Borg, Alexander (2004)A Comparative Glossary of Cypriot Maronite Arabic (Arabic–English) (Handbook of Oriental Studies;I.70), Leiden and Boston: Brill,page417
1 Also used before feminine adjectives and nouns beginning with a vowel ormute h. 2 Also used as the polite singular form. For the singular persons there are gender-neutral neologismsman,tan,san. These are extremely rare.
Ay Jesús! miña Joiña! non falemos nesto mais, que dá grima sò o pensalo, Deus vos garde bo ésan. Santiago. Febreiro doce Aÿ! que non sey que me dà, que me esfraquezo de todo, è non podo vafexàr.
Oh, Jesus! My Jewel! Let's not talk about this anymore because it brings creeps just to think about it. God take care of you, safe andsound. Santiago, February twelve Oh!, I don't know what happens to me I'm totally weakening and I can't breathe
Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “são”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
Used before vowel sounds andf (whichlenites); (otherwise,sa is used):
san amhrán ―in the song
san fhocal ―in the word
Often understood to be a contraction ofinsan, but the formssan, sa were in common use by the 12th century and accepted in Classical Gaelic poetry whileins is a later innovation with the-n- reintroduced by analogy.
McKenna, Lambert, editor (1944),Bardic Syntactical Tracts, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page113: “Before pl. art.i n- givesis na,’sna; in such casesa h- givesas na. (…) Before sg. art.i n- isisin, san (oftensa before consonants).”
Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.
FromOld Frisiansunnef. Cognates includeWest Frisiansinne. The change of gender in Föhr-Amrum dialect has to do with the general merger of the feminine into the neuter, during which process a number of feminines became masculine instead.
The reduced forms with an apostrophe areenclitic; they immediately follow verbs or conjunctions.Dü is deleted altogether in such contexts. Et is not enclitic and can stand in any unstressed position; the full subject formhat is now rarely used. Inreflexive use, only full object forms occur. Dual formswat / unk andjat / junk are obsolete. Attributive and independent possessives are not distinguished in Mooring.
The reduced forms with an apostrophe areenclitic; they immediately follow verbs or conjunctions.Dü is deleted altogether in such contexts.
Et is not enclitic and can stand in any unstressed position; the full subject formhat is now rarely used. Inreflexive use, only full object forms occur.
The dual forms are dated, but not obsolete as in other dialects.
Independent possessives are distinguished from attributive ones only with plural referents.
Often understood to be a contraction ofannsan, but the formssan, sa were in common use by the 12th century and accepted in Classical Gaelic poetry whileanns is a later innovation with the-n- reintroduced by analogy.
McKenna, Lambert, editor (1944),Bardic Syntactical Tracts, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, page113: “Before pl. art.i n- givesis na,’sna; in such casesa h- givesas na. (…) Before sg. art.i n- isisin, san (oftensa before consonants).”
(Dominican Republic) financial, temporal-savings scheme; the participants periodically contribute aquota to a communal pot that is given to one member, based on his/her turn amongst all the others
Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008),Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages[4], Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland
1989,Buk Baibel long Tok Pisin, Port Moresby: Bible Society of Papua New Guinea,Jenesis1:15:
God i mekim kamap tupela bikpela lait. Bikpela emsan bilong givim lait long de, na liklik em mun bilong givim lait long nait. Na God i mekim kamap ol sta tu.