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See also:Shitandshít


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Etymology 1

FromMiddle Englishschit,schyt, fromOld English*sċite(dung) andsċitte(diarrhoea), fromProto-West Germanic*skiti and*skittjā, fromProto-Germanic*skitiz, fromProto-Indo-European*skeyd-(to split, divide, separate). Related toSaterland FrisianSkiete,West Frisianskyte,skyt,Dutchschijt,German Low GermanSchiet,GermanScheiße,Danishskidt,Swedish andNorwegian Nynorskskit,Norwegian Bokmålskitt,Icelandicskítur. Compareshite.Doublet ofscheisse.

Alternative forms


shit (usuallyuncountable,pluralshits)

  1. (countable, uncountable, colloquial, vulgar) Solidexcretory product evacuated from thebowels;feces.
    • 2011 July 30, “Cholera and the super-loo”, inThe Economist:
      The practice in most African and some Asian cities is for private lorries to suck up human waste and dump it in rivers. [...] In tackling theshit problem, economics could well be a clincher.
  2. (countable, colloquial, vulgar) The act ofshitting.
  3. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial)Rubbish;worthless matter.
    Throw thatshit out!
    Get rid of thatshit!
    Bring thatshit to the disposal.
  4. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial)Stuff,things.
    I want yourshit out of my garage by tomorrow.
    Fuck it. I don't feel like doing thisshit.
    How about wouldn't you take thatshit off?
    • 1998, Jim Kouf, Ross LaManna,Rush Hour[1], California: New Line Cinema:
      JAMES CARTER: You put your ownshit in the back; I'm not a skycap.
    • 2001, “Zip City”, performed byMike Cooley:
      Don't know why I put up with thisshit / When you don't put out and Zip City's so far away
    • 2017 December 1, Tom Breihan, “Mad Max: Fury Road might already be the best action movie ever made”, inThe Onion AV Club[2]:
      He’s physical and monosyllabic. He does all sorts of coolshit, and he subtly rediscovers his own heroism without making a big thing out of it. But he’s a supporting character, and he knows it.
  5. (uncountable, colloquial, vulgar, definite, US) (the shit) Thebest of its kind.
    These grapes are theshit!
    Those inhalers and injections was theshit.
    Contact lenses is theshit.
    • 2003, “What Up Gangsta”, in Curtis Jackson, Rob Tewlow (lyrics), Reef Tewlow (music),Get Rich or Die Tryin'[3], performed by 50 Cent, New York City: Shady Records:
      When gangsters bump myshit, can they feel my hunger?
  6. (uncountable, vulgar, slang)Genitalia, especially male.
    jerk one'sshit
    How am I supposed to jerk myshit without taking off my clothes?
  7. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial)Nonsense;bullshit.
    Everything he says is a load ofshit.
    Enough of thisshit!
    Quit yourshit!
    What is thisshit?
    Aw, thisshit again?
  8. (countable, vulgar, colloquial) Anasty,despicable person, used particularly of men.
    Her son has been a realshit to her.
    I am ashit and a rotter.
    Get the fuck out of here you littleshit!
  9. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) (in negations)Anything.
    We don’t haveshit to live on.We don’t have anything to live on.
    John can't sing forshit.John can't sing at all.
    You ain'tshit.You're nothing; you aren't worth anything.
    Can't doshit to accomplish the objectives to inspect.Can't do for all; at all to accomplish the objectives to inspect.
    They won't doshit for us to clean the house.They won't do nothing; weren't anything for us to clean the house.
  10. (countable, vulgar, colloquial) The smallest amount ofconcern orconsideration.
    I don't give ashit.
  11. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) A problem or difficult situation.
    I'm in some seriousshit.
    Someshit went down at the nightclub last night.
  12. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) A strongrebuke.
    I gave himshit for being three hours late twice in one week.
  13. (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Any recreational drug (e.g.cannabis,heroin, etc.).
    • 1991 September,Stephen Fry, chapter 1, inThe Liar, London:Heinemann,→ISBN, section I,page20:
      ‘Now,’ he said, ‘if someone would close the curtains and light a joss-stick, I have here for your delight some twenty-four-carat black Nepalese cannabis resin which should be smoked immediately on account of it being seriously goodshit.’
  14. (uncountable, slang, vulgar) Anythingexceptional orremarkable.
    I heard Bobby escaped from the police by jumping off a bridge into the river. Ain't that someshit?
solid excretory productsee alsofeces,‎poo,‎stool
vulgar: instance of defecation
stuff, things
the best of its kind
nonsense, bullshit
nasty, despicable person
not anything, nothing
problem or difficult situation
strong rebuke
any recreational drug
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shit (comparativeshitterormoreshit,superlativeshittestormostshit)

  1. (vulgar, colloquial) Ofpoor quality;worthless.
    What ashit film that was!
  2. (vulgar, colloquial)Nasty;despicable.
    That was ashit thing to do to him.
Derived terms
Related terms
of poor quality

Etymology 2

FromMiddle Englishschiten,shiten, fromOld Englishsċītan, fromProto-West Germanic*skītan, fromProto-Germanic*skītaną, fromProto-Indo-European*skéydt, from*skeyd-,*skeh₁i-d(to cut) (compare*skey-).

Cognate withWest Frisianskite,Low Germanschieten,Dutchschijten,Germanscheißen,Danishskide. More atshed.


shit (third-person singular simple presentshits,present participleshitting,simple pastshator(rare)shittedor(US)shit,past participleshator(rare)shittedor(US)shitorshitten)

  1. (intransitive, vulgar, colloquial) Todefecate.
  2. (transitive, vulgar, colloquial) Toexcrete (something) through theanus.
  3. (transitive, reflexive, vulgar, colloquial) Todefecate on; tosoil throughdefecating.
    I farted so hard Ishat myself.
  4. (transitive, vulgar, colloquial) Tofool ortry to fool someone; to bedeceitful.
    Synonyms:shit with;see alsoThesaurus:deceive
    Twelve hundred dollars!? Are youshitting me!?
  5. (transitive, vulgar, colloquial, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland) Toannoy.[from 20th c.]
    • 1983,Helen Garner,Yellow Notebook: Diaries Volume I, Text Publishing, published2022, page70:
      I saw red and smashed a plate and a bowl.[] I swept up the mess. I bawled a lot as I swept[] I also thought, I am about to get my period. It absolutelyshits me that this should explain anything.
Derived terms
Related terms
to defecatesee alsodefecate,‎poo,‎poop
vulgar: to excrete (something) through the anus
vulgar: to be stricken with fear
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  1. (vulgar)Expression ofworry,failure,shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.
    Synonyms:poo,poop,crap;see alsoThesaurus:dammit
    Shit! I think that I forgot to pack my sleeping bag last night!
  2. (vulgar)Used to showdispleasure orsurprise.
    "Oh,shit. I left my worksheet at home," she said to the language arts teacher, which got her in trouble.
  3. (vulgar)Used for mere emphasis;heck,hey.
    • 2017, Darrell Smith,Miracle Baby:
      All my comrades were laughing and clowning me, butshit, that didn't stop me from talking more shit.
Derived terms
expression of worry, failure
to show surprise





  1. second-personsingularimperative ofshesh



Borrowed fromEnglishshit.Doublet ofschijt.




  1. shit,darn

Usage notes

Not considered very vulgar, unlike in some English lects. But it is still sometimes euphemistically replaced bychips, e.g. around children.


shit m (uncountable)

  1. (slang)stuff
  2. (slang)trouble

Derived terms

Related terms



Borrowed fromEnglishshit.



shit m (uncountable)

  1. (slang)cannabis



Borrowed fromEnglishshit.



  1. shit,wow,oh,oh my God, said when surprised or shocked
    Shit! Vad är det där?
    Oh my God! What's that?

Derived terms


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