronoun ) andsi ( reflexive pronoun ) follow each other, the firstsi is replaced withci :Ci si lava. ―One washes oneself. (instead of:*Si si lava. ) Becomesse when followed by a third-person direct object clitic (lo ,la ,li ,le , orne ). Italian personal pronouns
Number Person Gender Nominative Reflexive Accusative Dative Combined Disjunctive Locative Partitive Singular first — io mi ,m' ,-mi me me — second — tu ti ,t' ,-ti te te third m lui si 2 ,s' ,-si lo ,l' ,-lo gli ,-gli glie ,se 2 lui ,sé ci ,c' ,vi ,v' ( formal ) ne ,n' f lei ,Lei 1 la ,La 1 ,l' ,L' 1 ,-la ,-La 1 le 3 ,Le 1 ,-le 3 ,-Le 1 lei ,Lei 1 ,sé Plural first — noi ci ,c' ,-ci ce noi — second — voi ,Voi 4 vi ,Vi 4 ,v' ,V' 4 ,-vi ,-Vi 4 ve voi ,Voi 4 third m loro ,Loro 1 si ,s' ,-si li ,Li 1 ,-li ,-Li 1 gli ,-gli ,loro ( formal ) ,Loro 1 glie ,se loro ,Loro 1 ,sé ci ,c' ,vi ,v' ( formal ) ne ,n' f le ,Le 1 ,-le ,-Le 1 1 Third person pronominal forms used as formal terms of address to refer to second person subjects (with the first letter frequently capitalised as a sign of respect, and to distinguish them from third person subjects). Unlike the singular forms, the plural forms are mostly antiquated terms of formal address in the modern language, and second person plural pronouns are almost always used instead. 2 Also used as indefinite pronoun meaning “one”, and to form the passive. 3 Often replaced bygli ,-gli in informal language. 4 Formal (capitalisation optional); in many regions, can refer to just one person (compare with Frenchvous ).
IPA (key ) : /ˈsi/ ,/ˈsi/ * Rhymes:-i Hyphenation:sì si
( music ) si ( musical note B ) Derived fromEnglish see .
tosee Mi wuda laiksi im tu. I'd like tosee him too. si
(Used withya ) Here is; here are.Si yu buk-demya .Here are your
Thekatakana syllableスィ ( si ) inHepburn -like romanization. FromProto-Sino-Tibetan *səj ( “ to die ” ) . Cognate withTibetan ཤི ( shi ) ,Chinese 死 (OC *hljiʔ ).[ 1]
( Kamnyu, intransitive ) todie FromProto-Sino-Tibetan *siŋ ~ *sik ( “ tree; wood; firewood ” ) . Cognate withTibetan ཤིང ( shing ,“ tree ” ) ,Chinese 薪 (OC *siŋ , “firewood”),Tangut 𗝠 ( *sji¹ ,“ tree ” ) .[ 2] [ 3]
( Kamnyu ) tree ( Kamnyu ) wood ^ Zhang, Shuya, Jacques, Guillaume, Lai, Yunfan (2019 ) “A study of cognates between Gyalrong languages and Old Chinese ”, inJournal of Language Relationship , volume17 , number 1,→DOI , page89 ^ Zhang, Shuya, Jacques, Guillaume, Lai, Yunfan (2019 ) “A study of cognates between Gyalrong languages and Old Chinese ”, inJournal of Language Relationship , volume17 , number 1,→DOI , page85 ^ Jacques, Guillaume (2014 )Esquisse de phonologie et de morphologie historique du tangoute , Leiden: Brill,→ISBN , page100 Guillaume Jacques,Argument Demotion in Japhug Rgyalrong (2012) Guillaume Jacques (2021 )A grammar of Japhug [2] , Berlin: Language Science Press,→ISBN FromPortuguese se .
if FromPortuguese sim .
yes ( Standard Kankanaey ) IPA (key ) : /si/ [si̞] IPA (key ) : ( parts of Bauko, Sabangan, & Tadian ) /hi/ [hi̞] Rhymes:-i Syllabification:si si
oblique argument, specifically a commonnominal indefinite markerDialectal synonyms of si
Southern / Central Mt. Province Tadian si ,(Lubon ) hi ,(Banaao ,Cadad-anan ,Cagubatan ,Dacudac ,Lenga ,Pandayan ) ho Bauko si ,(Banao ,Bila ,Otucan ) hi Sabangan si ,(Tambingan ,Supang ,Data ,Lagan ,Losad ,Poblacion ) si ,(Bun-ayan ,Pingad ,Bao-angan ,Camatagan ,Napua ,Gayang ,Capinitan ,Busa ,Namatec ) hi Northern / Applai Mt. Province Sagada si
Janet L. Allen (2014 )Kankanaey: A Role and Reference Grammar Analysis [3] (overall work in English),→ISBN , page128 Si. si
wildcow K. E. Herr (2011 )The phonological interpretation of minor syllables, applied to Lemi Chin [4] , Payap University, page50 si
water Roger Blench, Mark Post,(De)classifying Arunachal languages: Reconstructing the evidence (2011) fromFrench scie ( “ saw ” )
saw ( tool ) FromLatin sē .
( possessive ) his ,her ,hers ,its ,their Inherited fromOld Spanish si ( “ if ” ) .
si (Hebrew spelling סי )[ 1]
if (supposing that)Inherited fromOld Spanish si ( “ oneself ” ) .
si (Hebrew spelling סי )[ 1]
oneself ;herself ;itself ;himself ;themselves ( form ofse used after prepositions ) Inherited fromOld Spanish si ( “ yea ” ) .
si (Hebrew spelling סי )[ 1]
yes ;aye ( commonly used to respond affirmatively to a question ) Antonym: no ↑1.0 1.1 1.2 “si ”, inTrezoro de la Lengua Djudeoespanyola .sei ( standard in Republican spelling ) se ( Merovingian ) FromProto-Italic *sei ( “ so, thus ” ) used in parataxis, likely via the meaning "in this" as the locative singular ofProto-Indo-European *só ( “ this, that ” ) ; this older meaning is preserved inLatin sīc as well as in the oathsī dīs placet , cf. Englishso help me God . Related to Old Englishsē ( “ he, that ” ) .
if ,supposing thatSī versūs hōrum duōrum poētārum neglegētis, magnā parte litterārum carēbitis.If you neglect the verses of these two poets, you will miss a great part of literature.Sī vis pacem, para bellum.If you want peace, prepare for war.whether ( when a verb ofseeing ortrying is the main verb in the apodosis; or whensī is used twice correlatively ) sī ...sī ―whether ...or Aromanian:si Catalan:si Franco-Provençal:se French:si Friulian:se Galician:se Italian:se Occitan:se Portuguese:se Guinea-Bissau Creole:si Kabuverdianu:si Papiamentu:si Romanian:să Romansch:sche Sicilian:si Spanish:si si inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press si inCharlton T. Lewis (1891 )An Elementary Latin Dictionary , New York: Harper & Brothers "si ", in Charles du Fresne du Cange’sGlossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition with additions by D. P. Carpenterius, Adelungius and others, edited by Léopold Favre, 1883–1887) si inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. si inRichard Stillwell et al., editor (1976 ),The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites , Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press Sihler, Andrew L. (1995 )New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin , Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press,→ISBN De Vaan, Michiel (2008 ) “sī, sīc”, inEtymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill,→ISBN ,page561 si m (invariable )
( music ) si FromProto-Loloish *ʃe² ( “ to die ” ) , fromProto-Lolo-Burmese *səj¹ ( “ to die ” ) , fromProto-Sino-Tibetan *səj ( “ to die ” ) .
( Yao'an ) todie si
( Yao'an ) death Merrifield, Judith, Merrifield, Scott (2018 ) “Query for si ”, inYao'an Loxrlavu – English Dictionary (in Chinese), SIL International Inherited fromFrench si ( “ if ” ) .
if Inherited fromFrench si ( “ so ” ) .
so ( intensifier ) Inherited fromFrench six ( “ six ” ) .
six Precedes consonant-initial words. See usage notes atsis . si
third-person feminine singular, nominative :she Si ass eng ganz schéi Fra. ―She is a very beautiful womanthird-person feminine singular, accusative :her Den Hond huetsi gebass. ―The dog bither third-person plural, nominative :they Si si ganz schéi Fraen. ―They are very beautiful women.third-person plural, accusative :them Den Hond huetsi gebass. ―The dog bitthem The feminine singular is used chiefly with feminine words for things. Female persons are predominantly treated as grammatically neuter, though the feminine is not impossible. Seehatt for more. FromPortuguese se .
if ( introduces a condition ) si nunca ―otherwise (literally, “if not ”)si sâm capaz ―if you are brave /if you daresi más pricisâ ―if more is neededsi já falâ co iou ―if you had told mesi vosôtro querê vêm ―if you (pl.) want to comeiou vai olâsi têm ―I'm going to seeif there is any si têm vagar lôgo vêm ―I'll comeif I have time FromProto-Austronesian *si₁ . Compare CompareBerik si ,Chamorro si ,Indonesian si , andTagalog si .
the ( primarily used with people, rarely necessary ) Ke mana perginyasi budak nakal yang aku jumpa di taman tadi? Where hasthe brat I just met in the park headed to? definite particle used with adjectives to describe people a definite article used in names or nicknames si (si5 / si0 ,Zhuyin ˙ㄙ )
Hanyu Pinyin reading of廁 / 厕 si
Nonstandard spelling ofsī .Nonstandard spelling ofsǐ .Nonstandard spelling ofsì .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.FromFrench si .
if si
yes ( used to contradict a negative statement ) FromOld Dutch sia .
she Middle Dutch personal pronouns
FromOld Dutch sia .
they ( all genders ) Middle Dutch personal pronouns
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
first / third-person singular present subjunctive ofwēsen “si (II) ”, inVroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek ,2000 “si (III) ”, inVroegmiddelnederlands Woordenboek ,2000 Verwijs, E. ,Verdam, J. (1885–1929 ) “si (I) ”, inMiddelnederlandsch Woordenboek , The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff,→ISBN , page IFromOld English sīe , singular subjunctive ofwesan , fromProto-Germanic *sijǭ ( first person ) ,*sijēs ( second person ) , and*sijē ( third person ) , singular subjunctive forms of*wesaną .
( Early Middle English , rare ) singular present subjunctive ofbeen FromOld French se .
if then (afterwards; following)sî
Alternative form ofsê FromMiddle High German si(e) , fromOld High German siu , fromProto-West Germanic *sī , fromProto-Germanic *sī , nominative singular feminine of*iz . Cognate withGerman sie .
she ,it si
ear Possessive forms ofsi (tight inalienable possession, oa/a stem) singular possessor first person sioaioa second person sioamwen third person sioa dual possessors first person inclusive siasa first person exclusive siama second person siamwa third person siara plural possessors first person inclusive siasai first person exclusive siamai second person siamwai third person siarai remote plural possessors first person inclusive siahs first person exclusive siami second person siemwi third person siahr construct form sien
water Marvin Lionel Bender,Topics in Nilo-Saharan linguistics (1989) [5] si
tooth name FromOld French si , fromLatin si ( “ if ” ) .
( Guernsey ) if FromOld Norse segja , fromProto-Germanic *sagjaną , ultimately fromProto-Indo-European *sekʷ- ( “ to say ” ) .
si (imperative si ,present tense sier ,passive sies ,past tense sa ,past participle sagt ,present participle siende )
tosay si
feminine singular ofsin See the main entry.
si ( uncountable )
Alternative form ofside ,used only in the phrasepå si .si ( uncountable )
( music ) si ( seventh note of a major scale ) “si” inThe Bokmål Dictionary .“si ” inThe Ordnett Dictionary si f
feminine singular ofsin Acronym ofLatin Sancte Ioannes , the phrase ending the hymnUt queant laxis from earlier words of which the other notes ofsolfège were derived. A younger alteration,ti , allows for every note of the solfège to begin with a different letter.
si m (definite singular si-en ,indefinite plural si-ar ,definite plural si-ane )
( music ) si , a syllable used in seventh note of amajor scale Akin to the first part ofOld Norse síþráðr .
si n (definite singular siet ,uncountable )
( collective , nautical , dated ) tatters ofrope used tostop leakage Doublet ofside .
si ?
Used only idiomatically in the prepositional phrasepå si . Clipping ofsidan .
( dialectal ) since ( dialectal ) ago ( dialectal ) because ,for “si” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .sī
Alternative form ofsīe FromLatin sic .
so ;thus ; in such a waySeese .
Alternative form ofse ( if ) Old Galician-Portuguese [ edit ] Inherited fromLatin sibi , fromProto-Indo-European *sébʰye , dative of*swé ( “ self ” ) . Cognate withOld French sei andOld Spanish si .
oneself ;herself ;itself ;himself ;themselves ( form ofse used after prepositions ) Inherited fromLatin sīc ( “ thus; so ” ) , fromProto-Indo-European *so ( “ this, that ” ) .
yes ( affirmatively ) Antonym: non sī
first / third-person singular present subjunctive ofwesan si
feminine nominative singular ofsē Inherited fromLatin si ( “ if ” ) .
if (supposing that)Inherited fromLatin sibi , fromProto-Indo-European *sébʰye , dative of*swé ( “ self ” ) . Cognate withOld French sei andOld Galician-Portuguese si .
oneself ;herself ;itself ;himself ;themselves ( form ofse used after prepositions ) Inherited fromLatin sīc (est)( “ thus ” ) .
yea ;aye ;yes ( commonly used to respond affirmatively to a question ) Antonym: no Ralph Steele Boggset al. (1946 ) “si”, inTentative Dictionary of Medieval Spanish , volume II, Chapel Hill,page469 Inherited fromSanskrit शी ( śī ) .
tolie down Inherited fromSanskrit श्रि ( śri ) .
torest on The initial consonant tends to geminate after prefixes.
Non-present participles, gerundives, absolutives and infinitives
Inherited fromSanskrit सि ( si ) .
tobind FromSpanish si andPortuguese se andKabuverdianu si .
if when FromSpanish sí andPortuguese sim andKabuverdianu si .
FromOld Galician-Portuguese si , fromLatin sibi , fromProto-Indo-European *sébʰye , dative of*swé ( “ self ” ) . Cognate withFrench soi ,Italian sé ,Spanish sí .
si (reflexive )
( following a preposition ) oneself ,yourself ,himself ,herself ,itself ,yourselves ,themselves FromLatin S ancteI ohannes( “ Saint John ” ) in thehymn for St. John the Baptist .
si m (plural sis )
si ( musical note ) si
Eye dialect spelling ofse , representingBrazil Portuguese .Possibly borrowed fromSpanish sí or aclipping ofsim .
( Rio Grande do Sul , informal , Internet slang ) yes ( affirmative answer ) Synonyms: see Thesaurus:sim Cognate withAssiniboine sihá ,Dakota sihá ,Lakota sí ,Omaha-Ponca si ,Hidatsa icí ,Crow iché .
foot ( Central Romagnol ) :IPA (key ) : [ˈsiː]
Inherited fromLatin sĕx ( “ six ” ) .
si m
six Uj vösi dè. It takessix days. From the initial letters ofS ancte +I ohannes , of the seventh verse of the hymnUt queant laxis .
si m (plural si )
Si (musical note)Inherited fromLatin sēbum ( “ tallow ” ) .
si m (plural si )
tallow Masotti, Adelmo (1996 )Vocabolario Romagnolo Italiano [Romagnol-Italian dictionary ] (in Italian), Bologna: Zanichelli, pages584, 585
(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
tobe there be Used before an accusative personal pronoun to indicate possession. Si la kale bala.Shehas black hair. The personal pronoun is often omitted whensi is used to mean "to be". When a noun indicates the possessor,si follows the accusative case of the noun. Yūsuke Sumi (2018 )ニューエクスプレスプラス ロマ(ジプシー)語 [New Express Plus Romani (Gypsy) ] (in Japanese), Tokyo: Hakusuisha, published2021 ,→ISBN ,→OCLC , page71 FromItalian si .
si m (plural si )
( music ) si ( musical note B ) Declension ofsi singular plural indefinite definite indefinite definite nominative-accusative si siul si sii genitive-dative si siului si silor vocative siule silor
( Sutsilvan, Surmiran ) sen ,se ( Puter, Vallader ) sü FromVulgar Latin ,Late Latin rootsūsum , fromLatin sūrsum .
( Rumantsch Grischun , Sursilvan ) up ,upward ,upwards FromLatin se ( “ him-, her-, it-, themselves ” ,reflexive third-person pronoun ) . Cognate withItalian si ,Portuguese si andse .
( reflexive pronoun ) oneself ,himself ,herself ,itself ,themselves La camìsgiasi la pònini li manni ―Adults wear shirts (literally, “The adults put the shirt onthemselves ”)( reciprocal pronoun ) each other ,one another Eddis' àmani ―They loveeach other ( indefinite ) one ,you ,we ,they ,people Lu zipressusi dizi "àiburu di campusantu" ―The cypress is called "graveyard tree" FromLatin sī , fromProto-Italic *sei ( “ so, thus ” ) used in parataxis, likely via the meaning "in this" as the locative singular ofProto-Indo-European *só ( “ this, that ” ) .
if Si lu sai, dìmmiru! ―If you know, tell me! (literally, “If you know it, tell it to me! ”)Rubattu, Antoninu (2006 )Dizionario universale della lingua di Sardegna , 2nd edition, Sassari: Edes FromSanskrit सेतु ( setu ) .
bridge Knobloch, Nina (2020 )A grammar sketch of Sauji: An Indo-Aryan language of Afghanistan [6] , Stockholm: Stockholm University si (Cyrillic spelling си )
( reflexive ) Replaces thedative of a personal pronoun when thesubject is of the sameperson as the dativeobject ; tooneself (clitic dative singular ofsȅbe ( “ oneself ” ) )tomyself toyourself tohimself ,herself ,itself toourselves toyourselves tothemselves ( reflexive , emphatic , possessive, dative) one's , ofoneself (cliticdative singular ofsebe ( “ one ” ) )Kako li je samo zaboravio gdjesi je parkirao auto? Just how did he forget where he parked his car? si (Cyrillic spelling си )
second-person singular present ofbȉti FromProto-Slavic *esi .
second-person singular present ofbyť (you)are , (thou)art si
dative ofseba Kupujemsi topánky. ―I am buyingme shoes. Komu kupuješ topánky?Sebe . ―Whom are you buying shoes for?Myself . “si ”, inSlovníkový portál Jazykovedného ústavu Ľ. Štúra SAV [Dictionary portal of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, Slovak Academy of Science ] (in Slovak), ,2003–2025 sȉ
second-person singular present ofbíti si
dative singular ofsébe FromLatin si ( “ if ” ) .
if si
Romanization of𒋛 si
negative present (all persons, numbers, and classes) of-wa ( “ to not be ” ) -si
negative relative stem of-wa ,-wapo ,-wako , or-wamo mtu asi ye na maarifa ―a person without knowledge FromProto-Austronesian *si . CompareBikol Central si ,Cebuano si ,Gorontalo ti ,Hiligaynon si ,Ilocano si ,Kapampangan i ,Pangasinan si , andWaray-Waray si .
si (plural sina ,Baybayin spelling ᜐᜒ )
direct marker placed before names or terms of address of people Dinala nilasi Tatay sa ospital. They brought Father to the hospital. direct marker placed before an adjective used to refer to a person with those distinct characteristics Nandiyan nasi taba. ―Fatso is there. Borrowed fromEnglish cee , the English name of the letterC /c .
si (Baybayin spelling ᜐᜒ )
the name of theLatin-script letterC /c , in theFilipino alphabet Synonym: ( in the Abecedario ) ce ( Latin-script letter names ) titik ;ey ,bi ,si ,di ,i ,ef ,dyi ,eyts ,ay ,dyey ,key ,el ,em ,en ,enye ,en dyi ,o ,pi ,kyu ,ar ,es ,ti ,yu ,vi ,dobolyu ,eks ,way ,zi “si ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 si
first ,firstly Rika Hayami-Allen (2001). A Descriptive Study of the Language of Ternate, the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia. University of Pittsburgh. FromEnglish sea .
sea waves ;breakers ;swells FromItalian si
si (definite accusative siyi ,plural siler )
( music ) si ( musical note B ) FromProto-Vietic *ɟ-riː , fromProto-Austroasiatic *ɟriːʔ ( “ banyan, ficus ” ) . Cognate withBahnar jri ,Khmer ជ្រៃ ( crɨy ) ,Khasi jri ,Old Mon jrey .
(classifier cây ,quả ,trái ) si • ( )
certainplants of theMallotus andFicus generaSynonym: gừa si
yes 1932 , Arie de Jong,Leerboek der Wereldtaal , page19 :Cils äbinons-li i pö zäl et?Si ! elogob us tumis. Were there children at that party as well?Yes , I've seen hundreds of them there. Borrowed from a descendant ofSanskrit सिंह ( siṃhá ) .
si ( Nisheigram ) [ 1]
lion ^ Strand, Richard F. (2016 ) “si”, inNûristânî Etymological Lexicon [1] FromOld French , fromLatin si ( “ if ” ) .
if si m (plural sïon ,not mutable )
murmur ,hum rumour IPA (key ) : /sí/
The name of theLatin-script letterS /s . ( Latin-script letter names ) lẹ́tà ;á ,bí ,dí ,é ,ẹ́ ,fí ,gí ,gbì ,hí ,í ,jí ,kí ,lí ,mí ,ní ,ó ,ọ́ ,pí ,rí ,sí ,ṣí ,tí ,ú ,wí ,yí sí
to ,at ,toward ( used when movement is implied ) Compare withItsekiri sín
( intransitive ) to befar , to bedistant sí
( intransitive ) Negative form ofwà sì
and Sì is solely used to join verbs/sentences and not nouns, for whichàti is used. Additionally, whensì is used, the subject of each verb must be specified.
Mo jó, mo kọ́ ẹ̀kọ́, mosì kọ lẹ́tà. –I danced, studied, and wrote a letter. Wọn kò fẹ́ ṣiṣẹ́, wọn kòsì fẹ́ ṣeré. –They don't want to work or play. FromChinese 市 (shì ).
si (1957–1982 spelling si )
city FromProto-Sino-Tibetan *swiʔ ( “ blood ” ) . Cognates includeNuosu ꌦ ( sy ) andBurmese သွေး ( swe: ) .
blood sì
( intransitive ) todie Lukram Himmat Singh (2013 )A Descriptive Grammar of Zou , Canchipur: Manipur University, pages40, 47