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See also:s̈ha'me





Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishschame, fromOld Englishsċamu, fromProto-Germanic*skamō.



shame (usuallyuncountable,pluralshames)

  1. Anuncomfortable orpainfulfeeling due torecognition orconsciousness of one's ownimpropriety ordishonor, or something beingexposed that should have been keptprivate.
    When I realized that I had hurt my friend, I felt deepshame.
    The teenager couldn’t bear theshame of introducing his parents.
  2. Something toregret.
    It was ashame not to see the show after driving all that way.
  3. Reproach incurred or suffered; dishonour; ignominy; derision.
  4. The cause or reason of shame; that which brings reproach and ignominy.
    • 1692–1717,Robert South,Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions, volume(please specify |volume=I to VI), London:
      guides who are theshame of religion
    • 1989, Grant Naylor,Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers:
      Rimmer ducked his body low into his chair, so just his head remained above the table top, and peered past the backs of the examinees in front of him, waiting for the adjudicator to make his move. Waiting for him to leap forward and rip off his flimsy flightsuit, exposing hisshame: his illustrated body, Rimmer's cheating frame.
  5. That which is shameful and private, especiallyprivate parts.
    • 1902,R. H. Charles, transl.,The book of Jubilees, or The little Genesis, London: A. and C. Black,3:22,page26:
      And he took fig-leaves and sewed (them) together, and made an apron for himself, and covered hisshame.
    • 1991, Martha Graham,Blood Memory, Washington Square Press:
      She turns to lift her robe, and lays it across her as though she were revealing hershame, as though she were naked.
    • 2010, Jill Mansell,Millie's Fling,→ISBN:
      She didn't even have her handbag, because Zelda had thoughtfully left it in the kitchen along with her clothes. And nobody had even offered her so much as a T-shirt to cover hershame.
    • 2015, Marlene van Niekerk,Triomf,→ISBN:
      The trouble started early this morning when Pop was shoving his shirt and vest into his pants so he could cover hisshame, as he puts it.
    • 2015, Marion Grace Woolley,Those Rosy Hours at Mazandaran, Ghostwoods Books, page182:
      His genitals lank between his legs, his chin dipped upon his breast, staring down at hisshame.
  6. The capacity to be ashamed, inhibiting one frombrazen behaviour; due regard for one's own moral conduct and how one is perceived by others;restraint,moderation,decency.
    Don't you have anyshame?
  • (antonym(s) ofuncomfortable or painful feeling):honor
Derived terms
uncomfortable or painful feeling
something to regret
reproach incurred or suffered; dishonour; ignominy; derision
cause or reason of shame
that which is shameful and private, especially body parts
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked




  1. A cry ofadmonition for the subject of a speech, either to denounce the speaker or to agree with the speaker's denunciation of some person or matter; often usedreduplicated, especially in political debates.
    • 1982, “Telecommunications Bill”, inHansard:
      Mr John Golding: One would not realise that it came from the same Government, because in that letter the Under-Secretary states: "The future of BT's pension scheme is a commercial matter between BT, its workforce, and the trustees of the pensions scheme, and the Government cannot give any guarantees about future pension arrangements."
      #*:Mr. Charles R. Morris:Shame.
    • 1831,The Bristol Job Nott; or, Labouring Man's Friend[3]:
      [] the Duke of Dorset charged in the list with "not known, but supposedforty thousand per year" (charitable supposition) had when formerly in office only about 3 or £4,000, andhas not now, nor when the black list was printed, any office whatever — (Much tumult, and cries of "shame" and "doust the liars")
  2. (South Africa) Expressing sympathy.
    Synonyms:what a pity,what a shame;see alsoThesaurus:what a pity
    Shame, you poor thing, you must be cold!
Derived terms
term derived fromshame (interjection)



shame (comparativemoreshame,superlativemostshame)

  1. (Australian Aboriginal) Feeling shame;ashamed.
    • 1998, Robyn Lynn, Rosamund Thorpe, Debra Miles with Christine Cutts, Anne Butcher, Linda Ford,'Murri way!': Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders reconstruct social welfare practice[4], Centre for Social Research,→ISBN, page47:
      She says that she doesn't touch them, this is important, sometimes maybe a handshake may make them moreshame, that is shy or embarrassed.
    • 2018, Anthony McKnight, Valerie Harwood, Samantha McMahon, Amy Priestly, Jake Trindorfer, “'No shame at AIME': listening to Aboriginal philosophy and methodologies to theorise shame in educational contexts”, inThe Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, volume49, number 1,→DOI, page 52 of 46–56:
      Int.[:] What types of things have you learnt about at AIME, like about yourselves or about others?
      Deon[:] To be confident.
      Greg[:] Yeah be confident. And not beshame
    • 2024, Geraldine Fela, “Don't beshame, be game! Responding to HIV and AIDS in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities”, inHistory Australia, volume21, number 2,→DOI, page 262 of 261–279:
      Aunty Gracelyn is most famous for her role in developing 'Condoman', the Indigenous superhero whose catchcry and public health message 'don’t beshame be game, use condoms!' became a defining figure of Australia's HIV and AIDS crisis.

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishschamen, fromOld Englishsċamian, fromProto-West Germanic*skamēn, fromProto-Germanic*skamāną.



shame (third-person singular simple presentshames,present participleshaming,simple past and past participleshamed)

  1. (transitive) Tocause to feel shame.
    I wasshamed by the teacher's public disapproval.
    • 1692–1717,Robert South,Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions, volume(please specify |volume=I to VI), London:
      Were there but one righteous in the world, he would[]shame the world, and not the world him.
  2. (transitive) To cover withreproach orignominy; todishonor; todisgrace.
  3. (transitive) Todenounce as having done something shameful; tocriticize with the intent or effect of causing a feeling of shame.
    Stopshaming others about their food choices.
    • 1987 August 15,Mahathir Mohamad,Mahathir Mohamad's letter to Darrell Abercrombie[5]:
      It is disgraceful that you should be used by adults for the purpose of trying toshame us because our extraction of timber from our forests.
  4. (transitive) To drive or compel by shame.
    The politician wasshamed into resigning.
  5. (obsolete, intransitive) To feel shame, beashamed.
  6. (obsolete, transitive) Tomock at; toderide.
Conjugation ofshame
present tensepast tense
Derived terms
to cause to feel shame
to cover with reproach or ignominysee alsodisgrace,‎dishonour
to denounce as having done something shameful




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